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Everything posted by skidder652003

  1. we use RCF stuff and its good but pricey, Id go with the Alto recommendations as its got good reviews and is cheap as...
  2. I need a cheap overdrive pedal for "Heartbreaker" in our set but dont want to spend a load for basically one song (may use it on others). Anyway Ive seen some stuff online about these pedals and it all looks quite good (and cheap!) Anyone tried them for bass?
  3. yeah true, but will probably be the same old same old
  4. Thank God, because there are so few festivals on these days.
  5. surely this would be the way to go http://basschat.co.uk/topic/308461-fsft-sire-v7-swamp-ash-maple-4-string-l300/
  6. [quote name='ricksterphil' timestamp='1499271719' post='3330447'] G# I reckon. That's what I play anyway and the rest of the band haven't locked me out the rehearsal room yet....I too am in a Bowie Trib band and I agree, Trev Boulder's work has gone under the radar....bit like Mick Ronsons'. Just wait til you get to [b]'Heroes' [/b]now that is some bassline! [/quote] Great thanks..now Ive got to learn it, your fault!
  7. not a fan of this band at all but thought this was a great solo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lZeUqbVW18
  8. Had a working Pro 700, heavy but the best solid state amp ive had (not had that many mind, about 5 or 6), the bass/Aural enhancer was epic, very well constructed.
  9. emptied the Till pretty much playing to about a dozen people in a pub in Crediton, how they can keep this going is beyond me, lovely staff, free drinks all night, perhaps thats half the problem
  10. has anyone seen how the price of used turntables on ebay have gone silly over the last couple of years?
  11. [quote name='Muzz' timestamp='1498642216' post='3326017'] Without wanting to get into any sort of competition, this is just sublime...ff to about 1:10. It's worth it. [url="https://youtu.be/3O72lItS4OA"]https://youtu.be/3O72lItS4OA[/url] [/quote] thats made my day!
  12. ok before anyone else gets here first... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2wrqnZiugA
  13. always funded my gas through gigging, 75 P bass? 10 gigs thank you, Ampeg SVT-CL? 7 gigs thank you very much, always justify my needs by working for it.
  14. Kelsey Gonzalez on bass, fantastic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ferZnZ0_rSM
  15. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1498341948' post='3323999'] It's a bit shouty, I switched to the Jacksons a while back. [/quote] ah man, thought i would never say this but God I miss michael Jackson....
  16. 3K Gennie will be fine with your rig, so long as no valves are involved
  17. I had a band that broke up when kids came along in the early 2000's, shame cos we weren't too bad at all, origionals, a record out etc but thats to be expected. Now its 3 old farts in our late 40s, early 50's, kids now teenagers, playing covers in the pubs, a little following, 7 years and counting, it gets easier with advancing years
  18. just wow...never heard of him before, what a band, amazing
  19. get yourself a tube preamp DI monster like this sucka, leave the big stuff behind at the smaller gigs and keep you & mr soundman happy at Madison square gardens http://www.davehallamps.co.uk/page53a.html
  20. once bitten, no way back...
  21. did i post the video? I cant see anything on the page, this happens with all videos posted, Im running XP, is that the problem?
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