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Everything posted by bassfunk

  1. Cheers Pete. I might give it a go. Should I slacken all the strings off? I read somewhere If I do that the soundpost might fall?
  2. Hi Paul fellow Basschatter (and our band's sound engineer) Adam aka Dolando is in the process of building a studio/rehearsal rooms. might be worth sending him a PM? There was a thread ages ago about this too, I seem to remember a Basschatter building one for personal use in his garage? Good luck Pete
  3. No I don't think they are. Now I've had a proper look the tail gut is off centre and all of the strings at the end of the fingerboard have a bias toward the E side. It looks to my untrained eye like this shift means that the G string is over a higher piece of the fingerboard radius and that's why the action is so low (I hope that makes sense?) Also when I look down the fingerboard from the head the bridge looks like its about 1/4 or 1/2 on inch over to the E side. I've managed to get it in a playable condition with a bit of wriggling. I think I need to take it to somebody who knows what they're doing to take off the strings and re-centre the tailgut/piece and bridge. I wonder how much that will cost?
  4. Thanks for the replies guys, I've had a look and I think the bridge has moved. I've given it a bit of a tug as seen elsewhere on the net and it's more upright now, but it doesn't appear to be dead centre, my string height on the G is below 5mm! But the other strings are 7.5, 8.5 and 10mm so seem ok. I think I am going to buy the bass, I've checked and my strings won't fit without a bit of filing etc. So I think I'm just going to have to bite the bullet and invest! Also I dug my GKMB500 out and hooked it up to my compact and the Full Circle is loud enough - I played a few bars of fever and my neighbour texted my the lyrics because she could hear it! Panics over for now - This real bass scares me a lot! I've seen your Gedo Pete - It's a beaut! If I start making regular dough from this lark I might have to get me one!
  5. Hi Guys As you may have seen from my previous topic My bass teacher has left me an Antoni Debut DB to try for a couple of weeks to see if I like it and want to buy it. This bass is brand new (literally never played or gigged as it was won in a Jazz competition by a friend of his) with a Fishman Full Circle pre installed. But I seem to be having problems with the set up. When I first played it the G string seemed to be really low. After several hours of playing over Sunday and Monday I left the best resting in a corner like my teacher had shown me. Last night When I played it the G seemed to have dropped even further (could this be the strings stretching in?) I've tried to adjust the height of the bridge but I'm not sure if it's at it's full height? On the G side the adjustable bits seem very much higher (more thread is visible) than the E side. but when I look down the neck from the head the clearance from the fingerboard height to the top of the G side of the bridge looks unusally low? I've put a business card between the strings at the nut and that seems fine. When I play the open G it is clear, but as soon as I stop a note (correct terminology?) it buzzes and quacks. Anything above the first C just causes the G to buzz against the end of the fret board. should I take the G and D strings off and try adjusting the bridge height? Am I ok to keep turning the bridge adjusters until they stop, will I damage anything? I want to put my super silvers on the bass but I'm worried about the above, and that the nut isn't going to be wide enough for them as the strings on the DB seem to be lighter? I guess I'm going to have to give it a try and see? Any tips for changing strings etc I need to look out for? Also I tried plugging the Full circle into a practice amp, and into my mixing desk connected to some studio monitors last night and the output seems really quiet, even with gain and output up full the signal was barely audible, Do i need a preamp? is there something I should do to Fishman before plugging in? Sorry for the long winded questions, If I'd purchased this bass I'd just take it to a luthier, I know that for such a cheap bass I might have to pay a bit to make it playable, but I'd expect the action to be too high not too low? Any advice will be gratefully received. Thanks Pete
  6. Thanks for all of your comments guys. All valid points, I have a set of super silvers on the stagg so I'll just stick them on the db, might have to get the nut and bridge filed though? Does anybody know how much a basic set up is likely to cost? I'm aware that as I get more confident I'll want to change and upgrade things etc. The neck does feel a little chunky (the p bass equivalent of a DB if that makes sense?) and the G string is set too low. If anybody on here is able to make these adjustments etc and lives in the Manchester area I'd be happy to pay them and grateful for a 2nd opinion!
