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Everything posted by skidder652003

  1. Thats a shame, no really, for the fans, but honestly probably needed a bigger headline act or 2
  2. just got in from a gig in Paignton, all going well untill 15 minutes from the end when guitarists amp just suddenly dies, completely. No back up plan, gig abandoned 15 minutes still to go, awful and embarassing, punters and landlord very forgiving. If my amp dies (and it has in the past) I simply finish off DI to the PA, no fuss, the show goes on, what is it with guitarists and their "tone"? Not letting that happen again!
  3. where are you? Round these here parts (pardner!) its £200 to 300 per pub gig, thats just about pays beer money after all the usual GAS and petrol and rehersal costs, its not a money maker but its cheaper than staying in and getting bladdered at home every weekend!
  4. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1509450849' post='3398976'] Mines never gone wrong, I've never used the client Wi-Fi function but it's there if you want it. I'd you connect four devices no one else can link to it and they'd need to know what app to download. This is all making problems out of nothing, plug it in, open the app and away you go "if" it ever lost connection and mine hasn't in two years the desk carries on with the existing mix regardless. [/quote] This, it gets placed in front of the bass drum, the drummer has the tablet to hand if anything needs adjusting on the fly, its never lost signal and if it did, well it just stays on its last settings anyway.
  5. just a quick heads up on this, got one last week, £40 delivered, Ive not had time to really use it yet, TBH i'll probably struggle to shoehorn it into our set, however it has a pretty small footprint on my pedalboard, can be easily daisychained with no noise and is silent with my other 5 pedals. It plays well with bass and has a sweet analogue delay, tape delay and a great easy to use tap tempo, so far recommended!
  6. [quote name='crez5150' timestamp='1509348907' post='3398154'] Have a look at the Midas MR18 or MR12 if you dont want bells and whistles.... very similar to the Behringer model (has better pre's) but has a 10 year warranty [/quote] That Midas looks identical to the behringer!!!!
  7. yep probably an xair or something similar, we use one, theyre ok, very very sophisticated and a steep learning curve, we may go back to a desk! anyway heres the bumph.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sck2bDtGb0
  8. wasnt too impressed with the studio spares stands, The Samson stands arent too bad, would love some valan atlas stands!
  9. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1508230503' post='3390602'] It doesn't sound like its the first time they have done this so maybe it will work out ok for the charity itself, if not for the bands. I guess if those bands booked arent getting paid then that's their choice. They get a gig out of it and possibly a good weekend away. Best not let Blue see this :-) I'd do it if it didnt clash with a paid gig. I depped a couple of years ago with a band that did one of these (on a smaller scale). i learnt a lot of new (to me) songs and didn't get paid. Had one of the best gigs in a long time and it was a great day out. I made the choice and i was happy with the outcome. cant really see what the fuss is about. dont want to do it, dont do it. Life really is that simple until someone starts a thread about it no here, then he soap boxes come out and all hell breaks loose :-) [/quote] How Rude! Nothing wrong with Soap Boxes and all Hell Breaking Loose now and again!
  10. I just go through the PA in our rehersal studio with a valve preamp, I dont really care how it sounds for rehersals (although actually it sounds fine), I dont want to be lugging my rig (see below) every week, I leave that for gigs when I do care about the sound. Just to add the DHA VT-2 also has a 15DB boost switch which is more than enough for our 100w marshall 412 stack guitarist
  11. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1508155859' post='3390081'] What sort of merch do covers bands sell? [/quote] we did manage to sell 50 t shirts one year, actually Im not sure as we gave half of em away!
  12. [quote name='gapiro' timestamp='1508145821' post='3389989'] Saw your post on FB about it. They are charging £30 a ticket FYI so a freebie is out of the question IMHO! [/quote] God dont let anyone see that, its gone nuts, Im keeping well out of it, talk about stirring up a hornets nest, I won't be doing that again!
  13. Recieved this email last night, politely declined as Im not a fan of covers bands playing for free, but as we know thats another topic completely! Just wondered what you guys /gals would have done? [color=#1D2129][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif] "Hello. My chairman and I was wondering if you could play for us at our Ilfracombe Rocks festival. The date would be 3 November in Ilfracombe north devon at Ilfracombe Holiday Park. [/font][/color] [color=#1D2129][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Unfortunately we are unable to pay you as our sponsor has let us down at the last minute. We have an opening slot at 5.45pm.[/font][/color] [color=#1D2129][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]If you would be interested we would be able to offer you accommodation for the Friday night tho.[/font][/color] [color=#1D2129][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]We will look forward to hearing from you.[/font][/color] [color=#1D2129][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Regards V*****y[/font][/color]
  14. I'm after a tap tempo delay, just for a bit of fun really. I was slightly surprised at how much more expensive they are than regular delay pedals, untill I saw this fella £46 inc post http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NUX-Time-Force-Multifunction-Digital-Delay-Guitar-Effect-Pedal-True-Bypass-UK/252960375969?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m2763.l2649. Just wondering if anyone's had one and what they think? Ta!
  15. does the chap introducing the band slip in a little "F" word at great speed there?
  16. ooo Im after a 5er, and its the same colour as my other 2 guitars, the missus wouldn't notice it smuggled in!
  17. heres a used Peavey 200 Watt, 2 hours from you, reliable as they come [b] http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/peavey-tnt-115-200w-bass-amp-/253179619400?hash=item3af2ae6848:g:sWIAAOSwyjJZzV~4[/b]
  18. I never go in with any expectations these days, that way Im never disappointed and sometimes mildly pleased!
  19. Just one sub here also, a Mackie with RCF 315 tops. As said, if used badly they sound awful but we use ours with kick drum and a little Toms and a really small amount of bass, just enough to get that thump in the chest without muddying up the overall sound, and yes as above should probably be used with a seperate send. We also use the XAir 16 and it is fab.
  20. If it works on stage, they like you, pay you and ask you back then a little compromise goes a long way. I dont really mix too much with the other guys in the band apart from rehersals and gigs, maybe a drink at christmas but on stage we all get on like best mates and thats want the punters see and like. The drummer in your band sounds like a bit of a plonker but sometimes its worth shrugging it off to get the job done.
  21. Anathema on Saturday, never heard of 'em, mates got me a ticket...
  22. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1505987088' post='3375626'] Here's a list of high profile nasty cases. [url="http://www.nme.com/photos/20-outrageous-times-bands-were-sued-by-their-own-fans-1424248"]http://www.nme.com/p...wn-fans-1424248[/url] [/quote] They're all bollocks apart from that Marilyn Manson case which is literally cock and bollocks!
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