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Everything posted by KennysFord

  1. Great sounding cabs these. I've had the 410 and 210 versions. A bargain at the price too.
  2. Cheers for all the replies guys. I think i'll give it a miss judging by the comments. I'd only go and throw a lot of money ar in on upgrades so no point going there. I still miss my the Sterling i had to part with few years back but this one won't cut it. Thanks again.
  3. Talking about the spaces making such a great Reggae Bass line, This one is lovely [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Jh0i1OFWGs[/media] And this one just because it's a great track. Makes ya think a bit. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MT26U0kSzg
  4. Thanks luke. That's good then right ? Any idea on value for such an item ? Presuming it's in good nick.
  5. Hi folks, i've been offered a Musicman copy but i can't figure out what it is from the headstock logo. Any ideas ? The guy has no idea what it is or how much would be a fair price for it. Much appreciated
  6. Sorry Bud, It sold privately a couple of weeks ago. My apologies to you for not updating the thread. Cheers, Pete.
  7. Hi Bob, You're pimped one ended up here for a while if you remember, how you doing anyway ??? Yours had the more traditional rounded Blazer style headstock. I have a 1980 Blazer of this model and it's a bloody cracker, It's the one I'd rescue in a fire ! Fantastic tone, great neck and nice and light too and growls like a son of a bitch. £225 is a steal.....really. Someone is going to be very pleased indeed. .
  8. Just spent a year with my band, it's all gone belly up over the course of 4 weeks. On to the next project.....once again
  9. KiOgon helped with my P Bass wiring too. I have a 57ri and John very kindly sorted me out with a fully wired set up. In the end tho' I much preferred the sound with the original 1uf cap rather than the .47 but it was an easy job to change them over. I was very surprised by how much the .47 altered the tone of my Bass and I thought the 1uf sounded a lot more old school which I prefer. Horses for courses and all that.
  10. [quote name='cocco' timestamp='1334097895' post='1611030'] That's lovely! I'm sad I can't buy it [/quote] Likewise
  11. If you can find a Roland DB500 or DB700 you'll be good to go. They work great for Bass and Keys.
  12. That's your best post this year B5 ! Nothing wrong with the others mind, jus' that's the best one. That was bloody fabulous, you made my night. !
  13. Hey folks, Do any of you Trace experts out there know if there's any fundamental difference between the two pre amps ...apart from the extra slice of eq on the bottom end of the GP12. Cheers
  14. The break at 9.16 in the Diana Krall video is sublime, the rest of it is fantastic too. Thanks for posting it up.
  15. Sounds like something is amiss there. I can annoy the cr*p outa my neighbors with a GK MB200 with the gain at 10 oclock playing thru' a single 16ohm Ashdown 10" speaker. As the other guys have said, I would audition some other cabs.
  16. Hi Bud, You sure the deltalite is 4ohm and not 8 ?? They don't seem to list it as 4ohms unless I'm missing something. Cheers.
  17. What do you do if your drummer keeps speeding up ! I've been playing with my current Blues Band for just over a year and I'm getting to the point of frustration (I'm very patient) because no matter what, he speeds up on nearly every track we do. I've come to the point where I no longer go with him any more just to see how long it takes him to realise. He's a lovely guy and I'm loathed to call him out on it, I lost a mate (drummer)over this before and I'm worried he'll have a hissy If I do. The times when we are playing together as a "rhythm section" are few and far between, especially on the funkier stuff we do. He struggles with swung beats and shuffles too, pretty fundamental stuff for a Blues Band. He played at a jam night the other week and someone videod it and put it on youtube. The tempo starts of at 130 and after 3 minutes it's up to 150. I'm relieved I went home early and was not there to be a part of it.
  18. My Old tuners I think. Nice looking bass now, I remember this one being built at Pauls' place
  19. Well I took the old girl out for a spin tonight....well actually I powered the amp up tonight for the first time in 4 years to see how the old girl sounded.There was a bit of white noise to start with but the went away after about 10 mins. I ran it thru' my single 10" Ashdown cab and then A/B'd against my GK MB200 and the Trace won, overall the sound was quite a bit warmer than the GK which suits me to a tee to be honest. I play Blues mainly with a P Bass and some very worn but very mellow lovely sounding 3 year old Sunbeams. The reason for starting the thread in the first place is that my Bro has charged me with selling his complete Trace Stack. The AH200, a 1048 4x10 and 1518 15 er. The serials are all hand written and I believe that makes all before or around 89/90. He works off shore and has decided to part with it all as he doesn't get chance to use it anymore. To do him and the rig justice I wanted to do a bit of research to find out what I had. I think I'll be having a word with him tomorrow to see if I can buy the amp as he wanted to try and keep the whole thing together. I've yet to check it all out properly before it all goes on sale. So... The first date was a success, kinda like our good friend on here and his French bit of fluff.
  20. I just had Paul fit a Mighty Mite Jazz neck to my P Bass. Absolutely top notch work and he went the extra mile too fitting the logo. Not that major I know but hey, it all counts for a great service. Whilst he was at it I got him to rewire the Jazz Humbucker on my Kramer Focus PJ and it's brought the Bass to life. It's a fantastic instrument and a joy to play and I reckon it would give the best that Fender has to offer a run for it's money. Thanks very much indeed Paul, a great job or jobs well done and for a very reasonable amount to boot. Pete.
  21. Now that you mention it..............
  22. I had a look myself last night but couldn't find anything either. Ah well,thanks for trying.
  23. If you sell it you'll be left wanting with the lesser stuff you replace it with. Trust me, I know. I had to sell a fair bit of my favourite gear 3 years back and I'm just getting to the point where I'm once again happy (almost) with my tone. If you can afford to keep the do so and enjoy it.
  24. Thanks Musky, Much obliged to you mate.
  25. Hi Folks, I have my Brothers TE AH200S here and I'm trying to date it and figure out which Mark it is. Any more info as well would be appreciated. The serial is 619/0576. I've read that the last two digits represent the year but 76 ??? Any help very much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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