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Everything posted by KennysFord

  1. Hey Folks, I'm freshening up my Spunky Jazzer and thinking of fitting a J-Retro. Would anyone be so kind as to do the dirty and measure there's for me please. I'm looking for center to center on the screw holes and point to point down the center line in mm. Many thanks in advance, Pete.
  2. Hey Folks, My 2002 Thumb NT4 has started distorting when I dig in on the E with the Bass up to about 3/4's or above. I've tried a couple of different batteries (both good) and it's not that. It's fine on the A string from C up but pretty bad on the E string from A down, awfully bad when digging in on the open E. If I knock the bass back to 3/4's it's gone. Any ideas or suggestion would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  3. Heads Up Folks, We've just discovered this very nifty little app for ios called Band Diary https://itunes.apple.com/ca/app/banddiary/id470255352?mt=8 It's a fantastic little app that everyone in the band can use and it's 69p. Everyone can put your N/A dates on it so no more frantic phone calls outside the pub or whatever. Use it to schedule gigs, rehearsals, add Youtube links to songs then you're all learning the right versions and fans can access your dates too, we havn't got any so I've not figured that bit out yet but...... Check it out, it's a real labour saver.
  4. Hey Folks and Warwick experts especially. I've noticed on the last couple of gigs that the back of the neck on my Thumb is getting a bit sticky feeling. I can also feel small bobbles as well and have to wipe the neck after every couple of songs or so. I've had it a few months now and not waxed it yet, however I'm a tad worried about doing the back of the neck as I like a Satin feel rather than Gloss as I find gloss to be very erm "Non Slidy" Your help would be very much appreciated. Cheers.
  5. Hi Folks, My band need to do so basic demos for the website and as we're all pretty busy we'll each be doing our own tracks at home then mixing it later. Since I got my Ipad I sold my USB interface for the PC so I'm wondering if there's any way I can use my Ipad to record onto my basic PC DAW, I have an Ipad to USB lead. Failing that I have a the drum tracks as MP3's. Is there any way I can record the Bass part on my Ipad to these then export them as either WAV or MP3 to send for mixing. We're not after super duper audio quality at this stage, just something to put on the website for folk to get an idea of how we sound. Thanks in advance. Pete.
  6. Hi Folks, After a long and finally rewarding search for my sound I'm going down the Trace Elliot route for amplification so as I have an AH350SMX inbound this is now for sale. It's a 600 watt head from 8 down to 2.8ohms with a selector switch to match the power section to your cabs. The head is in A1 perfect condition with no issues whatsoever and it comes with a good quality passed cover. It has quite a few useful features on the front panel...I'll quote from the manual which is better at decribing some of the stuff.... Punch which tightens up the tone without adding volume and a Bass shape switch which activates a low cut filter at 80 Hz, Sub-bass signals are filtered out which is great for getting rid of boom on problematic stages. The TUBE GROWL knob allows you to dial in natural compression and tube effects. It puts the ability to control the compressor parameters – threshold, ratio, make-up gain, attach and release – as well as tube saturation levels at your fingertips The EQ section is a bit different from the norm, Quote [i]Pure Parallel EQ is a technology based on the kind of circuitry generally found in high-end studio gear. The signal is distributed to all EQ bands simultaneously rather than being routed through the bands consecutively. The original signal is routed through via a passive circuit, practically circling the complete circuit. The filters for the respective bands arrayed in parallel to this circuit only process the targeted frequencies, which are then added back to the original signal. The Tchebycheff characteristics of the bass and treble filters make an extremely effectively processed signal possible: neighbouring frequencies in a selected field are processed in the opposite direction, i.e. neighbouring frequencies are lowered when a frequency is boosted, and raised when it is cut. This allows for clearly audible processing without excessive variations is level.