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Everything posted by skidder652003

  1. [quote name='kevvo66' timestamp='1441557930' post='2859802'] Hiya Roland rock , just a smidgen on the strings little sharper so not really a tone [/quote] thats a new one on me, hows that work? (sorry, not a criticism just curious?)
  2. Depends on how busy you are and how badly you need the gig IMO
  3. Deffo get a 4 ohm cab, I got the Ampeg 410 HLF, some say 8 ohms is ok but as said before the head won't like it. As a really good bit of advice, don't go for a far east head, stick to a USA built one
  4. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1440180844' post='2848953'] Ok, I couldn't give a toss anyway [/quote] Pfft that's helpful. It's a great site if you live in the southwest and play covers We've had loads of gigs from it mainly through it telling you which venues host the most live music every week so you can chase them for gigs, it also works well as a gig diary and for hosting pics, mp 3's, videos and even allows you to email posters to the venues after sending you reminders, as said before its paid for itself over and over
  5. BOOOOOM!! The Bomb! Great price n all - bump!
  6. yep our guitarist used to purely play his strat, now he's gone and got a goldtop Les P, sounds huge but it really does tread all over the lower notes, to the point where Im playing up the dusty end!
  7. know a guy near exeter, but thats a bit of a hike! sorry can't be more helpful.
  8. so....I have found when i remove the copper strip from the bridge the buzzing disappears completeley! What the hells going on? Daft qusetion but is it safe to remove the copper strip completely?
  9. There's a thin copper strip running from the bridge to underneath the bridge pickup, could something have come loose there perhaps? Will investigate!
  10. [quote name='rmorris' timestamp='1439309874' post='2841792'] Check continuity between strings / bridge / sleeve of output jack / lead. No continuity will cause buzzing when you touch the strings / metalwork as you are acting as an antennae for interference. To confirm this touch the strings (causing the buzzing) then with your other hand touch some metalwork you know should be connected to ground / earth eg metal barrel of a jack plug going into an amp / screw on rack unit / Copper water pipe etc and the buzzing should go away. (You are keeping yourself at a fixed potential and so now not acting as an antennae). [/quote] Yes done that and you're right, the buzzing decreases noticbly, so whats the problem? Any idea?
  11. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1439288673' post='2841508'] No, if we'd been comedians you would have received a hail of "well don't touch them then" responses [/quote] funny that, thats exactly what my drummer is always telling me...
  12. Im still mulling over getting his "banjo" out at the dinner table.............
  13. comedians the lot of you! will actually try opening it up and finding the problem, thanks for all the er...help! PS already got a Precision, it sounds loads better but got a big fat neck so crap for gigging right?
  14. Hi Folks I know ther could be several reasons for this but any ideas gratefully recieved. Ive tried the bass through several amps without effects and different cables and its the same buzz. When I touch the strings the noise increases considerably, especially with the bridge pickup selected only, when both pickups selected its still there but not so bad, when I turn off the tone control off it diminishes further (but its still there). I guess its a grounding issue? Im useless with tec stuff!
  15. tap tempo for strobe, moving "robot" heads and fade in/out maybe? Aso haze/fog activation would be ace.
  16. i know i woudn't want to hear my attempts at any solo!!!
  17. is it any good for?....never mind!
  18. [quote name='mrtcat' timestamp='1437944404' post='2830305'] Plymouth [/quote]
  19. [quote name='Sammers' timestamp='1437733300' post='2828568'] Have you heard the Phil X cover of superstition? All sorts of good stuff! ...IMO anyway [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFUBF5y9Ams[/media] [/quote] liking that, great voice
  20. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1437725575' post='2828468'] We do a mashup of Smoke On The water and Good Times/Rappers Delight. It goes down a storm. [/quote] every time i noodle that bassline (good times), the drummer points his sticks at me and frowns!
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