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Everything posted by skidder652003

  1. Tricky one. Me and the drummer have bought the PA between us as our third member can't really afford to chip in as he's less well paid than us in his real job. It would seem a bit silly to charge him extra or take some of his split from the gigs to pay for it as he needs the dosh more than we do. For us, its just a means to an end to sound as good as we can at the gigs and get more work from it. If we ever split I suppose we would sell it and split the loss or one of us buy the other out at its current value, no biggie.
  2. yep my DHA box into the PA has saved my bacon on a couple of occasions so I don't see the need for a backup amp. Also rather ominously I used it last week with an active 18" sub and our new(ish) tops as a space saving exercise as the stage was so small (ie between the pool table and the loo) and the landlord said how much better the overall sound was, so the Ampeg gear may have to stay in the garage! Back on topic, a GK fusion?
  3. lovin the soft focus shots, very 70s porn....
  4. [quote name='Phil Starr' timestamp='1474231706' post='3136453'] Sorry Steve, still I think you've now got the ones you love. [/quote] Ampeg 410 HLF great cab and very happy, although did a small gig last night with just the Mackie Thump 18" and the PA tops (RCF 312a's) into the desk via my DHA pre amp pedal and it sounded great so a lot less to carry to the gig (SVT & 410 less!). Back on topic, probably best to leave speaker match with cab to the experts!
  5. [quote name='Phil Starr' timestamp='1474124276' post='3135789'] If you are just messing around, a quick swap just out of curiosity there'd be no harm in a few minutes at home and with the volume down to reasonable levels but as has been said the mis-matched cab could result in your driver only being able to handle 100watts. Playing at home on your own would also mean a fair chance of hearing any odd noises indicating damage setting in. Frankly if you do it on stage all bets are off unless you have done the calculations. Ask Skidder of this parish who tried it with a 15" speaker a couple of years back. [/quote] Thanks for reminding me Phil.... Yep put a rather expensive 15" ( I think it was about £150?) in an Ahsdown cab, blew it after a few gigs, no comeback whatsoever, never again... think it was this one or thereabouts http://www.bluearan.co.uk/index.php?id=EMIC2515&browsemode=manufacturer
  6. 1 for gigging, one in the house for learning new stuff, thats it!
  7. [quote name='Phil Starr' timestamp='1473590297' post='3131375'] Ha ha I know how loud you play Steve. You'd obviously set off a room resonance somewhere. You might also have been getting some feedback off the sub. Reversing the polarity might have fixed that but left the room resonance so that you only lost some of the effect. [/quote] You think we were loud then, the sub is ridiculous!
  8. [quote name='Spike Vincent' timestamp='1473608287' post='3131590'] You've found a very specific resonant frequency.Was the sub on the stage as well as your cab ? [/quote] yep sub was also on the hollow wooden stage, next time it'll be on the concrete floor!
  9. So at tonights gig, on a wooden stage I should add, we were trying to set up the PA at soundcheck and my bass was horribly boomy (fender P, ampeg SVT and 410, Di'd to desk and 2 tops & sub) but heres the weird thing, ONLY when i played an "A" note! I tried it all over the neck and every time i hit an "A" there would be a horrible follow on boominess to the note which completely disappeared if I played any other note. Its never happened before, we eventually overcame the worst of it by switching the polarity of the sub (Mackie 18 thump). Any clever folk out there who might know the reason?
  10. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1473159408' post='3127445'] Just found this today so joined up. Haven't had a chance to have a good look round but it seems to have a lot of good stuff on there - e.g. 30 Beginner Bass Grooves you should know - need to check that out later. Anybody else a member and can recommend where to go on it? [url="https://www.thedailyfunkclub.com/"]https://www.thedailyfunkclub.com/[/url] [/quote] oh yes and this now added to favourites! Thanks very much!!!!
  11. [quote name='funkgod' timestamp='1473160953' post='3127471'] Hi Greek, not seen that before, cheers but here is abit of a gem,...... i get great ideas from a funk radio station in the usa called "wefunk" hosted by guys who really ( REALLY) know their stuff. every show is archived so you can back over them and catch some awsome artists you will have not heard of before, a real eye opener to some of the unheared of talent ( over here) that is still keeping the funk alive, also have some great intresting inside info we can learn from, For eg, if you check out the stevie wonder 867 show there is a conversation about "fulfillingness first finale " interesting. now im a huge stevie wonder fan and i have never caught stevie calling out the jackson five before the "do wapp" chants but he does and it was the jackson five doing them vocals, cool, check it out, so it has great info as well. so back to your point, yea i get some great ideas listening to that show. enjoy... [url="http://www.wefunkradio.com/show/867#play_aa"]http://www.wefunkrad...how/867#play_aa[/url] [/quote] oh yes thanks very much! Now added next to swiss groove!
  12. Good for Steeley Dan stuff apparentlry....
  13. Probably a bit of a bargain https://www.gumtree.com/p/guitar-instrument/squier-precision-bass-guitar-with-stand/1185432512
  14. We just purchased some RCF 315's (active) a couple of months back and have been blown away with the improvement over our old EV passive PA. I think we got away with £600 new for the pair if you shop around. Dont forget about monitoring as well though, we also got some second hand RCF 310's for monitorig for £200 a pair. Now waiting on a Mackie 18 thump for the sub so total cost for a pretty decent PA £1200. We have a decent desk to start with mind you.
  15. As in the title Im getting shot of the 2 cabs. The braced cabs and speakers are in excellent condition but the internal amp has blown in one cab and is completely missing from the other (it was sent away for repair and the repair man has gone awol!) Anyway I have a new Mackie sub on the way and these are surplus to requirements. Id love to give them away to a fellow basschat member rather than trying to flog em on feabay or gumtree so if anyone fancies them as a project please PM me. Pickup near Teignmouth in Devon.
  16. Just to reanimate this thread, we're playing a gig on sunday that uses this system. Ive set up an account on Invapay with my bank details etc, now what? Does the pub manager pay into it? I spoke to her today but couldn't really understand her. So far theres been no activity on my account.
  17. eeek! waiting on a Mackie Thump this week, thanks for the confidence booster!
  18. Ive also only seen them used in solo acts on youtube, I found they get a bit lost in a loud rock band type situation (we used to have a TC one, can't remember which model) plus the one we used had lots of feedback issues. Hope this doesn't sound contrite but you would be better off spending the money on a few vocal coaching lessons to help improve your technique if you think you're a bit "nasaly" - is that even a word?!
  19. Im too busy setting all the gear and PA up with the drummer while the "star" is fiddling with his axe, to get nervous. By the time we,ve finished, theres only 15 minutes before we start anyway so no time to get nervous. Anyway we've played most of the numbers so many times the old fingers play by themselves half the time!
  20. give it a go, nothing to loose right?! The punters won't notice anyway...
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