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About KennysFord

  • Birthday 12/06/1963

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  1. Not sure if this one's been posted before but just in case......Killer playing on this one.
  2. A mate of mine from new Jersey told me about this guy...He's been to see him a few times as he's local. This one's a bit funky.
  3. Seeing as I've not been around these parts in a while....The late great James Harman... Fantastic drumming on this one...
  4. Just met Mark to do the handover of my beloved Traynor YBA300... Absolutely top bloke, super pleasant and a pleasure to meet up with him...I hope the amp serves you well sir.
  5. Cheers Buddy...Good to see you again...
  6. KennysFord

    In Memoriam

    Wow.... I've been off the forum for a few years and it's saddened me greatly to see these stalwart names on here of friends past who are no longer with us... RIP to all of them and condolences to their friends and loved ones... Very sad.
  7. 300 watt all tube head...NB, I was Kennyrodg on here back in the day....I've been out the game for a good few years and lost my login details....So I gave up playing live a few years back and this has sat unused in my living room since...I had it serviced about month before I packed in and it's been back at the Tech's last week to have everything checked over prior to me putting up for sale...I picked it up today so here it is... Everything's checked out with it, it's 100% running perfectly, the tubes are biased correctly and I'd describe the condition as mint...There's not a mark or scratch on it anywhere.. I have a bespoke flight case for it,that's been stored in the shed so it's not mint ....as you'd expect i guess...The corners are a little rusty but nothing that won't clean up. I had this paired up with a pair of Bergie AE210's, suffice it to say, it sounded incredible. I still have them so come give it a whirl if you like. The amp is in Preston, Lancs for collection only, I won't post it but I'll be happy to meet up in person within a 50 mile radius. Cheers. If you guys think it's overpriced then please let me know...I saw one sold August last year on FB that was listed at £675 and from the pics was not in the same condition as this one....Not wanting to judge but I've been out of the scene for so long I've no idea what things are going for these days so wanted to try and be fair with it. Cheers.
  8. Thankyou Sir....DM incoming.
  9. Hi... I used to frequent these parts a lot 5 years ago ish, quit playing and since then have lost my old sign in info...This is a new profile. I 've been dutifully paying my yearly subs since then, the last payment was 2 weeks ago and would like access to my old account if possible... Please can you tell me who i can talk to then i can try and get this sorted for me... Many thanks.
  10. Hi Folks, I have an audix D4 that's surplus to.. Mint condition including original box, stand adaptor, baggie and sticker. Great cab mic or let your drummist friend use it for floor tom or kick drum etc. Price is £110 including first class UK postage with tracking. Cheers.
  11. Hey Folks, After a long time and a lot of searching I've managed to find a good drummer and guitarist to put round a very good quality Female vocalist I've been friends with for a good while. We've had a working list of 20 or so tunes for ages but finding the right musicians has been a real struggle, hopefully after today we've finally found the right guys where we can get something motoring ahead. The style of the Band is very Funky / Groove based Blues, think Susan Tedeschi, Reba Russell, Shamekia Copeland kind of stuff but I'm thinking we'll also need some better known covers to throw in for the pub circuit. We're not looking for the kind of "Sex on Fire" kind of better known material, more something that would fit with the style of the band or that we can change up to suit. No Classic Rock please guys but any suggestions for material to look at would be most helpful. Thanks in advance.
  12. Hey all, A quick question re Public Liability Ins' if I may.... I need to find some new rehearsal facilities and the School where I work is a good option but I need said cover. I've seen a few that ask for the names of the band members but seeing as it's a start up and I'll be embarking on auditions that won't be an option. Can any of you guys recommend somewhere that will use the name of the band leader, ie, me only and the rest of the band are covered by default. Many thanks in advance, Pete.
  13. Hey Folks, Some wiring help need please if possible. I've just finished making a new Pickguard for my 1980 Ibanez Blazer and I'm in a bit of a fix re the wiring. I got a tech to fit me an EMG BTS System to the Bass a good while back and he wired a bunch of wires to the back of the old Pick Guard into the shielding tape, no idea why but it meant cutting the wires to remove it. Anyhoo, I've come to fit the new one tonight and noticed there are 3 wires coming from the pickup, bearing in mind it is Passive. There's a Red, A White and what is I'm presuming is a Shielding cable. The Red is (connected to a lug on the volume pot, a white, which was connected to the underside of the old pickguard and the shield isn't connected either. The center lug on the volume goes to the board on the BTS. I'm not sure where the white wire and the shield wires should go so any help would be very much appreciated. All the info on the EMG site relates to using one of their push fit volume pots after the BTS, My set up is with the original volume pot before the BTS. Thanks in advance for any pointers offered, it will be gratefully received. Figured it out, now sorted.
  14. Hey Folks, NOW SOLD. I finally managed to grab a second AE 210 so my HD 210 is now up for sale, possible trade for a high end Amp or maybe something with with Tubes Burman Pre + Powerpak etc. The cab is 100% mint, no dings, scuffs or scratches and comes with a Berg padded cover. Not much to say about this cab that isn't already well documented, one of the best 210's out there. Pics to follow later today but rest assured it's a minter, as new. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I'd like £420 for the cab, I'm happy to ship at buyers cost, £20 tops and I'm happy to meet up within reason. [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Trade value would be £450 [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I'd consider trades for a good quality head, cash either way. I quite fancy a giving tubes a try so maybe a Burman set up or similar, possibly a VGC "Series 6 Trace AH300" GP12 (not SMX) plus cash[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I'm based in Preston , Lancashire.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Cheers folks.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color]
  15. Hi Folks, I recently upgraded the Preamp in my Lakland 44-01 from the Bartolini MK1 (which isn't really a Bartolini) to the Bartolini NTMB jobbie. All in it's an improvement however the Mid frequency is set at 250 hz. That in itself is causing me a bit of a problem in that 250hz is a frequency range that I have a particular dislike for. However, not all is lost, according to the Bartolini wiring diagrams I can put a 0.33uf Cap in series on one of the wires going to the Mid pot and get a much more pleasing to my ear 500hz boost and cut. Link to PDF on the Bart site http://www.bartolini.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/NTMB+-Mid-Switch-Configuration-min.pdf Now I think I'm right in saying ( please tell me if i'm wrong) that "In Series" will mean simply cutting the wire and soldering the cap into the wire but I'm unsure if it would have to be a particular way round, ie, + - . Also, I know the Cap in a passive system gets soldered to the tone pot outer casing, is there a need to do this on this active circuit ? If any of you knowledgeable folks could assist me I'd be eternally grateful. Thanks in advance.
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