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Everything posted by retroman

  1. Hi Peeps I have a gorgeous cherry red EB2, that sadly could do with some expert attention. The problem is with where the neck meets the body. Over the passage of time, the neck joint has moved, so that the only way I can get a reasonable action, is to wind the bridge all the way down until it jams the string mute lever! Would it be possible to sort this, without ruining the finish on the body?? I am wondering if anyone can recommend me a luthier in the Derbyshire/ Notts/ South Yorkshire area? As you can imagine, I would be heart broken to find that I had entrusted this bass to a complete muppet! If it's going to cause me heartache, I think I would rather just carry on enjoying it "as is", and continue to laugh at lumps of plaster falling out the walls!
  2. Got a bit of a hankering for the following; Any Alembic Warwick Buzzard 70's Jazz with block markers Kramer with the aluminium neck Rickenbacker 4004LK (Lemmy's signature model- love the carved top!!) Rickenbacker 4001S in Mapleglo Early Gibson Thunderbird Marshall Superbass 100 I have quite a fetish for odd ball, retro basses
  3. The problem with being an old skool dude, is computers confuse the hell out of me! so attaching photo's can be a bit of a strain on the grey matter. I'll take some photo's of all my basses tommorow, and ask the boss to post them up for me (boss=the mrs!)
  4. Love a bit of 50's Rock 'n' Roll myself. Mrs Retroman is a huge fan of the stuff! Love Link Wray, Little Richard, early Elvis stuff, etc. It's great fun to dig my ancient vintage Gibson EB2 out, and jam along to some classic tracks I have a Link Wray DVD, think it was released by Cherry Red, and I love it. I think the guy was in his 70's when it was filmed, and you could see he was having so much fun, which to me is the spirit of 50's Rock 'n' Roll
  5. Thanks Dude
  6. Me too Always had a serious soft spot for the Tbird. Love the looks, and the tone. I've only had my Gibson Tbird a couple of months now, it tool ages to arrive A very generous birthday present from the mrs! I agree with the point about the low end stuff. Some of it is getting seriously good now. OK, the out of the box set up on some of it isn't brilliant, but a little bit of patience works wonders, but at the end of the day, you get what you pay for I have to admit, I often scratch my head over the price of the USA Fender stuff. I have a Squier Precision loaded with SD Quarter Pounders, spent a little bit of time setting it up, and it plays lovely, and has a wicked tone. So......why are the Fenders so much money??
  7. Cheers Matey I like to keep things old skool......The newest car that me and the mrs own was built in 1978!
  8. 2X Bass amps by a certain well known british manufacturer.......Both completely fried the power amp board, with an impressive amount of choking smoke And I was using their cabs, of the correct impedance as well........
  9. I have a Gibson Thunderbird IV, and don't suffer with the neck diving problem. I use a high quality padded leather strap, and can let go of it, and it stays put. My Ibanez Iceman bass really does neck dive though!
  10. Hi Peeps, Stumbled across this forum whilst browsing the web for bass gear, and found it an interesting read, so I joined Been playing bass for about 18 years now, mostly with a pick, or finger style, and still can't get to grips with that thing where you whack it with your thumb! At home, I like messing with different arpegiated chord stuff. I play in a heavy rock band, and firmly believe in the tasteful, but simple thing. I am also one for keeping it simple with the gear I use; no active basses, or amps with a 101 knobs and sliders on for me!! As my user name suggests, I really dig retro stuff. You can't beat a good old fashioned set of glowing bottles! Here's what I use......I definately suffer with GAS!! Gibson EB2 Gibson Thunderbird IV Rickenbacker 4001 Ibanez IC200 "Iceman" Fender Squier Precision special (loaded with Seymour Duncan Quarter Pounders) Aria Legend (My first bass, sentimental value :-) ) Precision Bass ( Don't know what make - Possibly early Ibanez)? Ampeg SVT Classic Amp Nice piece of history with the unknown make Precision Bass. I bought it from a junk shop in South Yorkshire for a tenner! It had "Artist" on the headstock originaly, and was quite battered, and only had 3 strings on it. Had to have it. I refinished the body, fitted a new pick guard, and refinsihed the neck, fitting a brass nut, and a 70's Fender headstock decal at the same time. It plays well, and has good intonation, and a lovely well used growl to the tone. The bridge on it is very similar to my IC200 bass, which leaves me thinking "is it an early Ibanez lawsuit type bass"? TTFN, Rich
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