[/i] Soundwise, the only thing that I've owned that I can compare it to is the Mark Bass TTE500. The Quantum has more bottom on tap though and a lot more features. My thoughts are that this head was designed with the Rock Player in mind and I'm not really a Rock kinda guy. I'll add a link to the Website, Manual PDF and a couple or reviews http://www.hughes-and-kettner.com/products.php5?id=47&prod=QT%20600%20Head http://www.harmonycentral.com/products/102510 There's also a fair bit on TB if you have a look. Overall, a very good quality and great looking head and recently serviced by David Pye in Preston. I'd like £450 including postage or a bit less for collection or local delivery. Thanks. [IMG]http://i1014.photobucket.com/albums/af261/kennyrodg/hk2_zpsf34e7585.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1014.photobucket.com/albums/af261/kennyrodg/HK1_zpsc6f8481b.jpg[/IMG]
  7. Hey Folks, I need to get a new used) gig worthy head, 500 watts absolute minimum with some warmth to the tone. I'm sick of throwing money at amps only to find they don't work for me, my budget won't stretch to new high end stuff so I'm looking for suggestions for used amps to consider please. The nicest sounding head I've had up to now was an Eden WT550 but that went into clipping to early so it had to go. I liked my SVT3 but not enough to keep it so that went too. I'm currently using a H+K Quantum 600 but that's too aggressive in the mids for me, It sounds just like the Markbass TTE500 and I didn't get on with that at all, no sirree !! I've been thinking about the Ashdown ABM series as they're supposed to be a warm sounding head so first question is any ideas on how they compare to the Eden WT series tone wise and I might as well throw the SVT7 in the mix too as I dig the Ampeg thing. I'll welcome any other suggestions you fine people have. Thanks in advance.
  8. Hey Folks, I have a BFM Omni 2x10 cab running at 8 ohms as in it has two 16ohm Eminence Beta 10 drivers. I'll soon be taking delivery of an Omni 10.5 (1x10) to pair with it. I'd like all three speakers to see an equal load, ie, so it thinks it's a single 3x10 cab. I can't get my head around what Ohms the driver in the 1x10 to be, also as I'll be daisy chaining will I need a special lead for the purposes thereof. Thanks and apologies in advance.
  9. Hey Folks, I have a pair of these cabs, 1 new and an older one. I've just pulled the trigger on something a bit posh so the new one is surplus to. I've had it just about three weeks ago from Thomann and it's been gigged once, it's perfect as new condition. No problems with it at all, everything works as it should, no rattles or buzzes etc etc. It'll come in the original box and shipped for £165. 600 watt,8ohms and as light as a proverbial one. It's at the studio now so I can't get a photo just yet but you all know what they look like. I can nip and get one or two on Tuesday if you insist. Bank Transfer preferred but Paypal is fine if you cover the fee's. Shipping to "UK Only" please and I'm not really interested in trades atm. Thanks.
  10. Hey all, Just wondering if anyone's tried one....apart from Dood that is. I fancy a fridge, I've neither owned one nor played thru' one for that matter and I think it would be rude not to at some point. The NX 810 is fairly lightweight as 810's go, versatile in that they're a 2 x 410 or single 810 sealed cab and at a decent price, made in England too. They get decent reviews on TB so what say you chaps ?? I'd be interested to hear if anyone has had the pleasure.......or not ! Thanks in advance.
  11. Hey Folks, I have a Fender Japan P Bass that's for sale. I bought it of BurritoBassIt's of here earlier this year. In his words it was his main gigging bass throughout the nineties and needed a refret. So, rather than mucking about he sourced this replacement Q serial cij neck from Japan. I'm not sure if it's a 62ri or a 57ri to be honest but it has the extra strap button at the back of the headstock. It has a SD SPB1 p/up and wiring kit/pots etc from Kiogon. and genuine Fender replacement Vol/Tone knobs. It came with a BWB pickguard and I also have Torty one, I'll include these with the Bass. It has a quite a few dings here and there but it plays and sounds absolutely great. Currently strung with Flats, I can put some rounds on if needed. I'm looking for[s] £400 delivered, £380 collected.[/s] £350 collected, £370 delivered. I have a wooden case for it and it will be well packed, sent 1st class and fully insured. Cheers. Ps, The ashtrays are not fastened in the pics but are included. Cheers.
