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Everything posted by skidder652003

  1. [quote name='AndyTravis' timestamp='1493546234' post='3288999'] Some noteable reasons from my mixed bag of bands 1) hated the singer 2) had two bands on the go, one was much busier (was singer in this band and played guitar, hated it at the time) 3) tired of not being at home 4) singer was a drunk/drug abuser 5) two singers both did my nut in, took a better paying gig 6) singer wasn't my cup of tea, personality clash, hated the set [/quote] you got vocalitis?!!!!
  2. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1493474146' post='3288616'] Don't like the sound of that, I'll be in south Devon next week, should I pack some Morris-repellent spray? [/quote] long sleeves shoud be ok, and weirdly they don't like patches with words like AC/DC on the back of jackets
  3. [quote name='sprocketflup' timestamp='1492455671' post='3280442'] Try popping along to Sidmouth folk week, where theres dozens of the merry jangly buggers bashing the living daylights out of much willow as they can get their hands on. A bit scary, in an odd sort of way. [/quote] we're playing there this year, should drown out that folkie tosh! As for Morris Dancers, there's millions of the the f*&%^$s around here (south Devon) can't move for em around May bank Holidays, like swatting away flies, I have a strict opinion of em!
  4. just bought a looper pedal off Dunc. Paid for it Wednesday, arrived Friday! Totally friendly and cool guy, buy with utmost confidence.
  5. [quote name='SpcMnk' timestamp='1493102603' post='3285525'] Something completely different from Saigon Kick. Think they called it Acid Jazz [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANGjklqwP6o&list=PL78321FCC6823E64F"]https://www.youtube....8321FCC6823E64F[/url] [/quote] best Mother Earth Track IMO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXKAZur059I&index=2&list=PLFF1D6EC45AFF14B1
  6. [quote name='Yukimajou' timestamp='1493228042' post='3286759'] I do tend to avouid mansons as they seem to have a policy of overcharging on everything! I use Project Mucis in Exeter, a much friendlier place that charge realistically. [/quote] welcome from Teignmouth! If you check out the used section in Mansons, there are some bargains to be had, I find Project musics bass selection pretty dire TBH
  7. Thought Beth Ditto awful ( a third rate Joplin wana bee), The Faro Island thing utter pants, Robert Cray merely ok, Jain from France rather good and LP (laura Pergolizzi) very good, oh, and the Amazons, the less said the better!
  8. I thought I would let everyone know we are HEADLINING the Blackawton Worm charming Festival, with a free watering can as stipulated on the Rider. Made it at last! http://www.wormcharming.co.uk/ https://www.facebook.com/wormcharmingblackawton?fref=ts
  9. I think they might be called "showcases" these days!
  10. The coolest bass player of all time, Garys got a broken string and cozy on drums, utter classic.
  11. we play a pub with the same problem, especially with the sub. We moved the sub off the wooden stage and placed it on the concrete/carpet one next to the stage, maybe something similar could be done with your cab? Don't know what your monitoring situation is like though.
  12. remember this from the soundtrack to a porno i saw in about 1982
  13. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' timestamp='1491231651' post='3271394'] Nor should it, the SVT being 300 watts. But that's about all the excursion of the Ampeg drivers will allow. [/quote] Now Im confused, those 300 watts are tube watts and a hell of a lot louder than any solid state amp Ive had (up to 1400 watt power amp. 800 watt SWR etc) but thats another thread!
  14. I've abandoned my rig when we gig the small pubs purely down to lack of space and the b*llache of lugging it in and out of vans and venues. So now I DI from my DHA preamp pedal into the PA ( xair 18, RCF tops, monitors and a Mackie sub), sounds great, loooads less hassle to set up.
  15. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' timestamp='1491220031' post='3271264'] With only 300w the Ampeg will do the job as far as power handling is concerned. But the BF will take a lot more should you even need it to, the Ampeg won't, and it's far superior technologically. [/quote] never one to question the master but..my Ampeg 410 HLF doesn't struggle with mt SVT-CL (I had a Warwick 410 that did)
  16. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/303420-ampeg-classic-svt410hlf-cab-and-cover/ nowt to do with me but you get an idea of price
  17. ok, well i would deffo buy second hand so you dont commit too much if you find it's not for you (weight is a pain) and you can pass it on for not much loss. Good Ampeg 410's can be had for between £300-400, barefaced obviously a fair bit more but are a lot lighter. I chose mine to match my head and can't afford/justify a barefaced.
  18. what are you planning to power the 410 with?
  19. I presume they're passive right? TBH for the money they're worth a punt just for the hell of it!
  20. fab rig! this also has now taken me to flying Lotus, thanks.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ak4vLEBxIo4
  21. RCF all the way if you can afford them.
  22. been gigging the 4 string version of these, so far no complaints, still zingy after 4 gigs and 4 rehersals, don't let the label put you off [url="https://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_valuestrings_ebass_5_string.htm"]https://www.thomann....ss_5_string.htm[/url] but don't take my word for it! https://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_valuestrings_ebass_5_string_reviews.htm?lang=2
  23. [quote name='Chris2112' timestamp='1489689327' post='3259037'] Yep, I love Geddy's Wal sound. One of my favourite bass tones. It doesn't sound like a box strung with rubber bands to me, I would reserve that description for P basses and Gibsons (like that dreadful bass tone in 'Handy' by Wishbone Ash). [/quote] I was going to kick off about that, then I heard it...
  24. ok lots here, youre welcome https://www.lemonrock.com/ads.php?wanted
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