Vintage Stingray copy*
I had a terrible habit of breaking the bottom tuning peg off this one
Epiphone Thunderbird*
Had terrible neck dive, I think that is its best feature.
Fender P-bass 1978
Bought for £450 then swapped for the T-40, who's previous owner then sold for £900, It was black with a rosewood neck and had been on a few world tours with The 60ft Dolls, so it was a bit battered, It used to glow a really cool colour under UV light too. I really miss this bass. It was my first decent bass and my first Fender.
Peavey T-40 1979*
There's a thread in gear porn if you wanna know more about them. I adore this bass, Natural/black/maple in colour.
Warwick Streamer Stage 1 V
Unquestionably the worst £1,800 ive ever spent, I was in a metal band at the time and bands like Limp Bizkit and Mudvayne were using warwicks so I thought Yes, clearly this is a clever way of spending some money, a boutique bass that should serve me well for the rest of time. Oh how wrong i was, Damn nearly put me off active circuitry for life. But it was, as I discovered a while after the metal band split up, lovely for funk.
CIJ 1966 Fender Jazz (reissue)*
Candy Apple Red with matching headstock and dots 'n' bound neck, I fell in love with this bass on sight and I plays like I dream I had to have it. It turned out to have really low output pickups and the worst bridge in history but this was soon rectified with a pair of Shed "Hot n Dangerous" pickups and a Badass II. It is now pretty much my number one bass even though I prefer playing P-basses. It does get slightly heavy after a few hours though.
1970 something Gibson Grabber (slidey Pup model)*
Our git-arist pretty much talked me into buying this becaust Thrice have toured and recorded with one for the last few albums and they really do have a stunning bass tone. Sadly he was right and it does sound awesome, but the slightest atmospheric pressure change and it is all over the place. In the year I've owned it its been set up/adjusted at some expense 3 times. I really wish it didnt have these problems. It has some neck dive issues too, but the tone makes this forgiveable, also its no where near as bad as the T-bird for it.
Modern MIA Fender P-bass*
I straight swapped this for my warwick. It has an MIM rosewood neck and a USA body, Full hipshot hardware a hell of a paint job and no onboard controls, If i could only get on with the Delano pickup it is brandishing I would love this bass, I'm gonna put an SPB-3 or maybe a Di Marzio Model P in it and see what happens. If i still dont like it I might replace it with a stingray.
Aria Pro II SB Elite II*
My most recent aquisition, a very stable beautifully made and balanced bass with really good versatility and almost absolute player comfort. It does lack soul though, typically japanese. May also be re homed to fund the stingray if the P-bass goes
Trace Elliot T-bass (pending delivery)*
I will let you know when I comes, suffice to say I am pretty excited about this one