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Everything posted by KennysFord

  1. [quote name='ped' post='378159' date='Jan 12 2009, 07:47 PM']I don't know but I hope you get the chance to send them to me before you find out[/quote] Me too please.
  2. Hi Ped, The one that Nick Carey recommends is "Music reading for bass,the complete guide" by Wendi Hrehovcsik. It's in the Hal Leonard series.I have it and it's very good.There's some very good rhythm reading stuff in there as well.
  3. This might not help at all have but you thought about the BL range from celestion.Ive retro fitted 10's into a Hartke tp 410 cab with very good results,the tone is a lot more vintage than its counterpart,my other TP with alli cones.I have two friends who've also fitted the BL range into their cabs with good results,a pair of tens went into an SWR redhead,it sounds great and Nick Carey,a well respected guy of this forum has fitted BL12's into his two 12" cabs,again with very good results. They might be worth considering if you cant find the ones you're looking for.
  4. Thanks for clearing that up for me chaps.
  5. here's a free drum machine for windows.It's quite basic but good enough for starters. [url="http://www.threechords.com/hammerhead/introduction.shtml"]link[/url]
  6. Thanks Merton, now then,that leads me to ask in what cab :ph34r:
  7. Please forgive my ignorance but what speaker is the V type,thanks.
  8. I'm a room to room guy and to be honest i dont really see it as being a "noob" section as such,more of a resource for learning about playing, gear,gigging etc.I may be wrong here but it seems the more experienced among us are the one's that think it's unnecessary.Personally i doubt very much that it would divide the forum at all but then that's just me. edit, +1 on the current format but not having something like this before is'nt really a reason not to have one in the future. Why not trial it for a while and if it doesnt work out close it.At the end of the day it's easy to set up and i'm sure that there'll be plenty of folks who'd be happy to moderate it.
  9. Nice work Paul Looking forward to seeing the pics.
  10. Please leave it up ped.
  11. +1 on the beginners section.I would bet that 95% of active members including the more advanced people would check it out and contribute on a very regular basis. Links to online pages,lessons,gear tips would be great,study pieces,backing tracks etc etc etc. A wiki's all well and good but a beginners section with 3 or 4 sub headings would be an asset to the site.
  12. Nice one Peter, tis' beautifull. you're a lucky man.
  13. The New set should suit Nice Guy Eddie well Al,best of luck with it.
  14. I watched it but was a bit disapointed. It was a bit short but i'll be watching the extended one when it's on.Not a mention of JJ anywhere tho',if there was i missed it.It was great to see the Funk Bro's but Bob looked a bit shaky......or pissed. Still.......it's been a good week for Motown fans on the beeb this week.
  15. Fantastic mate and well done to all of you.What a great voice you're singer has as well.
  16. Basschat baseball caps ?? I'll take one if and when.
  17. Hi Ped, Please put me down for a "Medium" when the next batch comes in would ya. Great design BTW.
  18. cheers guys, Its one of the lads in the band's works xmas dooooo.Its over in Accrington,it's at his house (big)so it should be a fairly relaxed affair.Just right to breeze me into the live side of playing Bass.We start with my other band where i'm on Bass just after the new year,an sooooooo looking forward to it. Cheers guys. Nice one Adrian. ps, thanks for talking some sense into me btw.The DB's stayin put now.
  19. Wish me luck folks. I'm depping for our kid tonight. That means it's my first time playing yee owd Bass in front of strangers.Cool !! Even better,i don't have to sing lead or for that matter backing vocals or play acoustic g***ar on feck. Huuurrrraaaaah !! No nerves at all,well not yet.
  20. [quote name='M4L666' post='353095' date='Dec 12 2008, 08:27 PM']I like the idea but am too poor to experiment. [/quote] + to the 1 hehe.
  21. I went for the rack tuner simply to save unplugging the Bass and plugging in a wee tuner.My amp weighs a ton and the case and tuner dont really add so much as you'd notice but it does seem a lot more convinient,not forgetting the light show either.I bought the rack ears for my LMk2 when i had it but didnt get round to actually "racking" it before i sold it. I can see a pedal doing it but then the down side i guess is the extra lead.
  22. Sorry to jump on your thread mate, Homer-- avater = piss + sides. I know a young laddie in Blackpool who may be after a geetar combo,i'll call him and see. OK,spoke to his mum and sent them the webby.
  23. Thats the worst "yamaha" sticker i've ever seen.There's no way they would have stuck that on.
  24. Good point seymout fluid. spinynorman--yeah baby. TBh,i'm thinking of replacing the tuner with a 1u power amp when funds allow.I'll be able to use my home made jobbie 1 x 15 then.
  25. Thanks BigRedX, I'll try it in the line out socket and see what happens...... A new amp isnt an option at the moment,hehe, or tuner for that matter.
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