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Everything posted by skidder652003

  1. I admit to specifically searching out a P bass for my band as the guitarist is a strict strat and Les Paul man, just wanted to complete the look along with his marshall stack and my Ampeg Rig, probably a bit vain but hey ho! (P does just sit right in the mix though)
  2. so I was going to come on here and say what a travesty to the EWAF version this was, then I actually listened to the Victor version, and WTF I thought it was actually really good! So Thank You bubinga5 for broadening my horizons. And now Ive checked out the Creative Source Version!
  3. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1484067489' post='3212397'] Is it in Milwaukee, by any chance? [/quote] washington apparently...
  4. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1484067067' post='3212392'] I suspect it's a scam. I think it's been mentioned on here before. Why would he want to fly you all the way over there ? Wouldn't it be far, far, far cheaper to hire an American band ? [/quote] struggling to get one for some reason....
  5. Some bloke emailed me today saying he's having a spot of bother getting a band for his bash on the 20th Jan in the States. Wanted to know if we were available and how much and would we reflect that if he flew us over and put us up? Result!
  6. opinions, like bumholes, everyone has 'em, everyone's entitled to one (an opinion) that is!
  7. [quote name='danweb22' timestamp='1483989187' post='3211778'] Animato clone would do (£90 in the FS section) which I'm selling lol! [/quote] shameless!
  8. [quote name='danweb22' timestamp='1483834621' post='3210561'] Animato with a blend pedal (boss ls2) would do quite a few of his signature sounds [/quote] because he's on a budget!
  9. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1483968468' post='3211478'] That only goes to show you're as nerdy as I am! ...yeah I did wonder whether it was the BassBalls, no doubt layered with a bunch of other stuff. I'm starting to think the sound is actually a mix of various processes: possibly a dry signal, layered with an overdriven/wah signal, plus a modulated signal on top: i.e. put together in post-production, rather than recorded all through a pedal chain or whatever. PS: how do you find the BassBalls? I've been tempted by one myself... it certainly has a very funky sound from the YouTube clips I've heard. Worth the money? [/quote] they're great. I got one on here for £30, so keep your eyes peeled, a really "chewy" sound, very funky and the overdrive feature is a nice touch.
  10. They will be fake for sure, I nearly pulled the trigger on the very same auction, asked him if they were genuine heres the response [color=#231F20][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]"Yes rest assured these strings are brand new and un-opened and have been recently shipped over from China where they were manufactured. The strings are individually cased in a paper packets and in a cardboard outer package as shown in the photo.[/font][/color] [color=#231F20][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Welcome"[/font][/color] [color=#231F20][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]sounds well dodge![/font][/color]
  11. just spent the last couple of days chasing pub landlords/managers/bookers for gigs, been told by a couple that they don't want any more rock bands, there'e too many people playing the same stuff. Thats me srewed then!
  12. doctor ducks axe wax oil? http://www.bandland.co.uk/guitar-accessories-c-31_60/dr-ducks-axe-wax-p-6331.html?gclid=Cj0KEQiAtK3DBRCBxt-Yxduq5p4BEiQAbFiaPbziB3mjRKvkY3y19-XnvcXxohxJvuizKRAFNSZnc-MaAh_r8P8HAQ
  13. [quote name='Shambo' timestamp='1483449274' post='3207175'] Me personally, I wouldn't want to go down my local to watch a bunch of middle aged men giving it large in a pentatonic stylee, but I am admittedly a bit grumpy in that respect. Adapt or die I suppose. Or don't adapt, that bit's optional. [/quote] Not a problem in Plymouth mate!
  14. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]a Balrog of Warm Clean Heft[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]possibly best description of the year![/font][/color]
  15. Great, very Steeley dan, and thats a massive compliment!
  16. He sounds a bit flat vocally to my ears (not to be trusted!) but Mike L sounds right on it.
  17. [quote name='Tuco' timestamp='1482020696' post='3197077'] Yove mentioned the rest , but here's the best : Moog 12 Stage Phaser [/quote] sound awesome, really "chewy" but look at the size of it!
  18. To me, and I hope you don't mind if Im honest, I would find it difficult to sell something that was given as a gift with the express wish of actually using it by the giver rather than a means to an end to buy yet another bass. Your dad might not mind (after all you know him better than anyone here!), but Id always be wondering a little bit in the back of my mind if he wasn't just a little bit hurt. Hope this causes no offence, just my tuppence worth.
  19. Gotta be worth going second hand surely? I know we all bang on about our own gear but my 75P was (only!) £1100 and plays like butter. That said the sandbergs I tried were amazing, a bit like this one http://classicandcoolguitars.co.uk/portfolio/sandbergvs4/
  20. Cheers for the money they must be worth a punt, can't see any downside to them apart from a possible dead spot that only I probably heard on one song (little wing) Band has gone quiet for a couple of weeks now so will see how they sound in 2017
  21. We got one a few months ago, 3 gigs and its paid for itself. Probably the best bit of kit we ever bought, no more mixing desk to lug around and find somewhere to put on a tiny stage! The size and weight is great, we put it in front of the bass drum, mic everything up (theres plenty of inputs) and the drummer mixes on the tablet. We get a great mix, save it as that particular venue's own mix for next time and crack on. So far never had a loss of signal but as others have said thats not a worry as it doesnt loose its settings if you do. If you can afford one, I recommend.
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