  12. Hi Folks, I bought this a couple of weeks back....more for a look see than anything else. It's a good cab, 210 plus two 5" high frequency drivers. I gigged it over the weekend, It works fine, couple nicks on the the tolex but very minor Reason for sale, I've just bought a pair of GK 212 Neo's.so it's surplus to and gotta go. It's a great little top cab or stand alone 210, Very nice high's with no harshness as some tweeters can be.and great Mids too. £170 delivered which is what I paid a couple of weeks ago. Pics up later this afternoon. Cheers for looking. Edit, I've had a busy day so not managed to get my own pics yet. Here's the one from Rubis' previous for sale thread who I bought it off. I forgot to add, it comes with a canvas Trace Elliot cover and the badge had been removed prior to me owning it.
  13. Hi Folks, Bought this a couple of months back but prefer the tone of my Eden WT550 to be honest so might as well see if this will move. It has a story so....... As above, bought of here a couple of months back but the amp arrived with 2 small dings on the underside where the feet are. It was a quick fix to pop them out but in doing so the threads in the chassis stripped, steel made from cheese I think. Anyway, I remedied this with a 4mm nut on each bolt job done. The head tested perfectly well, I gigged it a couple of times but noticed than when the compressor was on full it squashed to tone too much. I contacted Walbassist of here who has the same head and he suggested I put a new valve in the compressor and try that. To save any messing about I revalved the entire head. The compressor works 100% now as does the head. As I wasn't 100% happy to move the head on (if at the time I decided to) I sent the head of to Gareth for him to A/B it against his just to check it sounded and worked as his. The tone on his was slightly different but that was down to Valve choice alone. Since getting the head back I've gigged it a couple of times without issue, happy days, no problems what so ever and I'm very happy and confident that the amp is working 100% as it should. There was / is absolutely no damage at all to the top and all four sides and you have to really look to see any evidence underneath. Looks as good as any other. I might as well add that I contacted Markbass in Italy at the time and a replacement chassis was 40euros, 80euros to do the repair. However they wouldn't send me a replacement chassis as they have to put the safety info and serial number on there as well. It would have to go to Italy for the repair, they advised me to just use it. In light of the above and in respect of how much these are new I think a fair asking price would be £420 including shipping 1st class (and correctly marked as fragile) to the UK. It comes with an as new Markbass padded carry case as well. I'll stick a few pics up here but I have a lot more Hi Def ones to email if anyone wants to see them. Cheers for looking. Trade wise SVT7pro would be nice perhaps, No Basses tho' please.
  14. Hi Folks, As above please gents. Anyone using Flats ?? Cheers.
  15. Hey Folks, I've too many heads at the moment and as I'll hopefully be taking delivery of an Eden WT550 over the weekend something has to give. The wedding band I just joined is gigging plenty so I want a more modern Hi-fi sounding amp for that band. I won't have pics until the weekend as it's at the studio so I'll be able to check the year etc then. It's a "Made in U.S.A" version 450 watts into 4 ohms. The condition is very good indeed, no marks on the front and everything works as it should. There was some slight low volume distortion with the head when I got it and upon research found out that this is common with the SVT3pro, the mosfets need biasing from time to time. As a result I took the head to David Pye in Preston for a full service last month, (new tyres,oil and filter etc etc) and the mosfets were re biased to within 2mv of the recommended, (that's good btw) Whilst I was at It I also did partial re valve (3 out of the 5). The head is now working really well, the tone is lovely and clear, no distortion what so-ever. It's just a tad on the heavy side for my 9 stone pissed wet thru' frame (especially in it's rack with added tuner, not inc). I've gigged it a few times now and it's performed flawlessly, absolutely no issues with the head whatsoever. These seem to go fro sale at around the £400 to £450 mark so I'll ask for £400 collected or plus £20 to ship it, fully insured, 1st class. I'm happy to meet up within reason around the North West. Cheers for looking.
