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About cocco

  • Birthday 29/04/1987

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  1. Wow that's lovely and I can imagine how good it is. I have a Shuker neck on a P bass partscaster that he also assembled and set up. Absolutely sublime instrument.
  2. You've sold some exceptional Jazz basses recently 😮. This gorgeous.
  3. Fairies wear boots - Black Sabbath
  4. Personally I'd keep the Jazz. It sounds like you're just bored. T-birds are cool, but have terrible ergonomics and are less versatile. The other two are Jazz adjacent.
  5. That's very cool. What a great example.
  6. The bar is low - Pissed Jeans.
  7. Fire brigade - The Move
  8. Flowers on a grave - Bush
  9. I'd definitely recommend speaking to Jon. Like I said it worked out basically the same price as a similarly spec'd Warmoth guitar neck. The only downside really was the wait.
  10. @three @fretmeister thanks! Here's the NBD thread. https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/508715-nbd-restomod-late-50s-p-bass-partscaster/
  11. Ska fever - Judge Dread
  12. I've just finished a build with all gotoh hardware including elephant ear resolites. Really impressed with them. They're stable, feel great and obviously are ridiculously light. Here's a photo of them in situ.
  13. Fair enough, assuming it's the same result through both that's my hypothesis disproven. Could it be a dodgy string or pickup? *edit* or something set up related?
  14. Lay it down - Ratt
  15. Is it definitely strings related? I ask because I have a P bass with 45-105s that sounds huge in C# standard. What's the rest of your signal chain?
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