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Everything posted by KennysFord

  1. I just bought Clarky's GK-MB200 of here. Paid for on Tuesday and arrived first thing Wednesday morning (the day after). You just can't beat it. Absolutely A1+ from start to finish. Cheers, Pete.
  2. Another two from a great Isley Bros album http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hM62GV_7MY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kC_mlznNUEY
  3. A couple from me. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkub18S1lhs[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pikehNRs6s4[/media]
  4. Thanks to all for the replies, much appreciated guys.
  5. No worries about the tenancy etc, it's upstairs in the local community center...but thanks for the heads up. I've just searched the gramma pad and I feel a bit of diy coming on. I work in a shool now so have acess to a table saw etc in the DT Dept. Cheers guys.
  6. Cheers Clarky, I tried the doubled and trebbled carpet but to no avail. I'll check out the Auralex. Thanks.
  7. Hi Folks, I've just started playing with a steel band who practise in an upstairs room with a wooden floor. I used 2 10" cabs last week and tried 1 10" last night but all I'm getting is boominess. I also tried my active Blazer last night (as opposed to my P with flats last week)that has tons of mids but it was all swallowed up in a thick yucky mess. I tried thick carpet doubled up under the cab, cab on top of amp on a chair etc etc. Is there anything I can do or use to combat the boom.Any amount of eq ing is doing nothing to get me a half decent sound. Thanks in advance.
  8. $$$$$$$ sent. Cheers, Pete.
  9. Hi Clarky, Please put my name on this bud if I can pay you tomorrow. Bank transfer,paypal whatever you want. I'm litteraly rushing out the door to rehearsal, 10 minutes late already. I won't change my mind so if it's not sold already I can get you paid before ten in the morning. pm your bank details or paypal and i'll get it to you. Gotta dash, Pete.
  10. "This keys voicing sounded great at home. Sounds rubbish now.....It must have been the soft furnishings"
  11. Just to report back.... Success !! I've plugged the bass into the valve preamp, from there to my besk and then out to the interface. I've got Reaper now as well so thanks for the heads up about that. I've also managed to put Ampeg svx as a plugin for reaper and I've now got good tone out of the bass and great tone coming back out from my first try at recording. Thanks very much for the help guys, it's now head stuck in reaper tutorial mode for a few days.
  12. Thanks for the help guys, I'm mainly using a P Bass so I'll try a pre-amp. I have a straight forward valve pre for a mic/guitar with no eq, just gain and output. The ampeg software has fully functioning eq as it amp/speaker modelling but I just can't seem to get a decent sound from it at all. The interface came with cubase LE but I havn't installed that on the computer as I thought the Ampeg software would give me a decent enough sound. I'll install it tonight and see if I can eq things a little better. I'll try it through the desk with the valve pre and see if that brings about better results. On the other hand would getting something like the Korg PX4D simplify things for playalongs with the head phones or would that be an unnecessary expence and do I persevere with what I have. Cheers and thanks for the replies guys.
  13. Hi Folks, I've spent the weekend trying to get myself a useable set up for home practise without using my amp but up to now the result is pretty rubbish at best. I don't have a seperate pre amp so i have my bass plugged into a tascam US-122 usb interface and Ampeg SVX running on the pc. When I use the interface I have no option but to have all playback via that. Final sound is through a home hi-fi set up that is pretty decent quality. I want to be able to mix signals, ie, jam along to songs etc and possibly record things when I get used to using the pc for playing. The problem is that the bass always sounds very muddy and is getting lost in the backing tracks. I can't seem to rectify it with the software as I'm really struggling to get some decent tone from it. What I need to know is do I need a pre or Is there a decent little piece of equipment I can buy to simplify things for home practise that will double up for headphone use as well without the complicated set up I have now. Thanks in advance, Pete. I have the a mixing desk at home as well so could that be brought into the equation ??
  14. Cheers for that protium. I'll look into it.
  15. Cheers for that discreet. I understand it now.
  16. Hi Bud, It does the same on my rig and practise set up. It's not a lot but it is noticeable. Anyone ??
  17. Hi Folks, I'm the proud new owner of my first Fender P Bass and very happy I am with it too. I've noticed that if I have the volume set a full and the tone where I like it (probably about a third from the bottom) if I turn the volume down slightly I loose quite a bit of the midrange punch. The Bass has SD APB-1 pups. Is this normal or not. Thanks in advance, Pete.
  18. Beautiful Job on my 2nd favourite tune ever. Lovely !!. A humble request for my favourite please, Donny Hathaways "Live" version of Little Ghetto Boy. Thanks.
  19. bump price drp to £110 delivered to UK.
  20. Great stuff, Cheers Buddy.
  21. Does anyone have a link for Bluegrass guitar parts, I can't seem to find it via google. Thanks in advance.
  22. I like it, thanks for posting as I've not heard it in a while. It let's you think about the ones you love that ain't here any more to tell them.
  23. I'm going to withdraw this one, It's un replaceable for £150. Keeping it for now
  24. Bump and a bit more info, I've been reliably informed that these were made by ESP so there you go, a good sign indeed. I've A/B'd this with my MIJ Fender P and the Kramer comes out very favourably. Fit and finish, fret work, neck pocket etc is better on the Kramer and the neck is more "Jazz" in profile. Soundwise, well it's just down to the pickups I guess, there's not really anything in it at all. I guess If I swapped the pups each would sound like the other. It plays very well, no buzz's and nice low action.
  25. Thanks Tim, and back at ya buddy. Pete.
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