  16. Hey to all in BC land, There has a couple of threads over the the last month about some very nice people going the extra mile to help other members of the forum. I'd like to share this story with you all as I think it sums this place up and to a degree the vast majority of it's members, I'd like to think so anyway. It's a bit of a long story but hopefully worth the read so please bear with me. So.... A couple of months back I bought a Markbass TTE500 off these pages and unfortunately it arrived with some damage to the underside of the amp. Basically two of the feet were pushed slightly into the base of the amp. No big deal I thought so I took the sides of the amp off and pushed the dents out, half an hour later, job done.....or so I thought. I hadn't realised that the chassis is made of cheese and I had stripped the bolts, Bugger.....two 4mm nuts later amp good as new and happy days. Although the amp worked fine I was a little concerned about the compressor so I contacted Gareth (Walbassist ) for some advise as he has the TTE500. I explained my concerns and he recommended I re-valve the head as It might have been dropped in transit....that would explain the feet ! He sent me some links to a shop where he's had good service, sure enough two days later the head was re-valved and working fine. At this point I couldn't decide whether I disliked the voicing of the amp or if something was still amiss so I sent another message to Gareth asking if I could send the head down to him then he could A/B it against his to double check. He readily agreed nice man that he is and it was duly dispatched for a thorough run through. All I was hoping he'd do was just give it a quick blast to make sure and then I'd get it collected and couriered back up here. Unbeknown to me Gareth had done so much more than I'd asked. A couple of days later I got a pm from Gareth explaining that he'd recorded samples of the amp with various combinations of valves, old, new, vintage you name it then done the same with his amp to compare. As most of you have seen his videos he does a great job. Wow, I was staggered to say the least, right of his own bat without me asking for it !! Turns out the Amp is fine, just not my thing. There's a bit more to this tale at this juncture...I'm not explaining this next part for any sympathy so please don't think that. What Gareth did next, basically a simple thing I guess meant so much at such a sh*t time that I'll always be grateful to him, ..... please read on.... During this time, about 3 weeks ago in fact our family suffered and terrible bereavement that knocked us all for six. We lost a grandchild, 6 hours old and we were all pretty devastated as you can imagine. My stepson and his partner couldn't bear to leave the baby's side at the hospital so my Mrs went to her sons house for the week to take care of the other Grand kids. I intimated to Gareth what was going on and I might struggle to get the collection arranged that week. No problem he said, "I'll arrange for the amp to be collected and delivered back to you. I'll pay for it this end and you can Paypal me the money back when you get round to it" Just this little extra thing, well big thing actually really moved me to the point of tears ! For someone who I've never met to do all of the above and then send the thing back to me as well at the end of it all is just amazing and I just wanted to share with you all that I can't stress enough how very truly grateful I am to Gareth for what he did for me. There's the extra mile and then there's the "extra mile" Gareth, dude, is there is such a thing as Karma then your I sincerely hope your cup overflow ! From the bottom of my heart, Thankyou.
  17. Hey Folks, I'm wondering if you guys can offer some opinions / thoughts on the EdenWT550. I play in a Wedding / Function band and a Blues outfit as well. I've had a few recent purchases that have not worked out for me at all so would like to learn from others' experiences on this head. There's not much on Youtube and a few post on TB of them packing up or breaking down etc. Any thoughts chaps ?
  18. Just on the off chance like http://basschat.co.uk/topic/86560-warwick-2002-limited-edition-fna-jazzman/page__p__850431__hl__jazzman__fromsearch__1#entry850431 I'm on the lookout for a Warwick FNA Jazzman and after being right royally pissed about on ebay over the last couple of days, deal done, seller shafts me etc etc I've got the bit between my teeth so to speak. Cheers.
