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Posts posted by KingPrawn

  1. I don't always get an opportunity to do this, I played three different venues in one day with my lovely Zon fretless. I was playing at the St Patrick's day festival in Birmingham. 85,000 people,all really digging the traditional tunes. First on a float, then the main stage. Finally the wonderful lamp tavern ( real ale guys pay respect). Usually aside from home practise I've never spent the best part of 4 and a half ours playing bass in one day. It was great. It really sounded consistent and full of lovely tone, through all the differing PA's. I think it might be my best friend/ bass

  2. I've been watching this thread and have decided it's time to contribute. in 1989 I owned a Warwick thumb, kubicki factor and a Wal Fretless. These were at the time my three ultimate basses. I was 18 and playing through a lovely Trace Elliott rig. I was playing loads and loving life. Long story short. I'd bought my first house with blood sweat and tears recession hit in the early 90's. Anyway mortgage payments to be made work drying up. The Wal went first. I took it into Musical Exchanges in Birmingham. For those who knew the place it was Gaz. He looked at me and said " are you sure" I had no choice. I covered my mortgage payment for that month. The factor and Warwick followed. I wouldn't change a thing but I'd love to own them all again. It is what it is !

  3. [quote] (typical on live stuff) two guitarists on camera 'cos the bass player's tucked away at the back where no one can see him 🙄😄😄

    That's so true. Does my head in when you have such great playing. I want to see the neck and hands. Every time !!

  4. I used a bergantino 4x10 for years. They push some serious air. Like you I found the 4x10 bulky at times. I moved to 2 2x10 bergs a few years ago. personally I'm really pleased with the move. Lighter, move versatility for smaller gigs or using one as a monitor. As mentioned stacked vertically you gain some height. I don't think id go back.

  5. [quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1483461436' post='3207321']
    Just realised I've seen them - they were on the Knebworth bill in '79.
    Back on topic, can't stand 'em but you can't deny their talent - and Dave's singing over those tricky bass lines too.

    Love it!

  6. I've learnt to look after myself more and jacked in one of the bands I play in. Not because of personalities.. it's because I'm sick of playing for the sack of it. My confidence is growing and I'm more comfortable with my real ability. I've also learnt I don't need to worry about if I'm impressing people by being all technical. That just being simple and getting it right is more important..

  7. A while ago I was asked to learn some Chas and Dave tunes for a guys birthday. I was shocked at the complexity of the bass lines. I knew them from my childhood but hadn't noticed Dave Peacocks playing. Top player.


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