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Everything posted by KennysFord

  1. i spoke with goerdt (Mr signature) quite a few times whilst sorting out the spec for my bass.I thought him at all times to nothing but genuine,polite and extremely helpfull,he even called me twice from the states.I would'nt have a moments hesitation in recomending him or his basses to someone looking for a cheaper Jazz than a MIA.
  2. sorry, i forgot to add...... and thanks very much for the patch lead,a nice suprise and added bonus. good man.
  3. hey nick, just to let you know........ i got the strings and pedal this afternoon,wow,that was quick chuffed to bits,you gave me something to play with this afternoon. cheers then, pete.
  4. and my hybrid too !!
  5. I had on of these,ash body and maple with white block inlaid neck.they're really very good.nice to see another one.
  6. yup,they do sound pretty good...but....I'm on an eternal quest to Tinker,i cant help myself. I guess i want to try and mellow the tone a wee bit,warm it up maybe. what i should have asked then is does anyone what effect a particular make would have on the tone,any thoughts.
  7. i'd be more than happy to take the other ipod if you still have it. cheers. EDIT just re-read the post,sorry.not wanting to step on any ones toes--gets coat.
  8. hey all. ive been thinking about changing the pups in my sterling hs for soapbar types,has anyone out there tried it perhaps ?? any thoughts about which ones to research ?? thanks in advance.
  9. thanks guys. i'll stick with em for a while. they do feel very grippy though. bob, i gave them the wotfor with fast fret and they were slightly better.i know what you mean though,you can feel the sharp edges where they've been through the grinder. thanks all.
  10. hehe, i just took TI flats of to try these,i know what you mean with them.i'll "stick" with 'em and see how they go.nice midrange on D'addario's tho'.
  11. some people,me for instance,like things that are a bit "different".simple really.
  12. thanks for the reply, yeah,they're ENR71's. sticky might not be the correct word,its like your fingers feel some resistance when you try to slide up the neck or from note to note. is it me ??
  13. hey all. does any one have experience with nickel half rounds ??? i just fitted a set and they feel very sticky.im just wondering if they'll play in or is that the way they are. thanks in advance.
  14. hi spychal, with a bit of luck you'll be able to get out of the deal.one things for sure,you'll find the right bass for yourself on here.this is where the good guys hang out.
  15. hey funk. yeah, i figured that with the frequencies,i cant see how you could get rid of the overlap.he's convinced himself that there's something out there that'll do it.ive told him that there are sample sites out there but he wants to get some stuff from his own collection.he's got some really cool records,he was once a rather famous jazz/funk DJ up here.he was in blues and soul magazine a few times. im sure you'd appreciate a lot of the stuff in his boxes. cheers, pete.
  16. hey all. do we know of any sampling software that can take a particular track from part of a song,ie just backing vocals for example.when he says track,he means lets say it was recorded as an 8 track song (bass on track 1,guitar track 2,drums track 3 etc)you can split it and take which bit you need.other than that do you have to take the whole piece then erase the frequency ranges you dont want. sorry if this is long winded but its the best way i can explain it for now. its late. thanks in advance.
  17. thats f ugly
  18. hi again. when i saw the indie rock thing on your site my first reaction was "this isnt going to be my cuppa" anyways i'm happy to say that IMHO i think all the tracks are great.they're really catchy and melodic. all in all for me you guys are very good.well done.
  19. great job on the Jackie Moore,one of my all time favourite tunes. thanks for posting,its a pleasure to see people doing these classics.
  20. hey bob. very nice collection you have there.the swallow inlays are just beaut. oh,before i forget. 3rd dibs on the black P,lurvleh!
  21. if it helps i have an '81 Ibanez blazer and an early 80's mij Riverhead 5 string bass.the build quality on both is top drawer.The Ibanez has been hot-rodded somewhat but its amazing,i love it.it feels just right and the tone.......i'd better stop now. providing the one you go for is in good nick im sure you'll be happy. edit, if i had the spondoolies i'd buy that CMI in a heartbeat.very nice.
  22. thats me funkifized for the day
  23. KennysFord

    EZ drummer

    thanks for the clicky ped. kinda puts hammerhead in the shade eh !.ive just had 10 minutes of fun with the clave on 16th note triplets. good stuff.
  24. its still in SD bob,not sent yet.theres another due in a few weeks so just let me know.
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