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Everything posted by skidder652003

  1. not quite what the OP was asking but done a couple of gigs with just my DHA pre amp pedal, DI'd into the PA, sounded great, talk about easy in/out, slightly wondering now if I really need my rig........
  2. [quote name='FretNoMore' timestamp='1406007059' post='2507362'] Found this on TB: [media]http://youtu.be/v5Ekv5iZ3ck[/media] [/quote] that sounds horrible! Deffo a guitar effect then?
  3. good man, cracking little band, if you get it we might actually meet up one day!
  4. you're going to get loads of great advice here in a minute, guaranteed! But heres an option for starters Genz Benz head and a barefaced 212 cab, perfect and for sale in the classifieds, can't go wrong.
  5. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1415126977' post='2597027'] Probably the one I got mine from when the Fenders started playing up [url="http://bassic-bits.co.uk/"]http://bassic-bits.co.uk/[/url] [/quote] thats the fella, just bought my first cable of him, mighty impressed have to say!
  6. only one bloke to get cables from you know...
  7. stopped arriving at gigs with any expectations a few years bavk as too many were a let down! Now I arrive with a mild sense of dread and am usually quite pleased, ocassionaly even surprised!
  8. weirdly, "Lujon" by henry mancini, as off the soundtrack to "sexy beast" [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecz3LwWOZkI"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecz3LwWOZkI[/url]
  9. tonight at the jolly abbot! 1st 2 numbers sounded a bit odd and quiet, realised some muppet (probably me) had kicked off the PA amp on the floor and was only getting vocals and guitar through the monitors. In a panic switched it back on and over zealous use of master faders up! Landlord said we were way too loud and thats why everyone buggered off. Thought we might get shafted over the fee but we turned down and it filled up ok in the second set, landlord got plastered and paid in full, phew! Lesson learned, volume fine on stage but keep the FOH down at all times. Fact that halloween was yesterday and it was blowing a full storm outside obviously had nothing to do with the fact it wasn't rammed from 7pm till closing... Best bit was using the new rig for the first time, sounded bloody brilliant, maybe thats why we were a bit loud...
  10. my dodgy band only plays old farts 60s and 70s rock but i thought that was frickin ace!
  11. Go for it, if your back can take it! I bottled out on an 810, went down the 410 route only, but I reckon every bass player should do it once in their lives!
  12. Not that Im any expert, but the showreels Ive seen on here a couple of times have been scarily good with boys n girls in matching sexy outfits, proper staging and lighting etc. Having had relatives work on the ships for years ( sound and light engineering on USA mega cruise ships), the standard of house bands is exceptional. I hope you don't consider it sexist but for my 2 pence worth I have to agree that the cruises will look at you appearance as much as your (expected) skill as musicians, like they do for dancers and croupiers, it's showbiz and looks matter. Saying that I thought you all looked and sounded great!
  13. ordered a cable 2 days ago, super fast delivery and man what a cable! super thick cable and quality speakons, miles better than anything for the same price in the shops!
  14. Agree with Cameltoe, most of the pubs we play around here (south west) are attended by the same folks, week in /out and are generally in their 40's and upwards. We do play some younger crowd pubs but tend to go down like the proverbial lead balloon. The only similar venue we have played to the one in the picture is at a motorcycle clubhouse in Plymouth that shall remain annonymous, but who were a lovely bunch of blokes and nothing like the image they like to portray! The bars in the US certainly look more rock n roll than the dog and ducks around here!
  15. Thats very sad news, utter legend.
  16. thanks! an '82 JV P with added J pup and both SD 1/4 pounders, strung with status hotwire flats shame ive already pulled me back just setting it up for this photo always bend yer legs!!!!
  17. Just bought an Ampeg SVT-HLF cab from Chris. Total gentleman and very very easy to deal with, would highly recommend!
  18. As supplied by Mr Thornybank from fair Edinburgh! Ampeg 410 SVT-HLF Hopefuly cure the Gas for a short time. Yet to gig it all, can't wait!
  19. can't make it meself but if it finds its way down devon way, I'll happily give it a whirl next gig!
  20. we have IEM's as well, but the guitar and drums don't like them but theres nothing stopping me using it actually. Good point.
  21. well...not literally, amp is in the fixers and im waiting on a new cab, so last nights gig i had no backline. First time i've done this, DI'd from my Dave Hall VT-2 straight into the desk - PA, 2 EV tops and 2 EV subs. The venue is seriously tiny so no backline was a blessing (the drummer loved it) plus all I needed to pack was axe and pedalboard. Heres the thing, it actually sounded really good! The only real problem was on stage monitoring was a bit pants as we were using a couple of pole mounted mini monitors which are fine for vocals but a bit meh for bass, but I could still hear what I was playing well enough from the FOH (about 2 feet away!) So I think for future flea pit gigs this is the way to go. Im sure the punters couldn't care less and not lugging an ampeg head and cab to and from the van was lovely. Wouldn't get rid of the head and cab though as I love to feel me trousers flap! Anyone else moved to DI only?
  22. [quote name='Oopsdabassist' timestamp='1413699041' post='2580924'] never really been one for ebay, especially after all the horror stories on here, but for low value stuff, I'll have a peek, cheers [/quote] buying is generally ok, its the selling that can be a 'mare
  23. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1413650349' post='2580586'] I prefer the term Phwoor! from the Viz (Finbarr) Standard Lexicon. [/quote] http://basschat.co.uk/topic/247447-fnaar-fnaar/
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