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Everything posted by bassfunk

  1. Yeah I'm thinking about it, but I have a wedding the night before and then work on Monday. Might see if I can blag a lift with somebody.
  2. Pete - exactly what I'm going through. Thanks Bassbags. If I'm down your end I'll get in touch.
  3. Thanks for the comments guys Marc - valid points again. But as Malbass has said the Antoni probably isn't worth spending the money on. While i have a good usable sound it lacks depth and character. I'm probably not goint to get loads of that in a budget bass but having played two of Steve's basses (both cost less than £500 and have had work done to them) I have an idea of what I want. Artisan - tempting :-) Thanks Keeponehandloose an old tutor I had said he wouldn't recommend them, but he was probably very fussy! Thanks guys. Keep the opinions coming, forewarned is forearmed and all that!
  4. Thanks Guys Marc - Your bass is very tempting! But just outside my budget and a little too far. If you're ever feeling generous and in the Northwest give me a call I do keep thinking maybe I can get the neck chamfered. It's a big ugly Orange box, but I get a decent sound out of it. I just lust after something with a proper ebony board and higher end fittings. I'm in a situation where I work full time at the moment and play most weekends, so the money is good. I've put a request in at work to go to part time working so I can concentrate more on playing, gigging and maybe teaching (a little bit of free time would be nice too). So while I've got a bit of spare cash I want to try and get the right tools for the job. Does anybody know of a decent DB Luthier in Manchester? Most people tend to go to Tim Toft but even that is 2 hour round trip for me, and then I'd have to collect it. I'm stuck and confused. Do I buy a slightly better cheapo and hope it's an improvement? Or pay out for some upgrades on my current cheapo and hope it's an improvement? I have lessons from Steve McEvoy on here. I've tried both of his basses and they both feel a lot more comfortable and sound better than mine. I think I tried your Bryant Fatgoogle when I went to see Paul (he lives up the road from my inlaws). I cheekily took the Antoni to him for a string change and set up. I felt like a pretender amongst all those beautiful basses - What a bass yours is! Maybe I should think about taking it to Tim Toft to see if they can do anything. Oh I'm so undecided! Thanks for the comments guys. It's good to have other opinions. The wife won't listen at all as soon as I start talking about basses! Thanks Pete
  5. Hey Guys I'm looking at upgrading from my Antoni DB. While I like the sound of my Antoni the neck is a little chunky for my tastes. I also feel I've outgrown the Antoni. I also have a Stagg EUB to sell, so I've set my budget between £7—800 I play in 4 bands and work full time, so travelling around the country isn't really an option for me. I play DB in a very quiet jazz quartet and a very loud Blues Band. So I'm looking for an instrument to cover both. I've seen a couple of options. The first is an Andreas Zeller: http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/double-bass/1077835288 It's had a neck repair, new board. And as I live in Manchester is pretty close to me. Also the price is good (too good?) if I bought this I'd have the money for either a) repairs or to keep my Stagg as a backup. The 2nd is halfmanhalfdrums B&H 400. This looks, and after messaging him, sounds like a great option. But is a littl further away and right at the top of my budget. Opinions, tips and rants welcome. Thanks Pete
  6. Nice one Ad. Can't wait to hear it.
  7. supposedly flat is at 12 o clock but different amps have different 'voicings' if you will. Start at 12 and tweak till it sounds good.
  8. I use main going into the main amp input (I have a GK MB200 combo). I set the amp EQ flat and tweak the graphic on the Fishman, I also set the input gain on the Fishman to below the clipping level and turn the volume up as required. All of this works in theory. But when I'm with my loud Blues band I generally just use the EQ to get to a level where I can hear myself without any feedback. Just seen Bilbo's reply after typing this - What he said!
  9. I play an Antoni. It's not bad for a beginner bass, some new strings, a set up and some lessons will have him up and 'walking' in no time. I live in Manchester and have lessons from Steve Mcevoy http://www.manchesterbasslessons.co.uk/home.php Good luck to him, I hope he likes it.
  10. Hey Guys I've just been contacted by a bride who needs a band for her wedding as her original band has cancelled on her. Details are: wedding in saddleworth, the white hart on 09/08/14 7pm till 1am. Please don't contact me, this is all of the info I have. Email Kerry with quotes and any questions: [email protected] Thanks Pete
  11. I listened to this Podcast last year, if you're a fan you should check it out: http://wehearus.com/podcasts/episode/32030
  12. Wow thanks for this. I Love Kerbdog! No Manchester Dates though, I'll have to do Birmingham or Glasgow.
  13. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1401368632' post='2462866'] I use google calendar for all my personal commitments. I wouldn't necessarily want everyone in every band to be able to see all these, but I like that I have all my gigs listen on my phone. Is there a way for me to combine my personal google calendar with a group google calendar? [/quote] Hey Tom This is possible. Our Keyboard player's calendar is synced up with the band one, I also have a personal one for managing all my other gigs and personal life. All are linked to the same calendar on my phone, it's the only wat I know what I'm doing day to day. On my phone it's in the calendar settings > add an account and continue form there. You can also do this in your browser on the google calendar.
