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Everything posted by skidder652003

  1. So I bought a stack of these for abot £4.50 a set (including the £10 postage). I thought what the hell, if they're awful, I'll just pop them on some of the home use basses lying around. I've waited untill they've been properly gigged before passing comment. I have used them on a couple of rehersals last week as well. Tension/Feel They're pretty slack but I quite lack that, they're also fairly rough on the fingers to start with but that sorted itself out after a couple of hours and they didn't feel any worse than other branded nicklewound strings that Ive used (rotos, La Bellas, Legacy) Sound Nice and bright to start, 2 rehersals and a gig later still zingy with lots of snap, how long they will last is the big question. Im not a sweaty player so we'll see. I did notice a dead spot on the bottom G (3rd fret E string) and Im hoping thats the strings and not the neck! They gigged fine, no one complained and even the guitarist who hated the Harley Guitar strings I got him was surprised how bright they still sounded. Value Well obviously good value Overall conclusion Early days but quite promising. Are they as good as my old Hard Rocking Steels? No. As good as the legacy (from strings direct), yes. They're good enough to cut through in the racket we make and at that price I think Im going to give them a chance, even if they start to fade a few gigs down the road, just pop a fresh set on. https://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_valuestrings_bassguitar_medium.htm
  2. If you can't be arsed with the real thing then you won't ever get the sound you're looking for, i'ts heavy as hell for a reason..
  3. Ive also heard a valve amp at 4 ohms should only be paired with a 4 ohm cab, but... I dont think this is your volume issue. The SVT 2 should be blowing the windows out, back to your Tech IMO.
  4. Ive already got an old Yammie 310 knocking about ( for me). Went to mansons and picked up one of these used but mint for £140 http://www.fairdealmusic.co.uk/a-folk-cedar-antique-burst-solid-top-dreadnought-acoustic-guitar-6423.html?gclid=Cj0KEQiA-MPCBRCZ0q23tPGm6_8BEiQAgw_bAj-tZAm0Oy8zf6GQlOLhZbdfLVuOWQOgOuDJ9qm0zhoaAuR-8P8HAQ Had a play on a few and this ticked all the boxes. Thanks for your inputs chaps.
  5. So its that time of year and my 16 year old daughter has made noises about wanting to learn guitar Im thinking of this https://www.mansons.co.uk/product/lag-t70a-natural-9106 which Ive heard and seen good things, and for £145 seems good value, I'll probably see whats about in Mansons 2nd hand as well. Just wondering if anyone else has a recommendation? Budget £150ish Thanks!
  6. gain to 12, volume to 12 (o'clock!!), control the volume on my bass so there's a little in the tank when the guitard gets all uppity.
  7. [color=#515251]"For example, a seller in Nashville looking to ship her 2013 Martin 000-28 with East Indian rosewood back and sides to a buyer in Canada must apply for a re-export certificate, pay the application fee, receive the certificate, and include that document with the guitar when shipping."[/color] [color=#515251] [/color][color=#515251] [/color] [color=#515251]!!![/color]
  8. God you would think that wasnt possible in the 21st century. Even an average pub band can sound decent with whats out there these days.
  9. Go Light, even Im getting fed up carting 410's and tube heads around at midnight. I just Di to the PA at the smaller gigs. You'll be grateful, that heavy stuff tires quickly.
  10. yes, 15% of £1000 is £150 plus VAT at 20% is an extra £30 so a total including VAT is £180. so you guys end up with £820 Good money if thats what it really is...
  11. I saw vinyl on sale in Sainsburys yesterday! - Sainsburys!
  12. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1481101074' post='3189634'] You might look like a tool throwing shapes while playing the bass, but I look f***ing awesome! ;-) [/quote] maybe I should widen my legs a bit......
  13. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1481115237' post='3189790'] tbf some guitar amps do need to cranked up to hit the sweet spot. But if that's the case maybe a power brake could be used at rehearsals? [/quote] yep this. At least thats what our guitarist claims, drummers too feckin loud too, I wear plugs which I hate.
  14. cos you look a tool throwing shapes on a bass...
  15. ooops 2 in the basket, perhaps i should go to bed now....
  16. still on their website at that price, Im one click away from ordering......
  17. man thats a ton of bass for not much money...
  18. got a pearl vintage pedal, lovely analogue goodness, this one looks a steal, working too! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Pearl-Phaser-Pedal-/132024144502?hash=item1ebd409276:g:xh4AAOSw4GVYRHhU
  19. Whoever thought to award it to that plonker when there's literally dozens of more deserving artists out there needs their head examining, what a joke.
  20. Ithink Laney gear is a bit under-rated, very solid.
  21. [quote name='mep' timestamp='1480768323' post='3186985'] £200 to £250 for pub gigs is the norm down here in the SW. I can't see that changing anytime soon. If you feel you deserve more or can command a higher fee then you will need to justify it. [/quote] what he said!
  22. £70 a man is pretty decent down here and I can't help feeling its probably Ok in the North East as well. We're talking the Dog and Duck pub scene right? Believe me, if thats the going rate and you won't play for that kind of money then the landlords won't give a monkeys and get a 100 bands in who will.
  23. [quote name='Delberthot' timestamp='1480677326' post='3186284'] Since I've gone back to roundwounds I'm also interested in cheap strings that I can change often. The Billy Sheehan set I have on my bass are almost dead after 4 gigs. I've looked at the Thomann ones and they look suspiciously like the Alice branded strings on Ebay that double as cheese wire [/quote] I'll let you know how I get on with them.
  24. [quote name='bazztard' timestamp='1480661393' post='3186132'] I bought Hartke Nickel Rounds for $10 a pack (in Oz bass strings are around $35-80) waste of ten bucks , well not totally, they will do as nut files hehe [/quote] well they were Hartke, what did you expect?
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