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Everything posted by KennysFord

  1. Hey all.Do we have an amp techie in the North West ?? I have a Crate BT-350 and I think it may be in need of a service.There's a bit of break-up on the tone,it's like a very slight distortion that becomes more apparent on harmonics.I've changed the valve on the Pre but it's still there.After researching the amp on various forums i'm lead to believe it shares most of it's guts with SWR and Ampeg so maybe the problem has surfaced on these makes,not sure. Does anyone have a clue as to what the problem might be or where I can take it to get it tested/sorted. Thanks.
  2. Imagine my joy this morning when BGM drops through the letter box to find they're doing a Motown article and bassline transcription.Of all the great and wonderful Jamerson lines they could/should have done they pick "your precious love". WTF !!!
  3. reminder time. its on tonight
  4. I pretty much figured it would be the Ray tbh.I just wondering if my 1980 Blazer would be somewhat similar.Ash body,maple neck,single bucker and 2 band active eq......... or am i just dreaming. Still,my Blazer sounds pretty damn good with D'addario chrome flats on it.I think i'll risk a set,the slinky's are cheap enough i guess. Cheers guys.
  5. I was chatting to a mate the other night about what strings he uses on his quite old and very lovely 2 band Stingray and to my surprise he said Hybrid Slinkys.Now this guy has got [u]Tone[/u] whether he plays through a Redhead,Trace 410 combo or a Hartke vx410.Ive tried regular and super slinky's and did'nt get on with 'em at all. Any of you lot tried the Hybrid's and your thoughts on them please.
  6. Bumparoo
  7. [quote name='Eight' post='411242' date='Feb 16 2009, 03:57 PM']You could... but let's say you've decided it you'll use it enough to make buying the software worthwhile. You'd be better off whacking another 512MB into the machine and finding the cheapest USB audio interface you can. Any of them would be better than the onboard sound (which is generally stinking). Even something like this [url="http://www.dolphinmusic.co.uk/shop/flypage/product_id/8522"]http://www.dolphinmusic.co.uk/shop/flypage/product_id/8522[/url] would be worth a shot. Software like this is really designed to be sent to studio monitors/PA systems not amps though.[/quote] Hi Eight, Thats the interface i used.....without success.I tried every setting in the software and it was either tone with lag or cracks,pops etc without lag. Edit I should add that it only worked or rather got sound through the software with it set on directx with the input from USB.I tried both the soundcard and USB outputs but with the exact same results.My guess is that the Behringer interface is'nt upto the job,i could be wrong tho',it has been known.
  8. Wow, What a response,well responses.Thanks to everyone !! I guess i'm on the right lines then,no pun intended and it was Homer's thread that got me to thinking actually.I'm not far off then in what i'm doing. Cheers all,i can relax a wee bit now then.
  9. I tried every possible setting for the interface,well on the software at least,if there's anything i needed to change in the laptop that'd be me stump'd.I tried it through the rig last week and it was muddy,(my rig is'nt muddy on it's own) but through the headphones it's clear.
  10. Hey all. I'm currently learning about 15 songs for a new covers band.In the other band i'm in i play acoustic guitar so it's just a matter of learning the chord sequence.Do you guys learn the chord sequence as well,learn the bass parts from the original recording and put your own spin on it or just learn the frets ??? One song in particular that we're doing,Donny Hathaway's version of What's going on prompted this question.Whenever I jam along to this song at home(i've 95% got it and quite proud of me self for it btw)it's more of a learning the line rather than the chords but on the Bluesier one's we do it's the opposite.Is there a definitive way to do it or just do whatever works. Thanks in advance
  11. Hi Eight. I could'nt get it to work properly at all with the interface,i got either crackles with no lag or decent tone with loads of lag.I've gone back to using the line in and headphone out on the soundcard. Cheers.
