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Everything posted by skidder652003

  1. proof that supergroups usualy don't work!
  2. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1497250728' post='3316726'] Back home now after an eight hour day Huge thanks to the builders at premiere inn for making my disabled child run the gauntlet of all their noise despite me asking them repeatedly to stop just long enough for us to enter the building without her being in obvious distress And they used all the disabled spaces as well. everyday [/quote] Thats not good Hope you complain to them, sorry to hear that.
  3. We tried backing "atmospherics" triggered from a drum pad with the drummer a couple of years ago, think air raid sirens from "war pigs", cop car siren for "stone cold crazy", helicopters for "fortunate son" and moody moog in E for the opening of "Xanadu". It all sounded pretty good IMO but we got fed up with yet another piece of kit to set up and the punters probably didn't notice or care and it made no difference to the bottom line...
  4. [quote name='mep' timestamp='1496859492' post='3314361'] 2 of our favourite venues too. I've been meaning to catch your band. Will pop along to the coach house on the 23rd. [/quote] come and say Hi, Im the good looking one, you'll see..its obvious!
  5. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1496745911' post='3313554'] I would probably agree with this - although that longevity comes at a pretty high price. I've tried loads of brands over the years (Rotosound, Elites, Newtone, D'Addario, DR, Picato, Dean Markley, Lakland, LaBella, Warwick, Fender, Ernie Ball...), but now I use [url="https://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_valuestrings_bassguitar_medium.htm?ref=search_rslt_bass+strings_213107"]these[/url]. Cheap as chips, but they feel good, sound good and last pretty well. To be honest, at a fiver a set you can afford to change them after every gig if you choose to, but I find that they are easily rejuvenated after a soak in ethanol. In fact, they can stand up to this several times before they need to be binned. Well worth a try, although the shipping costs mean that unless you add them to a more expensive Thomann order, you pay a lot to get them here. [/quote] these are also my choice for gigging, last set I put on have lasted 4 gigs plus weekly rehersals, still got some zing, less than £5 a set, madness not to buy half a dozen and see how it goes!
  6. yep Exeter is your place for all things 4 & 6 string related (Mansons), Torbay is sadly now non existant for geetar shops, teignmouth has a little one thats not bad. If live music is your thing theres loads of pubs doing live music at the weekends, I can recommend the Coach House in Paignton, The Queens Arms in Brixham, (we're playing there this Sat ) and several places in Torquay itself, have a look here https://www.lemonrock.com/advancedsearchvenues.php?gigcityId=Torquay%2C+Devon+TQ1&EC_gigcityId=52152&maxMilesVenue=25&venuetypename=pub&venuename=&isAnchorSearch=0&isAnchorSearch=1&venuegigschedule=1&isVenueMember=0&isVI=0&isVTel=0&isEmV=0&isVPh=0&isVU18=0&isMap=0&entPolicyId=0&venSearchType=0&accMask=0&a=search
  7. Right ive just phoned and emailed 20 pubs in the last 2 hours with links to FB, Lemonrock and youtube exhausting...I know me bands ok but what a ba**ache this is, every year, always me, busting a gut to get gigs, the other 2 lazy gits don't lift a finger. I'll be lucky to get 1 or 2 gigs from all this work. I hate it Rant over...
  8. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1496609629' post='3312732'] You can't stop them coming up and talking to you. Unless you effect a razor wire fence, which isn't always possible in your local. You can get rid of them quickly by saying that you'll have a word with the band and see what you can do. That'll get rid of them for 30mins or so. Hopefully by then they've forgotten. [/quote] This, no point being rude, they are indirectly paying the wages
  9. Thats a shame, fretless bass guitar maybe?
  10. Thats a frankly ridiculous price.
  11. if its a pub gig, ring up the day before pretending to be a punter and ask who's playing tomorrow night, might save a journey.
  12. Hey Phil are you using those AKG D5's? We have front facing wedges and don't get any feedback, the odd pissed punter falling into us yes, but no feedback
  13. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1495619751' post='3305291'] Ah a knob twiddler [/quote] cheeky! more fine tuner (honest!)
  14. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1495575667' post='3305071'] What would you be tweaking? Once the in ears he is using are set and the foh is mixed there shouldn't be any on the fly really should there? [/quote] shouldn't be, but i always find i might need a little more mids or bass, or less, or some more DI as the gig progresses, take off the compression for quieter moments etc, most of which I can control from my DI/EQ pedal, but maybe some folks just setup and go and don't need to change things during a gig, rarely happens for me.
  15. would be interesting trying to tweak your sound on the fly going direct into the X18, the interface on a tablet is tricky as f**k, I'll stick with my DI box thanks!
  16. i use the Ampeg SVT-CL Gain at 12 0'clock, Volume at 11 (o'clock! ), bass at about 10 o'clock, mids at 2 and treble at 12. I also have a DHA VT-2 EQ preamp, its always on, I can control the volume and grind with the volume and tone knobs on the bass, I always roll off a quarter turn on the bass volume, to keep a little in the tank if things get louder.
  17. take the hearing aid out and wear the plugs, you dont want any more ampllification than normal, Ive made that mistake, once.
  18. with a six piece, you probably better off looking at the wedding/corporate market rather than the dog and duck, not much room to set up usually and the pay will be poor split 6 ways, even im my 3 piece it works out at about £12 an hour by the time you take into account all the driving and setting up, beer money really.
  19. Nothing to do with me but woth a read! https://www.facebook.com/pg/WolvertonWorkingMensSocialClub/reviews/
  20. oo lovely Id get this if I had the dosh http://classicandcoolguitars.co.uk/portfolio/musicman-sabre-bass/
  21. yep 410 should be enough surely? If you're lucky enough to gig bigger venues, you would go through the PA anyway.
  22. [quote name='radiophonic' timestamp='1493552432' post='3289048'] Wretched. Low audience turnout. Bad acoustics. Bad sound all round. Monitoring was a mess (= unhappy singer), FOH had way too much Bass and Drums in it (I know, because I recorded it). Guitar and organ just seemed to vanish from the mix somehow. I wanted to be somewhere else for the middle third of it at least. Zero vibe and everyone really cheesed off. It was the kind of evening that makes me wonder whether playing original material is worth the effort at all. The only thing that saved my desperation was that the quite decent, upbeat and well rehearsed covers band who followed us got no applause either, so it wasn't [i]just[/i] us. Everyone had a s****y night. [/quote] we had a really poor turnout last night as well, due in part to the boxing methinks
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