  7. You're right guys, I think I'm going to have to go for it. At least if I buy the bass we can't afford to get divorced
  8. Cheers Bilbo, I've been trying to figure out a way of getting a DB and this thing just lands in my lap! It must be a sign! Pete - I've followed your threads with great interest as I was just a couple of weeks behind you. Any questions I had I just went through the threads and found the answer! So this is all your fault Anyway - I'd ideally like to keep the Stagg. my music room is very small so the stag and headphones is perfect! and at my gig on Thursday loads of people were really interested in it. But unless I can think of a way to make up the £200 I think I'm going to have to sell. Especially as the missus can't understand why I need so many basses - I only have two EBs and the Stagg! I think I'm going to have to do some serious convincing when she comes back from visiting her folks tomorrow
  9. Hey Guys I (like a lot of guys here) recently bought a Stagg EDB. I'm really enjoying playing and played it in front of an audience for the first time on Thursday which was great! Anyway, I've been having lessons from a guy from RNCM and he's great. You can tell he really thinks about the lesson and he's really encouraging. But he's just brought round a brand new Antoni debut Double bass a friend of his is selling. He's told me I can hold on to it for the next couple of weeks to see if I like it, and can work out a way of paying him! My wife is gonna kill me He want's £500 plus it comes with a fishman full circle and the bow that comes with these things. I know the bass is probably worth £300 - £350 and the full circle is worth around £200? so £500 seems reasonable. It seems to be nice and loud and it feels great having the full body of a 'real' bass resting on me while I try and blag fever Is this a good deal? should I take it? I guess I can sell the Stagg and then get the rest of the money together. I know the Antoni's aren't the best but Are the good enough for me to start with? I'm starting a Jazz thing with a singer friend of mine so I guess I'm gonna look better playing a real DB rather than the 'stick'? Help! I'm excited and scared at the same time!
  10. Yeah it will work. Anything with a headphone out can be plugged into the stagg via the mp3 socket. I plug my laptop, phone and mp3 player into it.
  11. same bump, different day
  12. I normally pay deps the same as my regulars, plus a bit more to cover rehearsal time etc. I see it as the regular guys get the benefit of regular paid gigs etc. The dep doesn't, 30 songs is a lot of work, especially as we change keys and have alternative arrangements etc. I'd be willing to Dep if you don't want it? I'll send you a PM. Thanks
  13. Still here bump. Make me an offer?
  14. Sold a mixer to Fumps. A really nice guy to deal with and superfast PM replies! Top Chatter of the Bass!
  15. Cheers guys, while I'm a numpty with these things our sound guy isn't. I'll mention the loose connection thing to him, and see if he can check it in passive mode.
  16. [quote name='nugget' timestamp='1365099888' post='2035401'] We had the same problem with passive mackie 300z which look the same and might be similar inside but without the amp. Turned out all it was was one of the output wires from the crossover inside the cab had a bad solder joint, easy free fix.That was a few months ago and not had any probs since [/quote] Lets hope it's something as simple as that. It's a shame I know nothing about these things!
  17. Try Roland Lumby, he's in Eccles, Manchester but I know he's pretty busy too.
  18. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1365078511' post='2034929'] I am assuming you think the problem is with the 15" speaker and not the horn...? Strange as most horns on these types of cabs get quite a beating and it is the first thing to go, or rather, degrade IME. For that, read distort.. I would suggest the speaker is on the way out... and putting a kick through it wasn't a good idea. FWIW, I wouldn't run kick through any of this level of cab..and if you need to do so, you need a sub. As far as I know, the early Mackies were the more robust and the later ones ( non USA ) were where the QC became more suspect. I would pursue a line of thought that the speaker is the problem...and you might want to ask here what chassis they used as someone will have a pretty good idea/guess.. or talk to someone like Wembleyloudspeakers. If you are replacing the chassis...you'll need to get close to the version they used..and this is the hard part.. no one wants to let on what off the shelf speakers they use... and they may indeed go to some lenghts to obsure this. Many speakers in cabs tend to borrow pretty heaviliy from a makers product list, I think. [/quote] Thanks for replying. Our soundguy seems to think it's the amp not the speaker?? I'm not great with electronics so I'm not sure. We've just bought a sub for the kick toa void this happening again. I'll get in touch with Wembley loud speakers, I'm trying to avoid any costly repair bills, but it look like I'm not going to be able to!
  19. Hi Guys I bought a pair of Mackie SRM450 (V1 USA made) active speakers of Fleabay. took them to rehearsal, used them for around 4 hours. Took them to a gig where we put 2 x vox, keys and a bit of kick through them. They were wired up in Mono (Left out from desk and then into the first speaker, link out into the other speaker). We were pushing them fairly hard but there wasn't any noticable distortion on the night. A few weeks later we set up at our next bar gig and one of the speakers was distorting! I've had our PA guy check it over. The distortion doesn't happen at low volumes and he's tested the driver and tweeter and there's nothing wrong with them. He took it to a local amp guy who said he wouldn't touch them as parts are hard to come by and you're better off sending them back to Mackie. Anybody had this problem before? I've googled it and apart from overheating there don't seem to be any other known issues. Don't know whether I should cut my losses by selling it for parts and buy a new speaker or try and repair this one. Anybody know any repair guys in the Manchester/Northwest area? Thanks Pete
  20. Hey get in touch with Titan tours. We use all them for all of our gigs, they're based in Manchester and do PA for loads of outdoor/festival gigs. Very reasonably priced too, I'd say you'd need something like Floodlight two in their website, but depends on the amount of people etc. They're flexible as well so you could mix and match according to your requirements. http://www.titantourproductions.com/prices.html Tell them Pete from Supersession sent you.
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