Thanks for the replies guys but getting new cabs isnt an option at the moment,especially a 4x10.i have an ashdown mini rig for practise at home.Here's the thing,she who MUST be obeyed only allows me to have 1 of the 2 cabs that this set up comes with in the back room.Its about 14" square and surrounded by a roland drum kit so space is very limited.I'd like to add a tweeter to said cab just to brighten it up a wee bit.Its a 16 ohm cab but i want to get it down to 8 ohm then i can use it with my LMkll when the neighbours are out, .
Now for the live setup,
I had a spare hartke 4x10 tp.I swapped the speakers for celestions and to my ears its improved the sound no end.Id like to brighten this cab up a bit with a tweeter but keep it at 8 ohms as my bottom cab is also 8ohms,i run them both together at 4ohms.
I hope thats a bit clearer,it was late when i posted the first thread.