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Everything posted by skidder652003

  1. Ha love the way he starts out quite cautiously on his new baby then at the end he's really spanking it, fabulous player!
  2. parkings a real mare if you want to bring your axe/amp/cab etc
  3. I'll be up for it, Exeter area best for me, I'm based in the torbay area too
  4. Do you get a "rider"? A burger and a pint should be minimum !!
  5. Hi folks theres a bit of a debate going on another website about this. Does anyone know if it's true that you should always ensure valve heads are connected to the speaker cab before you switch on? Slightly paranoid about destroying expensive amp!
  6. had 2 767a's, both died, might try the AKG D5's. saying that the 767a's are great mics and would go with the EV PA!
  7. well i'll be straight here and say i paid £500 for 2 x 15" tops and 2 x 18" subs, a kam 1500W poweramp, a studiomaster diamond 12-2 desk, an Atlto L-2 desk, a 25M 20 channel multicore on a drum and all the speakon and XLR cables needed. I don't need the desks or multicore so Im planning to flog them on ebay, so I think I did ok price wise, they have to be better than the old peavey tops and subs we currently have! Next thing mics...SM58 betas anyone?...
  8. well I took the plunge so I'll let you know how I got on! They were seriously cheap!
  9. skidder652003

    8 x 10's

    still drooling for one, but kind of relieved i haven't taken the plunge....yet...
  10. after tonight http://www.brixhamhapnin.org/ Ive told the boys thats it for freebies for the next couple of years, we've too many repairs needed, too much gear to upgrade and its costing so much with rehersal hire and fuel costs thats its all got to be paid gravy for a while...any "festival" that need your PA, well.....
  11. http://www.thomann.de/gb/gallien_krueger_mb2500.htm
  12. Hi folks seen a complete PA with 2 x 15 passive tops and 2 x 18 passive subs with 1.5K poweramp, mixer and multicore for £cheap quick sale. Its EV force stuff, has anyone any experience of this? thanks
  13. http://www.talkbass.com/threads/sd-quarter-pounder-jazz-pups-any-good.811625/
  14. had a selmer 50W T&B a few years ago and it sounded awesome on guitar but broke up way too early on bass but I was using rubbish cabs. I don't know how better cabs might cope (one for Mr Fitzmaurice or Phil Starr!). I think 100W might be a minimum for loud pub gigs, 300W sounds awesome! If you mic'd to the PA though that might be ok.
  15. that is some sweet deal, can't believe all the bulls**t enquiries for a great piece of kit for a lousy 3 gigs worth of money!
  16. Bit of a long shot but here goes I have a Warwick 411 cab (with horn) 600W @ 8 ohms on castors but as it's 8 ohms it's not really suitable for my amp which is 4 or 2 ohms so if anyone fancies a swap for a 4 ohm cab, give me a shout!
  17. at 2:35 [media]http://youtu.be/CJQOzbNTyWQ[/media]
  18. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1403254571' post='2481128'] like this ! [/quote] wow just made me check out the Tubes...love em https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kP8nGNbk7oQ
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