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Everything posted by skidder652003

  1. of course you can put bass through the monitors. Not too much low end or you'll fart out the cones but just a little middle and top adds to the mix. You're facing fowards, your rig is behind you, a little bass towards you means you won't need to drive your rig too hard asuming you have your bass going front of house through the PA
  2. still pushing it...like it, can't see this one on radio 2 anytime soon!
  3. The oppsosite was true for me. Put a warwick 115 cab and an ashdown 115 cab on ebay both at 99p. Got £35 for the warwick and £7, yes seven quid, for the ashdown (don't anybody get smart and say they was robbed!) Never again, always a set price, it usually goes eventually. Saying that i once got £300 for a rubbish pair of TOA PA speakers and the guy never showed up for them! so swings and roundabouts, karma etc..
  4. will that take the weight of those 2 cabs then? Impressed.
  5. I'd love this guys stuff for that authentic rock n roll look, but 99.999% of me is sure it's also probably shagged sound wise! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ampeg-8x10-Bass-Cab-/321549235240?pt=UK_MusicalInstr_Amplifiers_RL&hash=item4addd3f428
  6. sorry so is it 750 or 600? Am I being a bit thick here?
  7. why did the darker side of my imagination think this was about something completely different?
  8. id been on this in a flash if i could flog my gear!
  9. would rather sell them both to fund new cab TBH, hopefully gone by the weekend.
  10. Bump, lots of interest on fleabay and gumtree, non here...weird!
  11. Them trainers must honk, a bit pervy if you ask me...
  12. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQu5ol5ZoJM"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQu5ol5ZoJM[/url] my favourite GFR track, total groovy bass line!
  13. sounds like you need to get shot of it, PM me and i'll take it off your hands................
  14. There will be experts far more qualified than me along shortly Im sure, but for my tuppence worth, you will need to firstly aquire an audio interface ( a piece of harware that coverts your vocal, guitar, bass signal etc to a digital signal that the computer can recognise). These can be had cheaply secondhand. As for a Mac, if he's studying at college, could they not lend him a laptop with logic pro loaded?
  15. Is it time for a Bump? C'mon guys, someone must have a 4 ohm cab they wanna offload???!!!!
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