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Everything posted by skidder652003

  1. Yes I think he has learned a lesson, don't swap a £350 chapman for a dodgy bitsa in the first place!
  2. Got an Update..and thanks to all your advice which I passed on to him, he stuck to his guns and has got the dealer to agree (very reluctantly) to swap back the guitars on the proviso that he pays £60, 30 quid for setting up the chapman before he advertised it on his FB page and £30 to put back the strat to its origional set up when they re-swap guitars, seems a bit harsh but I told him probably best to bite the bullet on that one and just get your axe back. Thanks for all your advice folks, love this forum, helped me out so many times
  3. Keyboard Chat.."You don't have to be mad to join here but it helps!" Actually you do have to be mad...
  4. That is lovely, where are you based??
  5. yep no chance apparently, all the "paperwork" has been done and the Chapman re advertised on Facebook
  6. Im after some advice folks. My best mate has just swapped a very nice Chapman electric for a bitsa strat from a facebook guitar dealer in Cornwall. Turns out the bitsa is a dog, heres my mates message to me "Went to setup the guitar I got yesterday and it's turned out to be a dog. To stop it choking on bends I have to raise the action by a silly high amount, and then it's unplayable. I thought the pickups were ok at his place (he just had a little tranny amp) but they suck, just Squiers. I knew the body was from a Squier but he told me it was alder, only for me to find out from the Squier site that it's either basswood or agathis (budget wood). Looked into finding a fatter block or even knew trem, but this has odd spacing for the posts, so I'd have to film them in and then redrill for a new trem - I need a drill press for that which I don't have. He's saying a huge b&ll-ache for him because he's done the paperwork and the photos, so I'm f+cked, I'm stuck with a bit of a dog. He says I should just sell it on, but I'm not sure who will want it. Kind of ruined my birthday. I'm such a soft tw&t so I'm going to have to suck it up. Sorry for rant, but you are my best mate an' all. x" Im fuming for him (its his birthday today as well and he hasn't got a pot to p1ss in). Does he have any rights? I feel he's been ripped off here and he's a top bloke.
  7. Is it ever acceptable to widdle at insanely loud volume whilst the rest of the band are still setting up the PA? We say of course it is! You're the Star!
  8. yep same here which is why I carry a sack truck with solid rubber wheels for my 410, PA sub etc..
  9. so you made me youtube catscratch fever bass lesson...thanks...
  10. makes our singer sound like Paul Rodgers, and thats saying something!
  11. Anyone who can write an album like Rainbow Rising can be as much of a Knob as they like...
  12. That sums it up pretty much perfectly
  13. I will always play my best and expect the others to do so, that's all that really matters, but I never go into a venue (pub) expecting it to be rammed or the punters to be particularly enthusiastic, sometimes it is and they are, but other times not so, it's a lottery these days.
  14. one where experience outweighs expectations (which is why I never have any expectations these days and am therefore rarely disappointed!)
  15. Chr!st, that took me on a journey through Emerdale and Wikipedia and Google images...don't ask...
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