  12. Just a little heads up for some forthcoming Motown programmes on the beeb this week,well the 20th to be exact. [url="http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcfour/programmes/schedules/2009/02/20"]http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcfour/programmes/schedules/2009/02/20[/url]
  13. I borrowed an interface last night to see if i can justify the price of buying one,without success i'm afraid. I'm not doing any home recording and dont plan to yet.It was a Behringer one that comes with their 2442 desk.It only has phono's so i plugged the bass into my mini desk,then from the desk tape out to the interface then USB to the laptop.I either had a mess of crackles or decent tone with major lag.Could it be the interface i used if so do i need a better one or could it have been the lappy.I get no lag using the line but the tone could be better,it's great through the headphones btw. Thanks in advance.
  14. That's brilliant Al,a massive well done mate,i'd of sh*t me pants dropping stuff in like that. Can't wait to hear more !!
  15. Hey Al,cheers buddy,not to worry, i appreciate you taking the time to look. Nige aka Yorick,I've just got back from the hospital with the Mrs,we've......or should I she has been for her first scan today,she's 12 weeks gone,all's lookin' good and it's the first hurdle crossed.I just checked the mail and hey ho,it's here.A very nice little bonus to add to a good day all round. Thanks Nige,you helped make my day !!!!
  16. Good Man,I am open to "O.V.N.O" Did you manage to sell your Trace gear BTW
  17. I've no pics as yet of mine but its the same as this one.I can get pics up of mine but it'll be tonight.
  18. Nope but good luck with it.I've been revisiting my youth thanks to spotify.Black Uhuru,Aswad (before the cheese)Hulet is a great album of theirs,Twinkle Brothers,Barrington Levy etc.All good stuff eh!
  19. Hey folks. I have a Roland DB 500 combo thats not getting much use atm so i'll see if there's any interest. The carpet covering has a small bold patch where it was cat clawed(like that when i got it),nothing major and the chrome tip of one of the control knobs was hoovered off never to be seen again.In perfect working order,150 watts,it'll piss small pub gigs,great for rehearsals,home etc.A well known combo renowned for it's awesome tone and volume. bumpf, Digital modeling bass amplifier with Feed Forward Processing technology for rich, powerful output COSM modeling of Solid State, Tube and Tube Drive amps and Compression effects Split-frequency D-Chorus effect with dynamics sensitivity Shape controls specifically tailored to bass guitar 2 programmable memories for instant recall via footswitch (set 1 to mute for muteness,nice) 150W total output power w/ 12" speaker and horn tweeter Built-in DI with XLR and 1/4" outputs Looking for £150 plus postage,it's heavy though.Pick up or i could meet up within reason.
  20. I find him quite fascinating to be honest.There's a few yids on youtube where he's hardly if at all out of his teens and his playing is amazing for someone so young.I just read the book mentioned earlier (thanks Prosebass) and made an effort to find out more about his music.I'm a big fan of Joni too,Blue is in my top ten of all time.His playing in the Shadows and Light concert is fantastic. To me it's a very sad story and i cant help but wonder what if...........Like him or not it seems to me that he's done more to put the Bass guitar on the map than anyone else in it's short history.IMO of course. A Yay from me.
  21. Hi Al. I've been trawling but i can't find a piccie of the front cover,perhaps one of the other guys could help out here. Thanks
  22. [quote name='jakesbass' post='406816' date='Feb 11 2009, 07:04 PM']+++++++++++++++10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Alison Krauss is one of the worlds gratest living songstresses and she is a mean fiddle player too. When she sings it's like a prayer, such purity such beauty. If you can't hear it I'm very sad for you.[/quote] Yep,she gives me goosebumps every time i hear her voice.The duet with James Taylor on "Hows the world treating you" is simply immense.
  23. [quote name='yorick' post='406914' date='Feb 11 2009, 08:23 PM']Found it!!! I can photocopy it and post it to you if you want. No scanner i'm afraid!!!![/quote] Cheers dude,ive pm'd ya.
  24. Aww Gee :blush:
  25. [quote name='redzombie' post='406753' date='Feb 11 2009, 06:08 PM']I'll happily listen to any of the above country artists, but tossers like Garth Brooks, Kenny Rogers[/quote] Steady on old chap,i do have a sensitive side you know
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