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Everything posted by skidder652003

  1. lovely playing, don't look so smug!
  2. rounds, nicklewound, I used to use the Legacys (also nicklewound) and they were fine but they've gone up from £7 to £10 a set, so I thought Id give these a punt, got to be the cheapest sets on the Internet? Got a mate who uses the guitar sets (about £1.80 a set) and he says they're great, so even if they're a bit rubbish I can use them at home and get some Elixr Nano's for gigging (£40 a pop!) I think Bass strings are generally vastly over inflated price wise anyway
  3. Ok so they're Harley Bentons from Thomman. Ive tried status flats, Hard Rockin' Steels from La Bella, Legacy (good value but now £10 a pack), Rotos and Elixrs. Im not expecting too much but for that price they can go on the home practice axe if they're shi*e. I'll let you know what I think when I try gigging 'em.
  4. I'd also seriously consider the Vintage (as in the brand) strats as well, the V6 is a bit of a legend. http://www.jhs.co.uk/products/guitars-folk-instruments/electric-guitars/vintage/vintage-v6-icon-electric-guitar-distressed-laguna-blue Theres a used one here for £170 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Vintage-V6-ICON-Electric-Guitar-/232157240154?hash=item360da65b5a:g:xVQAAOSwHMJYO2AY
  5. I had the RP1 for years, great reverbs and delays...have a BUMP
  6. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1480416208' post='3184130'] Downdown's comment about power output is correct. Hopefully you have a pedal board where you can put the power under the board. What I did, was run a power tank thing for all the pedals but would use something like this - [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/UK-240v-AC-DC-12v-2A-5-5mm-Mains-Adaptor-Charger-fits-Bose-SoundLink-Mini-/391628807448?hash=item5b2ee55d18"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item5b2ee55d18[/url] - for my power hungry digital pedal (think it was MB SuperSynth or something like that - I don't use a fx board currently). I would split the mains - one to the big PSU, one to the power tank underneath the board... (in fact, my power tank thingy had a mains through for daisy chaining PSUs). Hope this helps. [/quote] No at the moment I have a cheap generic briefcase type pedal board. It seems as if I may have to use the supplied poweradaptor that came with the DHA pedal and get something like a miniTank for the other 9V pedals until I upscale the actual board!
  7. looks amazing! How are you powering all this? Please see my post! http://basschat.co.uk/topic/295939-need-a-pedalboard-powerpack-for-12v-1200ma/
  8. Im lucky enough to have a Dave Hall VT-2 EQ preamp pedal which is great but as my pedalboard is slowly expanding i find myself in need of a "fuel Tank" type powepack instead of individual plugs for each pedal. Unfortunately the VT-2 EQ runs on [color=#000000][font=Verdana, sans-serif][size=3][center]9-12VDC 700mA (12VDC 1200mA recommended )[/center][/size][/font][/color] and Im having trouble finding a powerpack that meets that requirement. Can anyone guide me to a product that can meet that? BTW my other pedals are all 9V (Boss etc..) Thanks Guys n Gals
  9. Just bought a nano bassballs off Matt, great pedal and was posted the very same day. Top bloke. Thanks Matt.
  10. [quote name='danbowskill' timestamp='1479970666' post='3180616'] Or broken �� [/quote] Thanks. Amp does get quite warm after 2 hours gigging but I thought that was normal. Had it fully serviced a few months ago so i hope its not bust!
  11. DOH! Mine must be quiet then...
  12. You have a fan in your CL?? I must be dozy but i didnt even realise they had one!
  13. [quote name='LayDownThaFunk' timestamp='1479906817' post='3180169'] Look harder then. [/quote]
  14. TBH after reading the above posts, if it was me (at a younger age) I would go for it. The analogy of a 2 week package holiday by the pool sums it up perfectly. The memories of a "big" tour will last a lifetime and even if you sell a couple of hundred CDs and T shirts it all helps bring the cost down a bit. Ask yourself in 20 years time when you're back in civilian life, suited and booted, behind a desk, "wish I'd gone on tour with the lads, what a laugh that would have been!"
  15. Just a thought...shouldn't the record label pay for the tour? Thought not!
  16. pretty awful i suppose but could you make more than that selling your merchandise to the "guaranteed" large crowds?
  17. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1479646402' post='3178045'] Only if everyone keeps engaging with "CrackerJackLee". Just ignore...and continue on the thread (though the topic of CK playing on XYZ recordings, has been done to death) in a civilised way. [/quote] Oh God dont tell me she played for Rush as well..... No wonder the Canadians love her
  18. It seems the majority would take the lesser fee and a busy night then? As most of us are probably semi pro that would make sense. I liked the comment about how having one or 2 nights of live bands, even if its a loss maker, still brings in a few regulars through the rest of the week, gives me a bit of faith about the longevity of the business model! I suppose the other elephant in the room is the material we play. As an old farts rock band, the punters are all pretty much getting older. If I was in a more contemparary setup playing chart sh*te its possible we might get to play in pubs for a younger crowd although I don't know if such places exist that want live music (or old men playing chart stuff!) I think I have to accept its a "dying" demographic, evoloution and all that..
  19. If this has been done before, apologies, but here goes... So I've noticed especially at this time of year, we are playing to pretty quiet pubs, Im talking perhaps 20 people in the bar at best, not always, but more often than not it's quiet. There's no way the bar has taken £300 but in some venues thats what they pay us, its never less than £200. We always get asked back, never been told not to return in 6 years at any venue. Personally, I can't see this business model surving for much longer, and some boozers do close, only to be reopened again by some bright new hopefuls. Anyway my feelings are mixed. I do play for the money, I need it, everything I earn at work (self employed), I never see, it goes straight on the family, so the gig money is my spends. However, playing to half empty pubs is dispirting. I often feel before the gig, whats the point? I usually enjoy it once we get going but when I look out at that empty bar, it saps you. So...if you had a choice, the band gets £100 but its packed full of sweaty happy punters or..... the band gets £300 but it's loyal old Fred and his dog Which would you choose, and why? For me I would have said when I started out, the former but now I need the dosh.
  20. "reasonable" being 200-300 quid a pop!
  21. a 1979 pre ernie ball sabre for a "special price" from a mate, can't say where, but i can't afford it, but by God I want it...
  22. [quote name='AlpherMako5' timestamp='1479364599' post='3175928'] Ooooooooh valves...... I played through my friends SVT and 610 at the weekend, it was glorious. [/quote] but you will need to man-up
  23. TBH i don't think it will be much of an improvement on what you already have. I only found a massive difference when moving from solid state over to the dark side..........valves...
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