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Everything posted by KennysFord

  1. You could try calling them.I buy from the states on a regular basis,to ship something that size via USPS would be no more than $20.UPS would be more and they charge a handling fee so insist on USPS if they play ball.flEbay.com would be my next port of call.Most American sellers on there will ship overseas if you ask nicely. hope that helps. pete.
  2. Ok bob, leave it with me,one will be winging its way to you soon. Thanks Mic mac moe, BTW,cool drumming on those 2 Stingray sound clips.
  3. Hi Cameron,thanks for the welcome. Sorry but ive not been to the Lamb lately,to be honest i didnt know there was a Jazz Funk night on there.....if thats what you meant. Back in the day i got into the music,firstly at the carribean club in town then in 79 cassinelli's in standish started up and was the place to be.Oh the memories.Blackpool all dayers,tunes to die for,jumpers for goalposts and all that hehe. I used go to the king georges hall in blackburn till a couple of years ago.Im still loving the music tho',trying my best to jam along too. So whats the lamb like now then ?? I used to go now and then when they had bands on
  4. cheers bob,thats very kind. still......you know what they say, dont think of it as losing a daughter,you'll be gaining a son.
  5. Great sound, go for it dood.
  6. I just got back from my first lesson with Nick. First things,I got a brew before i got to sit down,you know you're onto a good thing there then. I really enjoyed it,straight into technique with some great pointers and homework to boot. He's very attentive,patient and a good listener,a skill i'll admit i lack in from time to time. Im really excited as i now feel like im on the journey to the next level. Cheers Nick, oh and thanks for tweaking Vicky,she feels great.
  7. Cheers Bob. here you go matey, let me know if you like and ill get a CD to ya. cheers. [url="http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=70963713"]http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...iendID=70963713[/url] ps, dont you worry mate,she'll get the respect she deserves. thanks.
  8. hey josh, we're everywhere eh!! good man.
  9. Hi Zerofret, cool,im not alone !!! thanks for the welcome.
  10. Thanks BigRedX., now there's a a trio It might just be me but from the looks of the last two links these Riverheads look like pretty good basses. A nice bump for the feelgood factor. cheers.
  11. I consider myself a noob on here although im "no longer a noob"...just.Ive been on a week or so. What attracted me to BC was the easy going and humerous nature of the forum,these guys are for me i thought,still do. I recently joined the ernie ball forum and was very quickly put-off with the holier than thou attitude from the admin team and some of the members,god forbid you should mention fitting a different make of strings other than slinky's,if you mentioned changing the colour of your scratchplate....well that was it.No talk whatsoever about other company's products or else you recieved a very stern ticking off. Ive been involved with running forums myself and been chair of a club,we found the quickest way to turn people of and make them feel unwelcome was to treat them as lesser because they were noobs.In turn then they feel like the forum is "holier than thou".The way to avoid "bumps" from new members is a simple and polite pm from the team.Its easy for senior members to flag this up or even to send the pm themselves. Give people a chance,treat them the same as everyone else and you'll have good loyal members without the elitist atttude that exists elsewhere. Thanks.
  12. On a Funk tip No typo here- Fukumara-hunt up wind---this ones a classic jazz funk tune from the late 70's Chick Corea-Central Park--Bunny Brunel on a jacco vibe,imho as good as,awesome fretless playing, It has a great solo,also the last quarter has a 16th note passage that Francis would be proud of,hehe Gladys Knight & The Pips-I heard it through the grapevine--great syncopated bass line David Bendeth-Feel The Real---a fave of mine,great bass line Linda Clifford-Dont give it up--this grooves like a mutha jus' my 10 cents.
  13. you got it,i have a tendency to do that. im always getting into trouble hehe
  14. just been checking out your links The Funk. Great stuff dood, i like it.
  15. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=250233629676&_trksid=p3907.m32&_trkparms=tab%3DSelling"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...s=tab%3DSelling[/url] thanks for looking.
  16. [quote name='lowdown' post='170764' date='Apr 6 2008, 04:23 PM'] We talking the same Jamerson here... Or someone from a Tribute Band.? Garry[/quote] Sorry lowdown,i feel i may have been slightly misunderstood,i meant in a good way.im a big motown fan,i was practically breast fed it. BITTY MUMMY
  17. [quote name='BassManKev' post='170810' date='Apr 6 2008, 05:53 PM']interestin bass, welcome to the forum mate![/quote] why thankyou sir
  18. Thanks bassassin, i appreciate your efforts very much,i'd agree that it it certainly looks like a close familly member,if nothing else its great to see another bass with the same headstock. i could be mistaken about the rosewood board,it could be ebony but im no expert.Over the last year ive had it and after countless inspections the quality of workmanship really is very good indeed, especially on the neck.My teacher loves it !! I payed about £450 for it after shipping and customs charges but hey,im over the moon with it.I dont know if its the HH pickup arrangement but its more than a match for my Sterling HS in the volume stakes.I have to turn both my practise and main amp down a notch or two when i plug him in hehe. Cheers. Burpster, Just by chance i found the very thread that mentions that same pick up hopefully he'll find this thread. thanks again guys, you made my day. oh cool,im no longer a noob,awesome.
  19. I thought estelle american boy was the highlight of the show,especially the bassisit.it was great to see someone obviously enjoying themselves.Imho i thought he broke things up well,i also liked the slidy bit after the noisy bit hehe.Both myself and my son,(he's a 12 year old drummer)got a kick out of the bassist.So what if he's not the greatest player ever born,i thought he was amzing.Mr Jamerson was all over the verse and chorus like a rash but i'll bet that Motown wouldnt have had the successes it did without that style of playing,its kinda the point.Think Tower Of Power.Im with jakesbass on this one,creit where credits due,to find fault from the comfort of the living room is the easiest thing in the world to do.As a funskster of 35 years and counting i hope and im sure he'll be an inspiration to the next generation.
  20. hi all. i thought some of you might be able to shed some light on this bass. i got it from the states last year.It was advertised as an early 80's MM copy.Its called a Riverhead,made by Headway and made in Japan. Ive been trawling the net on and off and up to now ive discovered that headway is connected in some way to baccus,a plus i think and that Riverhead are best known as far as i can tell for their headless basses. Theres no serial number showing,i havent removed the neck so far to check.Other than that it looks like its a maple neck with a satin finish and rosewod fingerboard,not sure what the body is.Its a Double H and it sounds like the bass from Hell....in a good way.Tone to die for really and it plays a dream. Can you guys shed any more light on it for me.Its not for sale but a "ruff" valuation would be helpfull. Thanks in adavance.
  21. Not long now my shweeeeeeeet :wub:
  22. Thanks urb,thats the answer i was hoping for,something simple and effective like that will be just the job. Good man. thanks shergold,your reply came up whilst i was replying to urb. some good stuff there too.we need to dip our hands in our pockets for some more gear so ill look into that one too.
  23. i got one o' them too.truly amazing amp.such power and clarity from something that you can cart around in a laptop bag.amazing.
  24. Hi Bob, hehe,she'll still be getting a dose of the blues. ive recently re-discovered an artist from my youth "Ram John Holder",seriously nice early british blues !! Without wanting to enter into the "teaching ya'll how to suck eggs"syndrome,if you're not familliar with his stuff you should check him out.there's a few tracks on his "myspace"site from his album black london blues.I prefer one of his other albums though "bootleg blues",deffo in my top 5 albums of all time.Could i find it online though,not a chance. enjoy. Btw,he was one of the characters in The desmonds,porkpie i think.
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