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Posts posted by KingPrawn

  1. Bought a beautiful 74/75 jazz from Lawrie. Great communication and enjoyed chatting, over email and our brief meeting. Good luck with the home renovations. Look after the NS. I’ll need it back soon.

  2. I recently owned a Jeff Berlin 5 string by Cort. It had all the right ingredients good hardware, pickups etc. However i just hated it! From the moment I plugged it in and played it, it was basically a plank. For me it lacked presence or character.It really didn’t make sense as I’m sure there are loads of players using them. It’s not as if Cort are not a reputable manufacturer I was so glad to move it on. I know we can be fickled bunch at times, so I was wondering what bass you’ve owned that just didn’t work for you?

  3. Knock it on the head. You'll end up resenting the instrument, which would be a shame as its more likely something in you thats changed. A bass is a bass. wood, pickups blah blah. You need to look at whats changed for you or what playing bass now triggers in you?

  4. The new Royal Birmingham conservatoire has opened. They have loads of free gigs, Check the website. Ikon Gallery is always worth a visit, Town hall etc. You should check out hare and hounds in Kingsheath and Moseley in general. 15 minute bus ride on the 50. The O2 and institute. The Custard factory.

  5. There are to many buyers, who see something they want so jump on it,having not considered the speed of transaction. The worst ones are those who agree to buy, send monies then change the collection/ delivery goal posts. I had a right one recently who suddenly decided “ collection in person” meant sorting out a courier, wasting hours and f my time with out a thank you. It’s a sellers market.

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