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Everything posted by skidder652003

  1. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1409745167' post='2542855'] Status Hot Wires are excellent value. [/quote] this, about £20 direct from status, good strings.
  2. deffo in from a DI, don't deafen you and everyone else with just your 1K (!) rig, better overall balance FOH as well, how much more hassle is it to run a lead from the DI out to the PA desk??
  3. +1 for the legacy's from stringsdirect, I use them on my jazz and they're no different (IMO) to the roto's (there's a rumour they're the same strings!). Gone to flats with the P so no changes needed there!
  4. [quote name='3below' timestamp='1409409778' post='2539459'] Forgive the pun but that is very sound advice. It is also the combination of speaker cab and amp (stating the obvious). I found Peavey amp (Tour 700) much more to my taste (tighter, less wooly low end) than either Marshall VBA 400 or Sound City 120 with both of my Barefaced speakers. [/quote] wow!
  5. had one of these for a while, not bad at all, gigged it loads, paid for itself several times over -type bump!
  6. "spent it's life in a flightcase", would help if it came out of the flightcase.
  7. used a DHA VT-EQ 2 into a SWR workimg pro 700 and it sounds fab and valvey..BUT nothing like my Ampeg SVT-CL, so i think you can get an approximation of that tone but not quite, but to be honest most punters couldn't care less!!!
  8. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1408991455' post='2535320'] Whole Lot of Love? Not too sure that is the best ever riff [/quote] gotta say it probably is....
  9. As above, it's a no no, but don't sweat it too much if the amps not running at the full 300 watts at 4 ohms. Someone will come along and tell you what it is running at 8 ohms (probably something like 180 watts?), the difference in volume won't that great.
  10. you'll have to start one yourself and control it (within reason) ie, arrange rehersals, do the promo and get the gigs pretty much yourself if you want "the band" to keep going, members can be replaced, but unfortunately the playing bit in a sucessful (ie for most people that means gigging) band is just a minor part. Most bands don't really get off the ground because most musicians are pretty lazy and can't be arsed to get it togeather and sort the boring stuff out.
  11. sound to light mode. NO! School Disco! set them to a slow fade every 30 seconds or so to a different single colour and use the foot controller for black out after each song, makes me feel like Geddy Lee!
  12. Don't think those are LED's are they? If not I wouldnt even look at them. LED lights last much longer, don't chuck out any heat and for pub gigs are more than powerful enough. Add a decent little haze machine and you'll be sorted with something like this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ProLight-Equinox-Maxi-Bar-System-LED-Stagelighting-/380965202285?pt=UK_ConElec_LightingLEDsStrobes_RL&hash=item58b34ba96d You probably woud be better with 2 of these so look around for a better price for a package
  13. a good DI pedal is all you need, daft to be lugging 2 heads about. you're not a siamese twin!
  14. Love the neck on my jazz but it's the P that does all the gigs with flats, just seems to sit better in the whole mix, don't know why, just does to my dodgy ears.
  15. Markbass Compresorre is ace but big!
  16. Well we've gigged the EV's a few times now and they are a definite improvement over the peavey stuff, clearer, louder, less prone to feedback at higher volumes. They're also lighter as the subs are passive as opposed to the active peavey subs we used before. You can tell they were EV's entry level gear due to the quality of the workmanship being a bit so so but still a step up for us.
  17. Wow if you were down my way, I'd bite your hand off, might limit your your playing ability a bit though!
  18. Welcome to the club, no going back now I'm afraid! Hope your back holds up better than mine already!
  19. I like he idea of tips on top of a fee! That's the great USA what of doing business!
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