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Everything posted by Burg

  1. I missed out last year, would love to attend a shindig this year.
  2. [quote name='Musashimonkey' timestamp='1424932519' post='2702004'] Thanks Burg, I've had a look the through the list and tracked down some tablature from songster, so helpful, thank you! [/quote] No problem. You can also play anything you can play on a 4 string bass as well, anything higher than 5th fret on the G string can just be played on your C instead. One of the things I did when moving to 6 string was to experiment playing things an octave or 2 higher or lower than usual. Really helped to get a feel for what works well with the extended range.
  3. Sounds to me like you're digging in too hard. Google Gary Willis, there's a vid somewhere of him discussing his right hand technique where he talks about playing as softly as possible with the right hand; economy of motion and all that.
  4. This wikipedia page has a list of notable musicians who use an extended range bass. Although the majority on the list don;t exclusively play 6 string. Might be a good starting point though. [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended-range_bass#Six-string"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended-range_bass#Six-string[/url]
  5. I've got a Yita German. One of the fancy weave pattern ones. It looks nice, sounds horrible in my hands though. French vs. German? There's a good vid online somewhere about the pros and cons of both which I wish I'd have seen prior to buying. Turns out, it's almost impossible to bow the E-String on my bass because of where the C bout is (for me at least). So I'd probably have gone French in retrospect. I'll probably buy a French at some point but I don;t bow enough to make it seem worthwhile. I only bought a bow to play Mr Krinkle and annoy the neighbours.
  6. I really like that, the short scale would put me off though.
  7. You could start by learning the standards. [url="http://www.jazzstandards.com"]www.jazzstandards.com[/url]
  8. Got it, brilliant, thanks a lot.
  9. Good luck with the gig!
  10. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1418723453' post='2632604'] I got a sight reading app for my iPad. [/quote] What's the app called? Sounds really good. The problem I have with sight reading is that unless I already know the tune I haven't a clue if what I am playing is what is written. This would really help me.
  11. [quote name='scalpy' timestamp='1419412722' post='2639616'] Reverse the polarity of the interval as it were; Major becomes minor and vice versa, diminished becomes augmented etc and the number must add up to 9. So a major 2nd becomes a minor 7th, augmented fifth becomes a diminished 4th and so on. Perfect intervals are so called because when you invert them they remain perfect. [/quote] That's a great tip.
  12. Doesn't Steve Harris play with his finger nails? I thought that was where he got that clicking sound from? Play however you want to, but like others have said, don't think using a pick is a fail. How about doing both? PLay fingerstyle for 15 minutes, and then when your hand gets sore, switch to using a pick. That way you get to play more!
  13. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1419266559' post='2638160'] I can't envisage playing a song where I need to pluck the strings any faster than I do with 2 fingers. I'm noticing that these days I'm playing more numbers with 1 finger. [/quote] I can definitely play triplets faster and cleaner with 3 fingers rather than 2.
  14. What's all this fuss about cars and space? My double bass and GK amp easily fit into my Mustang. The family can walk.
  15. My first DB was a 1/2 size. The main problem I found was that I had to extend the endpin a lot more to get the bass at a reasonable height. This meant that balancing the bass was much more difficult when playing stood up. I feel much more comfortable with my current 3/4 size.
  16. Developing your sound and technique is never a waste of time. It's part of improving as a bass player. It might be useful to ask yourself why you want to use 3 fingers? What does adding the 3rd finger on your right hand help you to do that 2 fingers doesn't?
  17. Did anyone else comment on the volume difference or was it just you who noticed? Her bass will naturally sound louder when you're stood in front of her playing compared to your bass when you're playing. Might have just been a case of where the sound is projecting?
  18. Just bought myself one of these recently from this very forum, great amps. GLWTS
  19. I just bought some Nyman's from Ebay. Amazon had a selection of different rosins in stock as well.
  20. Cheers Marc. I'm absolutely loving this bass, it's a real step up from my previous dabblings in the upright world and has really helped to renew my enthusiasm for it all.
  21. Excellent, I've subscribed. Thanks.
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