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Everything posted by KennysFord

  1. Buy with utmost confidence from Donovan, he's the man !! He also taught me everything I know about how to package..well... a package. I recently bought a Tech cab of him and it arrived in pristine condition inside of 48hrs.
  2. I use a P Bass myself Bud but It's strung with TI Flats for the Soul type stuff but the honk I mentioned is good btw, that's the sound I like to use in the Blues Band with my Ibanez Blazer so I wonder if it'll do both. Cheers.
  3. To be honest bud I've no call for the octave thing on the ABM nor the Compressor really. I'm just after some Old School warmth really. I wouldn't be looking at overdriving the valve stage into distortion either as I play Soul/Motown type stuff and Blues As you say, I'm a fan of simple too, a plug and play type guy, that's me. I'd never really considered Ashdown up until a few weeks ago and not really heard anything of theirs (except the MiniRig at home) but like buses, I heard a couple in the space of a weekend and was very impressed with the "warmth". That's what I'm looking to find and I also like the idea of being able to change the valves to tweek it to my sound. Anyway, I'll not clutter your thread any more and I'll do some research in the meantime. Cheers, Pete.
  4. Utmost respect to your playing WB but the reason for the reference was I'm after some Old Skool "Phat" tones from my next amp and your videos display the nice Honk that the Spyder has. Is it a one trick pony or is there some "mellow" tone to be found also. Apologies for asking this on your for sale thread bud but my last "Amp Buy" was far from successful. I wanna try and get it right this time so with that in mind...If things go to plan I might be taking this of your hands mid week, if it's still here of course. Cheers.
  5. OK Cheers, Just a tentative question for now really, I considering Ashdown Amps atm so just weighing up my options. If I may, does the Spyder series have the warmth of the ABM or are they pretty much like as Walbassist's recent video threads. Thanks.
  6. Would you ship buddy this or is it collection only ? Cheers.
  7. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1341608676' post='1721899'] Hang on old son, only a couple of people did that, it's turned into a very interesting thread as it happens. [/quote] Fair doo's, but I guess it get's my goat when folk take the piss after he's taken the effort to show it us, laid bare his soul and all that. I did say "some" people tho'. Anyway
  8. Guys, It's a bit much when someone comes on here to show us all a very nicely put together hand made Bass and all some people can do is take the piss for using a truss rod cover from something else and of the shelf pick ups. Yann....dude, I wish I had a quarter of your skill mate. As far as racism towards the Greeks goes I'm pretty sure you won't find any on here....thankfully Some people seem to want to find Kudos in taking the piss but hey, the majority on here have the capacity to and will admire what you have done. Beautiful looking Bass there !!
  9. Reckon I might just come back to the fold after reading the thread. Congrats on getting the job and getting on 'ere, every credit.
  10. If only it was in "wood" then yes,so would I.
  11. Ya see, I've gone and done it again havn't I
  12. I get that bud, if it helps I have a P Bass running flats and no end of bits of foam
  13. Hey Folks, Just wondering as you do, I know virtually nothing about Ampeg but I hear a lot about the Ampeg "signature" tone. I'll need to upgrade my Amp pretty soon so I've been looking at various manufacturers over the last few weeks and I do need a bit of versatility and variation tonewise. I think the Amp in this video is an SVT Classic but how close would the PF500 get to this, nowhere near or not far off ?? An SVT Classic is out of my budget btw. Cheers in adavnce [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYtcyyvy_dA&list=FLHR3_NlpGB24M5ttBOFKArg&index=2&feature=plpp_video[/media]
  14. Hi Ben, Sorry the Matamp didn't work out for you dude and If I had the $$$$$ I'd have the Ampeg of you in a heartbeat, Damn !! I'm made up with the Tech tho', it's everything and more I hoped it would be. Ben's and absolutely stellar chap to deal with guys, buy with confidence.
  15. Basschat whip-round ?? I'm in ! We managed to save our little Mutt but it was a horrible experience nearly loosing her and worse thinking that were going to. We were very lucky in that my Mother In Law gave us some money for the vet bill otherwise I was going to have to part with some gear to pay it. Again, I feel for you, it's a horrible thing. Let's get the ball rolling on this one guys. You deserve to have a nice instrument to play so try to keep your thoughts positive.
  16. Hey, no worries dude, Like I said, I'm enjoying this, a worthwhile thread.... from me.... Woowooh !
  17. Really sorry to hear about your loss. We nearly lost a little pooch a fortnight ago and the vet bill was shocking. I feel for ya. Best of luck finding a trade.
  18. Sold via Northwestbands. Thanks for the interest chaps and sorry it didn't go to a BC'er.
  19. Nice One Luke, For me it's the JV/JV combo that wins out, I'm glad that PickUp found it's rightful home ! Do me a favour though bud, I'm fairly certain that the strings on the Kramer are Sunbeams, One's that took me months and months to get them to how I like 'em ...... "worn". If you find you don't like them I'll buy 'em back of you. I'm glad you like the Bass too.
  20. Cheers for that TRBboy, Excellent advice, In fact, watching the video the nut/1st fret does seem to be a very long way away from the body. Something I should consider being a short arse. Thanks. Local Basschatter, Bagsieblue has very kindly offered to let me have a tinker on his very nice Warwick selection. I think I'll be taking him up on his offer soon. Hey guys, really appreciate all the replies, my threads usually turn to Tumbleweed We used to have a smilie for that ya know.
  21. Cheers Guys, There's a fairly nice looking Jazzman on the bay atm, a little bit battle scared though. A mate of mine had an FNA Jazzman a while back, what a sweetie !! Cheers Luke, you never know bud.Very kind of you to offer bud. In terms of tone then which I guess is why I'm drawn to that video, well that and Susan Tedeschi (who can do no wrong for me) I should be looking out for a Thumb then ??
  22. Thanks Luke, real glad it worked out for you, regards, Pete.
  23. I just visited the Warwick site and looks very similar to this one http://www.warwick.de/modules/produkte/produkt.php?submenuID=14667&katID=22125&cl=EN I'd agree, a Thumb. Thanks for helping out.
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