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Everything posted by skidder652003

  1. Sorry, bloomin' awful, Stewarts voice is cr*p (listen to him on early Police Records compared to Sting), they sound like the polar opposite of Zappa (who of course is genius!)
  2. These guys seem the best value from my brief searches, £59 for a 3 piece, £10 Million PLI, £69 for a 4 piece, not bad IMO https://www.ampband.co.uk/index.html
  3. 2 x 12 is all the rage around tgese here parts!
  4. So far then, we've had one example of a drunk chancer making a punt?
  5. [quote name='Pea Turgh' timestamp='1505851520' post='3374808'] I play in a 9 piece function band, with a soundie and a good PA. The whole kit is mic'd. I think it's usually total overkill! When we rehearse, we use an active wedge for vocals, nothing else mic'd up. Always sounds great, always feels good. Why not this way in a pub?! My thinking is, I'm there to provide entertainment, to enhance a punters night. Not hold them in place with decibels/deafen them! It's not all about the band! I think if more people subscribed to a more modest volume approach, more people would enjoy the music (and form nicer memories chatting with their friends etc) and maybe there would be more gigs for us lot to play!!! [/quote] This, lost a lot of rooms with too much volume
  6. Im seriously considering getting it but would be interested to see if anyone at all has ever needed it, especially in a pub gig where the pubs PLI should cover, but lets not discuss that here!!!!
  7. would the blackstar micro amps be too quiet, could put them in your bag probabaly? https://www.pmtonline.co.uk/blackstar-fly-3-bass-stereo-pack
  8. Its always far more interesting when you get underpaid at a gig...
  9. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1505313178' post='3370957'] Gated reverb sucks balls.... [/quote] Gated reverb sucks Dead Mans balls....
  10. My lad put me onto these, as a sad old rocker it shouldn't be cup of tea but Im really enjoying them, so much talent on show IMO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNpPJpdeMns
  11. lovely bass but not keen on that colour, if it was me and I had the cash, I'd refinish it in its origional colour but I wouldn't relic it.
  12. wow a Sandberg for first bass! If you can afford to keep it you won't go wrong, like above, loads of great used amps around second hand.
  13. Just got a Peavey bandit for £80, 1990's model, absoloutely fabulous reverb and gain, 80W silly loud, built like a tank. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CT9tqogQ5M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKV3DTwCqo8
  14. can't still believe this bo**ocks is still going on in 2017. Any evidence of an agreement is vital, be it texts or email, but, thats not always possible. I always call the venue usually on the day of the gig to at least confirm its us playing. Last gig we did was a new venue and the fee came up £100 short (albeit a genuine counting mistake supposedly and we got sorted). Half the time the landlord/lady are tanked up themselves and in the mood for a ruck, funny how its always the bass players who have to sort out the mess!
  15. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1501674738' post='3346441'] You can gig without a bass amp but you can't gig without a pa (unless you're the shadows in a small venue). [/quote] I was asuming his mates in the band would handle all the heavy lifting?
  16. If I was suffering with back issues, I'd ditch cabs completely, make sure the band had great PA and go DI and in ears.
  17. yeah reviews are pretty decent on youtube as well
  18. As above, just got this for my lad, one and a half gigs money, cant wait to see/try it, will let you know what i think https://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_hbt1952.htm
  19. nice early start, not 4 hours straight through with no breaks is it?
  20. firstly, sorry that happened, secondly, selling a Les Paul for £171? Really? Thirdly, check musical instruments are even covered in the small print. If so I would imagine he returns it, then you refund him, then claim back the £100 if possible and get it repaired. Good Luck.
  21. skidder652003

    DI Box

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