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Everything posted by KennysFord

  1. thanks for the reply,i'll give it a shot.
  2. hi folks. i have a couple of mystery speakers at home.i want to see what Ohmage they are,can you test it with a multi meter. thanks in advance.
  3. i recently sold an epiphone mb 250,it was about 20 years old and bashed up a bit at that but it made £350 easily.Something from the 1890's should be worth a hell of a lot more.You could try some of the bluegrass forums over in the states,they're bound to have their own version of the bassassasin.Ive always found the yanks very helpfull so i'm sure they'd point you in the right direction. this one looks pretty good. [url="http://www.bluegrassworks.com/forum/"]http://www.bluegrassworks.com/forum/[/url]
  4. And the Gekkimekkispekki factory ????? thats bound to be a more interesting tale.
  5. yep,thats a new one on me too,like you im sure we'll get the full heads up once jon's seen it. :ph34r:
  6. they're deffo speaker leads,i had em made up special like,neutrik jacks and elv pro speaker wire, thats ok i hope ????, you got me worried now
  7. thanks for that guys. i noticed the diagram for the tweeters but i missed the bit about the resistor. i'll go take another look.
  8. Thanks dave, yeah,thats what im using.
  9. apologies for hijacking but the seems to be the best point to ask, where does it tell you in the plans about the wiring,in particlar about things like resistors etc,i fancy a go at an Omni 10 but the electronic side of things is a bit daunting. apologies again.
  10. Ok chaps. ta very much.
  11. Please can we have some info a picture of Marvin,it'll be very intersting to see and hear about him. thanks.
  12. Hey all. if i want to run two speakers from my Lmk ll do i use the extension socket from the first cab or do i use the secondary output on the amp ?? thanks in advance. ps,both cabs are 8 ohm.
  13. dammit,there was me thinkin' they were included :ph34r:
  14. keep ya busy stompin around though eh !! "man that bass players all over the place" hehe
  15. Thanks jamesf,kinda got it now.
  16. dumb question maybe but.......here goes how do use a wireless system if you got two or three pedals on the go :ph34r: edit, AREA,you're avatar rocks !!
  17. beautiful job,the body looks totally amazing.
  18. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzXVHrc7Kto&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzXVHrc7Kto...feature=related[/url]
  19. Hi doug and welcome aboard. please excuse the avatar though :ph34r:
  20. Hey all, As above,Alexis's's's's's'sssss finest-as new,perfect nick,no scratches,watched once Here's the bumpf, [i]Master tutor Alexis Sklarevski provides a superb chance to learn the secrets to the thrilling and versatile world of the Slap Bass. Starting with the fundamentals of slap technique, Sklarevski elaborates one step at a time as you progress through such exciting ideas as: Complex damping and choking Funk patterns and vamps Machine-gun triplets Percussive right-hand tapping Flamenco-style strumming Double-stop riffs Scales and phrasing . All demonstrations are supported by Guitars and Drums, so you can really hear the ideas in action. Full support is provided online, and a notation booklet can be printed from the disc[/i] The cheapest ive found this on the bay is £25.80 £15 via Paypal posted to your door. paypal only for this please.
  21. yep,labelled with model,serial and date.
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