  19. What a fun two days I've had. I've just negotiated a deal on a Warwick FNA Jazzman that was on eBay. Starting bid was £550 and as I've been looking for one for a while I put a bid. the seller contacted me to say that "Ooops,I meant to put a £650 reserve on it" so I'm going to cancel your bid. I offered him a price and we then negotiated up to£600 cash explaining all the while that if he got his £650 reserve he would get less than £600 after the fee's etc. Deal done and agreed, I even managed to sort out collection from Aberdeen, not an easy task from Preston Lancs. The last one on here went for £500 ! He's now backed out of the deal to try and get a higher price for it. To say I'm gutted is an understatement, bloody annoyed about the whole episode as well to be honest. If he relists be warned that this chap might not be true to his word. Sour Grapes, me.....Well yeah pretty much.
  20. sold
  21. Hey folks, Time for a change in the Spunkster, Only selling to help fund a J-retro so I'll be sticking the stockers back in and see how we go. A pair of SD Antiquity ll JB Pups.With original boxes and aged screws etc, basically complete and in excellent condition....well apart from being fitted of course. Price dropped, now £80 delivered seems about right. PP gift or Bank Transfer please or Cash on collection. Cheers.
  22. Hi folks, I'm doing the sound for our band tomorrow and a need little help please. We normally use a desk with built in effects but tomorrow we have to use a different analogue desk and rack effects. I've had a play with it today and figured it out to a point. I've taken both outs from the desk into the effects unit then out to the amp. I've managed to find a decent reverb for vocals but what has just struck me is that we're sending the keys thru the desk as well and we don't want reverb on them. Something in the back of my mind tells me that I can use aux 2 (the desk only has 2 aux's) for effects but I can't figure it out as the effects unit has two inputs and aux's are just jack out. Anyone a bit more clued up out there who can help me out. It would be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance, Pete.
  23. Hey Folks, Barefaced BigOne for sale, You know all the blurb on these so..... I prefer the sound of 10's on stage so at least I can say I've tried. The cab is in very good condition, has the wheels at the bottom, side and top handles and is super lightweight. I'll include a good quality vinyl cover as well that didn't come with it from the previous owner. DIMENSIONS 29.5" high x 21" wide x 16" deep WEIGHT 41 lbs. Goes very loud @8ohms. Last price drop on this, £400 inc delivery please or collection from the Preston,NW area, I can pack it well for shipping, alternatively I'm happy to meet up within reason. Cheers. Now sold
  24. Hi Folks, I've only had this a few weeks, bought of Tom (TPJ) but as I have a bad case of Warwick GAS I've decided to keep my P,J and Blazer basses and put this one up for sale. It's a 2008 model and condition is a very stout a 10/10, it's absolutely pristine.No scratches,dings or buckle rash of any kind and the gloss finish is flawless. It still has the clear plastic on the control plate. The Maple/Maple neck is quite slim, I guess about the same as a Jazz Bass with a satin finish, nice and easy to play. There's no fret wear at all, the action is nice and low and as the set up was spot on for me when it arrived I've seen no reason to touch it. It has Lakland P/Ups and the Lakland 3 band LH3 Pre amp with passive push/pull All in all it's a very versatile and" lightweight" Bass with a good range of tones in pretty much as new condition. Me being me I'll set the price at what I'm prepared to take for it which is a fair bit less than what I paid, I'm not really a haggler so there you go. I'll let the Bass go at £530 inc but will knock a tenner of for collection. I'm also very happy to meet up within reason. I know how to package stuff so be assured that it will be packed well and suitably marked as "Fragile". Cheers for looking. Pete.
  25. Yes Please, been looking for one of these for ages. Paypal or Bank Tranfer, your call buddy. PM'd
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