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Everything posted by skidder652003

  1. ooo do 2 of them, they're out of this week!
  2. yeah I was told these ones were over-specced (whatever that means) as the Tec had a bit of a ding dong with Watford Valves over what he thought were a dodgy batch, turns out his calibration gear wasnt up to scratch! They sound really good
  3. So I got my DHA VT-2 Preamp pedal serviced last week and while there got 2 new valves fitted, a couple of Harma Retro ecc83's from Watford Valves. Well what a difference, played a tiny back street boozer Ale festival last night, No backline, straight from the pedal into the PA and it sounded bloomin' fantastic. Really really rich tone, very clear but just that hint of dirt if you dug in, Im thinking I dont even need my Ampeg Rig anymore, seriously it was that good! Recommended https://www.watfordvalves.com/product_detail.asp?id=2152
  4. yep this, especially if you want to be tight as..
  5. a bit harsh perhaps, but several weeks to organise the first rehersal? Im sure work, personal crisis and exam commitments make it hard to juggle but several weeks?
  6. bail at the first opportunity, this aint never going to happen Im afraid...
  7. Hi Phil, I just usually use the one finger "Geddy" approach for any super fast triplet work, the killers is pretty sedate pace wise, Im sure you'll get the hang of it soon enough!
  8. I would imagine going to the PA would be a lot easier and produce a more balanced sound out front.
  9. Mansons in Exeter always have used gear in stock even if its not listed on the website
  10. Classic and cool is actually based up the road from me in Teignmouth but its not a shop, he has awesome stuff in!
  11. Hmmmmm, the so called exploitation of people producing manufactured goods in places like China has seen millions of people lifted from absoloute poverty to what we may perceive here as relative poverty but to them as a burgeoning middle class, its not so simple as he makes it out to be.
  12. just installed Firefox and im in fine, thanks Phil Starr!
  13. I'm posting this on my phone as I'm running xp and can't access the site. Anyone else having the same issue?
  14. Dont Ampeg recommend the gain on full with their svt Tube amps to get the full 300 watts? Or did I imagine that? Edit, its actually the other way round, master volume on full, adjust gain to taste!
  15. Not the worst list I've ever seen but The Cure and Oasis, Super Furry Animals, all great bands but top 20 greatest of all time? Pretty subjective (as usual)
  16. [quote name='Merton' timestamp='1510258808' post='3405175'] Awesome, haven't played this for years! [/quote] actually its incredibly hypnotising..
  17. yep same here, Im the poor sod who does all the work getting the gigs, its the bass players job, didn't you realise?
  18. You have to play what the punters want to listen to if you want bookings and that tends to be the same old shi*e. The skill is sticking numbers in that are fun and challenging to play that you like and aren't too far off the mainstream as to alienate you from the audience (and landlady!) We've tried the odd bit of Zappa and Yes, it usually went down badly!
  19. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1510180841' post='3404566'] Info below [url="http://www.solidentertainments.com/punk/ilfracombe/index.html"]http://www.solidente...ombe/index.html[/url] [/quote] ah its the punk festival, now i see, sorry man.
  20. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1510160017' post='3404382'] just read the Ilfacombe festival has been cancelled [/quote] where did you see that?
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