  14. Going in person to places really helps. I used to play the pub circuit with a mix of Classic Rock and our own material (our own stuff sounded so much like the covers it was criminal!). Our Drummers Dad was our 'manager', he's also a pharmaceutical rep. When he was out on the road and saw a pub that put bands on he used to pop in, chat to the landlord. give them a card and cd and follow up with a phone call to confirm the booking. It was great for us as we just turned up played and got paid. I'd say get a load of CDs and business cards done find the venues you want to play and take a tour of the Midlands.
  15. If you loosen the strings aren't you in danger of the soundpost shifting?
  16. Another Google Calendar user here. Took about a year to get everyone to update it properly. We have one band log and everybody has this synced up with whatever calendar app they use on their phones (half are on Andriod the others iphone). That way I know if I can quote for a gig or need to include costs for a dep etc. Before I confirm the booking and take a deposit etc. I send a text to the band to check they're all ok with it. As I said this took a while for people to get used to and a lot of 'Use the f*&%$ing calendar d*ckhead' texts and we still get the occassional glitch. But it works for us.
  17. Try Steve McEvoy http://www.manchesterbasslessons.co.uk/bglessons.php Not heard his bowing put his Pizz is good and he's local! Or Stewart Wilson: http://www.musicteachers.co.uk/teacher/404b53e56089967a9f4a Used to be local, and a RNCM grad.
  18. I'm going to Mystic in May! I might have to convince the wife to take a tour
  19. I was in the same situation with my band a few years ago. I tried not organizing a rehearsal for 3 months and nobody else did either! I was ready to knock it on the head but we had a wedding gig booked (the only one that year). We did the gig, it was great, we were all friends from uni to so I didn't want to leave. So I decided to carry on. We had a meeting We assigned roles to people - booking rehearsals - doing chord charts - getting gigs etc. I also declared myself the boss as I felt the band wouldn't go anywhere without somebody driving it. That year we had a shoot, did some recording, got a website. Now we do 20+ gigs a year. If you like the guys (that's half the battle) have a proper talk/meeting (outside the rehearsal room) make a list of goals and put a plan together to achieve them. Book a gig in and book some studio time. Put together a set list for that first gig and work towards it. If they can't/won't do it knock it on the head. We had 3 different drummers and guitarists before we settled into this line-up.
  20. Cheers guys. Will definitely be packing it in myself. I was already planning on using some foam camping mats and blankets to wrap it up.
  21. [quote name='Jus Lukin' timestamp='1394545449' post='2392478'] I did see that- the price is really good, but it is a nine or ten hour round trip and over £100 in train fares or fuel. Not a small consideration, but it is back on the radar now! [/quote] Have a weekend away, York is a lovely place! I already have a cheap ply bass. But if I had the cash I'd buy that one as a backup! You could always see if people can do an upright relay Or if he'll pack it and you can arrange a courier through Shiply or Anyvan?
  22. I think I'm going to try and put luggage and guitar stuff on the bunk space in the splitter and have the upright in the back on its own. I can't afford a hard case, and need a new soft case as my current one is falling apart. Would people recommend the bass travel on its back or side?
  23. My band is made up of fools! We're doomed. I think I'll take the stagg as a backup. I also have spare strings. I've worked as a Backline tech before so I have a small tool kit in my amp bag. There is an upright player in the main band on Friday and it's a blues fest so I guess in an emergency I can beg, steal or borrow something.
  24. Hi guys I'm after a bit of advice re. Taking an upright in a splitter van. My band are travelling to France to play a couple of gigs next week. It's The first time I've taken an upright in anything but my car. We're not taking Backline or drums. Just a couple of guitars, luggage and the bass. First of all I'm going to buy a new soft case. I currently have the one I got free with my Antoni, this has zero padding. Any suggestions for an OK case on a budget? Are the Hidersine cases any good? Should I stump up a bit extra for a tom and will or similar? Second bit of advice is how to store the thing in the load? It a long wheel bass splitter with not a lot else in the back. Should I try and strap it upright? Use bungees? Should I get one of those soundpost tool thingies just in case? Anything else I should think about? Thanks in advance Pete
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