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Everything posted by KennysFord

  1. Equally as marvelous http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-ZO02CFung&feature=relmfu
  2. Inbound !!
  3. I joined, There's some pretty good lesson info on there especially the video links etc. Seems like a good idea to me.
  4. I like the look of your cab so if it were me, I'd be keeping it.and make an ongoing project of re coning it with neo drivers, I'm a bit sick like that so wouldn't suggest you do that. I've just started using my Brothers old Trace Head, it's an early AH200. I recently bought a TC electronic BH500 and the Trace smoked it for tone and output, the TC Head was returned within the week. I'm not a fan of Trace Speakers but I'm really enjoying the old head at the moment, they're cheap as chips too. Cab wise, I'd agree with the comments above, when starting out you can't go far wrong with a 410.
  5. Cheers Buddy
  6. Hey folks, We have a Vox Foundation 118 sat sitting at our studio. Just wondering what these things are worth if anyone has an rough idea. Condition is pretty good considering it's age, all original and on castors. I've seen one on the net priced at £450 and one on Ebay USA for £800 but I reckon that's pretty steep so I'm looking for a more "realistic" figure. and yes, before you say it I know you'll give me a fiver ..... Thanks in advance.
  7. Anybody know what the BB King track is btw. Cheers. Edit, got it, "Paying the cost to be the boss"
  8. Nice ! My Lil' old 212 is over in the corner crying like a baby hehe. You're a lucky man !
  9. Are you in a band ?? Have you tried some local Jam nights even. Try checking out some lessons on Youtube or take a few one to one lessons even to broaden your skills or try something left field like learning a style that you havn't really enjoyed in the past. You could be on a plateau that you'll break free from soon, I think that happens to everyone from time to time, stick with it and you'll soon be re inspired.
  10. I just watched in on Youtube and was, as always by her, blown away. I struggle to sing a simple harmony part whilst playing so for me, her rhythmic playing.....and singing just leaves me in awe of her. I think she's bloody fabulous, I like Tal too hehe.
  11. Not Elvis too ! Nooooooooooooo
  12. No worries about missing it dude, I missed the one about Carrol Shelby passing away and posted up a second thread. Easy done mate.
  13. Some Spunky Porn, She's been up before but not not in a "White Bass" thread.[attachment=108464:on the floor.JPG]
  14. I used to own an 80's Riverhead 5 'er from Headway. It was a cracking bass, absolutely top notch build quality. I just couldn't get my head or fingers for that matter round the extra string hehe. If I had some spare cash I'd love to own a Bacchus,enjoy it.
  15. OK Buddy, Cheers and good luck with your sale. Pete.
  16. Bump, Now for sale £400 FIRM collected, courier collection is fine too. Cheers.
  17. Cheers T 2000, The tweeter question wasn't particularly aimed at the "me playing Blues" part, it was just a general question tbh. I could have made that a bit clearer though with how i worded it.
  18. This is the one Lakland I loose sleep over !! The right colour and a maple neck. Sadly I don't have anything on your list to trade. I am subscribed tho' just in case a cash price comes up.
  19. Sorry to jump on this for sale thread, I don't usually do it and try not to...however, Can anyone tell me how this would compare to an Ampeg SVT610 and whilst I'm at it, hows the top end, I notice from the pics that there's no tweeter, it looks that way at least. Cheers. PS, I play Blues......mainly.
  20. Cheers Donovan, I've seen a couple on the board I quite fancy but I'm happy to hang on to it till the right one comes along.
  21. [quote name='douglas81' timestamp='1337429902' post='1659780'] Can you elaborate on this? What do you mean by "signature"? Also, not sure what you mean by "body join". Forgive me - I'm definitely not an expert when it comes to electric basses! [/quote] Here you go http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/slonk18/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=&_trksid=p3686 I stand corrected, Goert does Signature P basses too, apologies.
  22. Hey Folks, I have a Techsoundsystems ND212S I'm looking to sell or trade for a 610, preferably one from the same stable ie the ND410S if there is one knocking about. I'll consider others but bear in mind these go for over £400 so something of the equivalent value or above with cash my way. I recently aquired this from BassdudeBE as I loved the old 210 version I used to have. i think I prefer the sound of 10's though so that's the reason I'm looking to trade/sell. The cab is the 4ohm version and rated at 600watts, Neo drivers and it's nice and light weighing in at at 43lbs. Condition is excellent a very easy 9.5/10 and it's obvious that who ever has owned it in the past has taken very good care of it and it has zero issues. This is the cab in question but I'll post pics up as soon as possible. [url="http://www.tech-soundsystems.de/eng/12er/212.html"]http://www.tech-soun...g/12er/212.html[/url] [url="http://www.tech-soundsystems.de/eng/home/index.html"]http://www.tech-soun...home/index.html[/url] These cabs have an excellent and well deserved reputation. The cab is located in Preston, Lancs and any trial is welcomed. I'd like £400 collected folks. Bear in mind I always price my gear to sell at what I think is a reasonable and fair price. I don't hike things up to allow for offers so that price is FIRM. It's an absolutely cracking cab for the money and I challenge anyone to find a negative review of it.....anywhere. I'm happy to pack it up for courier collection if preferred Cheers.
  23. Nice one b5. Check out Ronnie Corbett in the center haha. Can anyone identify the Bass Head in this clip ??. Not a guessing game, I'm genuinely interested.
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