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Everything posted by KennysFord

  1. if you end up having to order it from the states let me know.there's a shipment nearly ready to be sent from S-D,im sure an extra knob wont be too much of a problemo.you'll have to be quick tho'
  2. at the moment im in a band playing my acoustic guitar and singing :ph34r: (it is a martin so it could be worse.....)i think im a a better bass player than strummer so where's the justice eh ! ! think yourselves lucky,at least your playing bass. im looking for a band at the moment so my day will soon come.
  3. beautifull,all of 'em.thanks for sharing
  4. hi machines, funny you should say that. Nick Carey has very kindly set it up for me and he commented that it is very similar to a G&L he used to own.Ive searched on and off for the last year or so trying to find out about it.From what ive gleaned so far (which isnt a lot)Riverhead was a subsiduary of Headway Japan,the same company that make the Bachus basses.Its quite a decent quality bass to be honest,Nick was suitably impressed. I posted this thread up a while back,there's a bit more info on there if you'd care to look. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=16720&hl="]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=16720&hl=[/url] thanks for reply, pete.
  5. hope you likey. they've graced these pages on their own but never as a trio. left to right Riverhead 5 string(maurice),Sterling HS(vicky),81 Ibanez blazer(the one and only bobanez) sorry bout the crappy pics,im workin on it.
  6. best thing ive heard in a while,well done.
  7. nice one bob,tob job once again. now then....bank account.....lets see.....mmmmmm
  8. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='191319' date='May 3 2008, 07:11 PM']The necks & bodies there badged as "signature" appear to be identical to those on SX basses. If they are they are overpriced.[/quote] I think they're different to the sx's.The signature stuff was made back in the late 80's/early 90's then stored.When i bought my jazz of goerdt he told me that signature necks are hand made,i dont know if thats common practise or not but hey.However,i could tell that the neck i got was very well made and the attention to detail was spot on.There's some cracking reviews of his gear on harmony central.Of the top of my head there's 2 negative reviews in amongst 40odd positive ones.
  9. nice collection and we have have matching HS sterlings,mines an 07 too!
  10. nice bass dood,good luck with the sale.
  11. i got [url="http://www.bassgearmag.com/web/communication/BGM1_Sample.pdf"]this[/url] today. its a sampler for the online mag. apologies if this is posted elsewhere. i get a couple of mags via the web,as a taster this looks like its going to be rather good.
  12. and the book is ????.
  13. [quote name='The Burpster' post='191838' date='May 4 2008, 08:55 PM']Valves? told you they rock baby.... [/quote] still no sign of the preamp yet bob,i dont think i'll be able to stand it when it does
  14. oh bugger, sorry love but i feel a fresh bout of G.A.S coming on :brow: ps bob. played the lil' Ibanez through my rig for the first time yesterday,OH..... MY..... GOD!!
  15. If you hav'nr already seen the faq on the ernie ball site then [url="http://www.ernieball.com/faq_content.php?subjectcode=mm_basses"]here[/url]ya go. you can get the birchwood casey oil and wax of the bay. hope that helps.
  16. thanks bass ferret,a dual cone is an option i hadnt considered.my strings are fine tho' LOL
  17. anyone ??
  18. yup,thats the one.
  19. Thanks for the replies guys but getting new cabs isnt an option at the moment,especially a 4x10.i have an ashdown mini rig for practise at home.Here's the thing,she who MUST be obeyed only allows me to have 1 of the 2 cabs that this set up comes with in the back room.Its about 14" square and surrounded by a roland drum kit so space is very limited.I'd like to add a tweeter to said cab just to brighten it up a wee bit.Its a 16 ohm cab but i want to get it down to 8 ohm then i can use it with my LMkll when the neighbours are out, . Now for the live setup, I had a spare hartke 4x10 tp.I swapped the speakers for celestions and to my ears its improved the sound no end.Id like to brighten this cab up a bit with a tweeter but keep it at 8 ohms as my bottom cab is also 8ohms,i run them both together at 4ohms. I hope thats a bit clearer,it was late when i posted the first thread.
  20. hi all. i want to add a tweeter to my 4x10 and also to my practise speaker.At home im using the bottom half of an ashdown mini rig but the sound is very flat,the cab is roughly 14" square so is a piezo the way to go ?? for the 4x10 im guessing a horn type would be best but which one.im also unsure as how to wire them for the correct ohmage,especially as i'll probably need to add a crossover.the ashdown is 16ohm,i'd like to get that to 8ohms if possible.the 4x10 is 8 ohm and needs to stay that way. thanks in advance.
  21. thanks for the preamp stu,quick delivery and its in top top condition. thanks mate.
  22. you could look [url="http://stores.ebay.co.uk/BuildaBass_W0QQssPageNameZstrkQ3amefsQ3amesstQQtZkm"]here[/url]. ive dealt with goerdt a couple of times before,he's very helpfull and his customer service 1st class.he's in the US so shipping costs may be an issue. i got a jazz of him last year.it had a maple neck with mop block inlays and was stunning. drop him a line as i know he has other stuff knocking about that doesnt go on his shop page.he also knows a luthier who can get fender necks,worth a look see imo.
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