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Everything posted by KennysFord

  1. Nice work dude !!
  2. Sold to that man right there. Cheers Owain.
  3. Hi folks, I tried this extender on my Sterling just before i sold it.It is as new apart from a wee bit of vaseline but not in the original box. £42 posted. Cheers. ps,I'm looking for a BT2 if anyone has one for trade.
  4. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='593200' date='Sep 8 2009, 07:34 PM']The moderators actively encourage auctions so its definitely not against forum rules.[/quote] Oh dear.....
  5. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='591228' date='Sep 6 2009, 10:01 AM']Hi Pete - where ya been ? Here' the [url="http://www.myspace.com/thelambreuniongig"]link[/url][/quote] Hey Al. Jus' been around mate,nowhere exciting tho' hehe.It's been a while since i posted i know but hey,i'll be sneaking back in over the next few weeks.How did the Blues band turn out btw ??. Glad to see you're well.
  6. Hey Al, Is there a link to said webpage ?? Cheers, Pete.
  7. Hey all, I have a Hipshot BT1 drop d tuner for a Music Man going spare in perfect condition.I could do with a BT2 for a 67-82 Fender if anyone has one to swap. Cheers.
  8. Hey folks. I have a 1980 Ibby Blazer and a circa early 90's Fernandes for sale The Blazer is the single Humbucker version.Natural finish and Maple neck.Plays a treat,super single piece neck + board.It has a Schaller 4d bridge and EMG BTS control system fitted for seperate Bass/Treble/Volume.The jack has been moved to the bottom of the body.Work done by Paul (Prosebass) This bass has honk a plenty and is in good condition considering the age.There is a small crack at the neck joint,it's very old and has'nt moved in the time i've had the bass so as far as i can tell it's stable. Sad sale at £300 plus delivery,includes hard case. Next up is the Fernandes. I gassed for this Bass for a good year or so and finally bought it of Guven Calgar earlier this year.I've since fitted an artec 3 band eq which needed an extra pot for the volume control. Again a very nice bass with some nice flaming on the back of the maple neck.As you can see it's a PJ and with the eq does both basses very well,the neck is also very skinny ala Ibby Sr's. I gave £330 for the bass so again a very sad sale at £330 + shipping I'm selling as i'm tight for cash at the mo,aint we all but also i'm pretty much just playing the Spunkster in both bands so these are not getting used.
  9. Cheers High score and thanks for the interest. I think Nick will insist on looking at the grade 4 stuff first.We went thru' all the Prelim,Grd1 +2 before we did the work on Grade 3.He's a stickler for detail. Nice on Sy, It sure is !! I'm going back to having some fun with my lessons for a wee while now,i've gone from singing in one band to playing bass in two others as well.One, a Soul band,the other Blues so it's brushing up on the skills required for those two.Back to groovy fingerstyle stuff for a while then nose to the grindstone again. It's all good fun eh !
  10. Hey all, Well i took the grade 3 RGT exam last week and the marks are in today. 94.6 out of 100 and a distinction.Hehe I started at grade 3 to make sure i had a good grounding in the earlier stuff and it was as good a place as any to start i guess.I'd especially like to than Nick Carey,my teacher for all his help,patience and guidance along the way. Chuffed ta bits and grade 5 next i think.
  11. Gollum !! Thats it,i wondered who he reminded me of.He's got some funk in them fingers tho' eh !!
  12. I got £450 for mine this time last year,it was a nice example though and no case either.
  13. I found this little gem whilst searching for suitable toons.Bit of a weird bass stylee too !! Simple,no shredding and funky as hell. Enjoy.
  14. I played with the Blues band for the second time tonight.The drummer and me have "gelled" and it's a bloody treat to play with him.I'm relatively new to playing bass in bands but up to now i've half a dozen drummists under mi belt so to speak.This guy is in a different league and feel wise and we've hit it of really well.I was always searching with the others guys trying to lock in but now it's happened and i know how it feels it's a revelation. We got it funkeh !!
  15. Thanks for the help guys,some good stuff there to trawl through.Should keep me busy for a few days. Cheers.
  16. Hey Folks. I joined a reformed Chicago style blues band last week.When i played them the sort of funky stuff i like the Chicago stuff went out the window.I need a few recommendations along the lines of Nasty Habits,Mary had a little lamb,A woman named trouble etc. The funkier the better please but it needs to be in a Blues Stylee. Thanks in advance.
  17. Ouch !! Wish i'd never started this thread now.
  18. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='454002' date='Apr 4 2009, 12:13 PM']On the "Don't worry" version I love the skinny Israeli bird with the massive jugs![/quote] Was more impressed with her voice tbh but you have a point.
  19. Fantastic. What a great way to start the day,thanks. I just checked out the Don't worry video.Moved me to tears.! Tula !!....Wow what a voice.
  20. [quote name='silddx' post='453639' date='Apr 3 2009, 08:02 PM']What did you find boring about it?[/quote] Everything except the bit about the usb interface thingy. I looked at the headings and subjects but nothing caught my eye and made me want to read the articles. Geek99,it's US mag but readily available here.
  21. I picked up April's Bass Player mag at 4.30 today,it was in the recycling at 4.40. Looking forward to BGM a bit more now !!
  22. Could it be phosphur bronze strings they usually come fitted with perhaps. Try some flatwound strings on it and get it set up properly.
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