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Posts posted by KingPrawn

  1. I think I get what you mean. We do tend to put famous people on very high pedisols. The shock people express is at times, almost as if if your famous you are immortal. That they don't get cancer etc. I think attitudes have changed as generally people are more willing to show there sadness publicly.

    I've often wondered what the families must feel. They have lost a close relative. I imagine the fame bit becomes secondary to them. People feel they have an infinity with famous folk. Even though they may never have met. I suppose the nature of fame means their body of work lives on. It's accessible all the time. It's important to celebrate the lives of all those we loose.

  2. I've joined a new project. (Same stuff different people). I'm having to sing on a number of songs. Done lots of ohh err vocals in the past, however this lead stuff is a very different beast. Whilst I understand none of us can multi task as such. It's made me wonder if muso's are better at completing different tasks at once ? We must be?

  3. I wouldn't worry to much. If you get into the mindset that something might go wrong, there's a danger you'll end up bringing bring two of everything. There's more chance things won't go wrong! I just keep my gear in good nick as much as possible. For me it's usually things like batteries, extension leads, gaffer tape. Enjoy your return to gigging

  4. [font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]The more i listen to the huge production of Andrew Lloyd Webber and the show tune crew. The more i love how they use the bass to emphasis and dictate the pace of the songs. There is some incredible playing on these songs. I would love this gig!![/font]


    [font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]seriously it like a free for all on bass[/font]



    [font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]you get to noodle a bit groove a bit! Result!![/font]

  5. You'll be ok. If you love your music and the bass. The rest will follow. Learn the basics from tutor, books and online. As everyone else has said listen and learn. Never forget you can play along with any music you love. The www gives us access to some of the most amazing players. Play along with them,even if it's just the root notes. A couple of things that have always helped me is:
    1st A Jaco tip. Learn the melody for the songs you love, not just the bass part.
    2nd: start slow with any bass line. Break it down, then break it down again. Never rush. Use a metronome slow it down and build it up.

  6. You carry on with what makes you happy. If your putting yourself out there with the rest of us weekend warriors then, you deserve respect. I would consider myself happy and average! I'd rather be like that than some players I've seen who have illusory Superiority. Those who over estimate their ability. I'd rather be average and enjoying my playing.

  7. Does anyone know of a specialist repairer for Avalon u5. Months ago mine developed a hum/ buzz when linked to my main amp. It has been with various tech guys. None have been able to get the info they need to solve the issue.


  8. I bought my ultimate bass today. A beautiful Fretless Zon Sonus. I seriously can't get my head around it. It's everything I expected. It has so many tones I'm going to have to develop an excel spread sheet to track them all.

    [attachment=224929:FullSizeRender 7 copy.jpg]

  9. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1468237264' post='3089421']
    High-profile session work plus wall-to-wall prog... he's living MY dream!

    Defo. I've seen him with It Bites and ELO. What's not to love.

  10. This confirms Lee really is the go to session man. From Take That, ELO know this.


    He gets such great gigs. A hugely versatile player

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