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Everything posted by KennysFord

  1. [quote name='nickcarey' post='288600' date='Sep 21 2008, 04:44 PM']I'm happy to let them go for £30 + P&P[/quote] For the pair or each ??
  2. I'd like 1 of the eminence 12's if someone fancies the other that is.No worries though if someone wants the pair. Any idea on price Nick ??
  3. I luck'd out with my Sterling HS then.I got of the bay.com in December last year for £550 and my sisiter brought over from San-Diego at xmas as her own bass(no import duty) when she came to visit. With the way prices are going i guess i was double lucky really.It's scary out there.
  4. Sold to Ardi100. a very pleasant transaction it was too. thanks.
  5. and replied good sir.
  6. Hi ardi100, its still for sale. I havn't heard from steve since i replied to his pm so its still up for grabs.
  7. No problem Ped. Finbars right tho',a couple of side handles would'nt go amiss.
  8. They are pretty heavy.The tech stuff says something like "A great lightweight alternative too blah blah etc etc" It aint no lightweight,thats for sure. Ps, ive recieved a PM re the amp from steve but its not posted as such. i thought i'd better post it for dibbs etc. Anyways-thanks and replied to.
  9. Thanks for the endorsements guys,i've certainly found "my tone" with the DB-500,i just dont need two ive heard these are great combo's for keys as well. like i said,i'll be happy to keep either one of the amps.Whichever one i sell I'll be down roughly £20 but well worth it me thinks.
  10. I have a DB-500 going spare if anyone fancies. Here's the thing- Ive been after one of these for ages and i missed one by a hairs breadth on here a while back.Soooooo one pops up on the bay a few weeks back so i put a snipe on it with a few days to go.Next thing MIKEH puts his up for sale on here.The upshot is i buy Mikes and miss getting home in time to remove the snipe and win the one on the bay.I end up with two at the same time--kinda like busses. So,the one of the bay has some damage in the carpet from cat clawing,its through to the wood in a small patch but its hardly noticeable,the other is perfect. The good one is £160 collected,the other is £150 collected.You pays your money you takes your choice.I'll be more than happy with either one as they're both fantastic amps and the tone is amazing. Also there's plenty of reviews if you google the amp. Collection only from Preston please although i'll be happy to meet up somewhere within reason. Cheers then, To clarify i'm selling 1 of these amps and keeping the other.
  11. i think what mr sibs refers to is the sellers right to sell an item at the value they think its worth.if anyone else has an opinion about that price and they feel the need to comment it should be sent via pm and not in the op's thread.it's an open forum but doesnt give anyone the right to wreck somebody's sale beacause of an opinion.
  12. if you check out the reviews on the harmony central you'll see that its worth a punt.
  13. Cheers Jon. An informative post as ever.
  14. [quote name='nick' post='263901' date='Aug 17 2008, 12:18 PM']Very nice. I have one identical to one on the left - killer bass, blows away many a Fender Is there much of a diffrence in sound/tone between them? Cheers[/quote] Hi Nick, thanks for the nice complement. The 81 is strung with labella flats and i guess its a very "P" sounding bass.It has schaller pickups and the midrange is very growly.The neck is more jazzlike than P though. The 80 on the other hand is strung with D'addario nickels and has a single MM style pickup nearer the bridge so the tone is more mwaagh than the other.I havnt played it thru' my rig yet but i'm guess it will cut thru' extremely well.The neck is a lot fatter than the other but it's still great to play.I'm uber chuffed with both.
  15. A nice pair of blazers......well i think so. An 81 on the left and an 80 to the right. I liked Bob (left)so much i just had to have another. These guys used to live together and thanks to The burpster and Basszilla respectively they're back together again at mine.
  16. hi delberthot, yeah,this ones the same,it has the threaded bar behind the steel framework. To be fair to the seller she has sent me two replacement threaded bars....they arrived the morning after i posted nuetral feedback,dont i feel a c**t. still,they're not the best,next time i'll go for a better one.
  17. me on g**tar at our weddin do the other week
  18. just a quick mention for basszilla. i bought his 80 blazer,it arrived very quickly and he's a great man to deal with. cheers tim.
  19. Girls instrument !!! get a grip
  20. I have an old Crate BT350 with a valve pre going through two hartke tp410's one of which is retro fitted celestions and i think it sounds ace.Its very punchy and the mid's growl just so.
  21. pm'd. missed this lil' bugger by a hairsbreadth last time.
  22. And here's Vicky-my sterling :wub:
  23. I have, Blazer-Bobanez or Bob for short Sterling-Vicky Riverhead - Maurice Martin acoustic - Dorris after my Nan A crappy fanconia jazz-- Dufas
  24. And replied sir
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