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Everything posted by skidder652003

  1. I had one before my SVT, lovely bit of kit, very rugged and a BIG meaty tone especially with the bass boost or whatever it was called (enhancer?) Quite heavy (mine was in a rack case). Doubt it was a class D...
  2. Hello fellow BC'ers! So my lad wants to play some royal blood toons and is after an approximation of the sound. Im sure this has been discussed before, but can anyone recommend a cheap clone type pedal to at least give a feel for it, Im guessing a pitchshifter fuzz type thing like the POG but a lot cheaper! He's got a pretty decent distortion on his amp so something to add to it would be great! Thanks guys n gals!
  3. Good Old Ovni Labs, Top Bloke and if you're after a new compressor?.....
  4. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]"This thing weighs in at 75lbs! Same as an SVT CL and on the limit of what I can safely schlep."[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]well you wanted "heft"....[/font][/color]
  5. oooeeer missus! Actually at last rehersal we have managed to shoe-horn in The Tramps Disco Inferno as an introduction to Sabbaths NIB, just wondering what other unusual mashups people are "slipping in"?
  6. [quote name='kevin_lindsay' timestamp='1477438932' post='3162309'] Pity you weren't in Camden - The Bass Gallery is a treasure trove of gear. [/quote] I was in camden the day before! Unfortunately I was too busy entertaining 2 x 14 year old boys in search of T shirts with rude words on 'em and Camden Lock was a nightmare!
  7. So, Ive been up the big smoke this half term with my lad and his best mate, they're both14. They wanted to see the "famous" Denmark street, so I obliged. Firstly, Denmark Street is a tiny half arsed street with perhaps half a dozen geetar shops, the rest closed, borded up or sex shops (ok, I made that last bit up). Secondly, Wunjos is split into 2 shops, acoustic guitars and keyboard in one shop, electric guitars and bass (in the basement) in another shop. They were a hell of a lot smaller than I was expecting, don't know why, but I thought they would be huge, but then again Im not paying the strtospheric rent! Mansons in Exeter is about 10 times bigger. A good selection of basses but nothing that took my breath away (no Wals etc) The best thing though was how 100% friendly the staff were. We were only looking at a looper pedal for my boys mate (after seeing an amazing busker in Leicester square the night before using a whole array of them). The guy behind the counter could not have been more helpful without any obligation or pressure to buy it there and then. He said come back any time to try a few models out. Anyway, very impressed! That is all.
  8. I remember him when he worked at Probe Records in Liverpool in the late 70s/early 80s, first time i had seen weird contact lenses, he terrified me at 15! Very sad news.
  9. [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1476563079' post='3155307'] What's wrong with being sexy? ;-) [/quote] I see what you did there..stonehenge!
  10. wow thats a 6 year jump between the last couple of posts! I've also bought and sold bass' with Mark and he is a top honest bloke, I couldn't recommend him highly enough.
  11. i got some carpet squares for free from a local carpet shop and use those in the case rather than whatever it came with origionaly. The velcro on the bottom of my pedals sticks far better to this, Ive had the case 6 years now, never had a pedal fall off and I store the case upright.
  12. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1476042143' post='3150789'] I hate the fact that most guitarists I've played with buy this as their first pedal and feel that they need to use it all the time... [/quote] well that's just plain wrong, everything in moderation and all that..
  13. so...you dont like overdriven guitars then? Are we talking valve overdriven guitars? Blimey thats a lot of music discarded there and then!...
  14. wow £28 a song from someone with a client list like that? I'd bite their arm off!
  15. One good sub (active) is more than enough for pubs, use it with Kick Drum and Bass to get that chest thump but don't go mad on volume. We Mic up all the drums (seperate dedicated mics to snare & 3 toms plus 2 overheads) Di my Bass and mic up the guitarists marshall 412. It's for the opposite oif loud, its to keep the levels down onstage and control out front. On the OP, it stops other band members fiddling with the controls!!!!
  16. I had the Markbass compressore until some pleb spilt a pint of ale over it, now i have a second hand Boss LMB-3. To be honest I can't tell any difference in a band mix.
  17. [quote name='Dazlexic101' timestamp='1475183043' post='3143922'] I'm planning on getting one but I'm apprehensive due to the number of apparent issues every single owner seems to be having. What I find is people are quick enough to complain about something but not quick to commend. [/quote] so probably worth getting the PF800 then? I hade a PF500 for about a year, so approx 30 gigs plus 20 odd rehersals, this is back a while, so 2012/13? No probs at all but I've seen plenty of reports otherwise, me? I'd go elsewhere...
  18. hmmm, never had that sort of experience in Mansons, always very very good, sales and repairs, both excellent, mind you, its not a chain...
  19. Like to see how long those handles last if its anything like the weight of an SVT!
  20. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1474709380' post='3139953'] Even with a 810 running at full tilt, your trousers won't flap. I think people mistake ragged ears for moving rags. You need to move some serious air to get any movement - and we are talking a lot more that even the biggest bass rigs. [/quote] This is true. I run an SVT-CL with the 410HLF and I still Di to the PA and now also with an 18" Mackie Thumper. Only this way can I get that in -the-chest pressure I've been after for years.
  21. what about the old carpet on the walls trick? Mates used to do it all the time in the 70s and 80s, no idea if it works though?
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