I have one of the Ibanez Archtop bass (the AFB 200) the fully hollow with a traditional bridge. Replaced the stock strings with Rotosound Tru Bass 88 nylon tapewound strings, and she sounds like a really dub machine! Pump up the treble (this is the only bass that I've ever had the desire to push the treble up to 10!), and you get a really nice in the middle, mellow sound. Worth the £20 extra, and slight work on the nut. But I love this bass, reliable, beautiful, and sounds great! It has twin humbuckers by the way.
Ive tried out the Jack Cassidy as well, and couldn't get my head round the pick-up impedance switch, it didn't seem to change the sound much (im sure someone can explain this!), but the bass really breathed quality, and the gold sparkle finish...simply divine!
Enjoy, hope I helped!