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Everything posted by cocco

  1. Ash for me. I don't know why, but my 3 'keepers' are all ash, also my first name is Ash.
  2. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1398176498' post='2431204'] I love the look of this bass but im with most on the inlay's issue. [b]Ive just ordered a set of the PJ Geezer pups. Ive heard a few sound clips and they sound very interesting.[/b] [/quote] Let me know how they turn out man. I'm really tempted to go for the single P in my Lakland, not that I don't already love the Lindy fralin, just something different.
  3. Isn't the Warwick an FNA jazzman? I'm sure the LX is the PJ config
  4. cocco

    NBD Dingwall

    I played one of these at bass direct. God knows how I managed to leave without it. Incredible bit of kit!
  5. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1398092866' post='2430323'] No doubt they are for discerning players who are much less shallow than I am! [/quote] Not sure I'd go that far, a drunk 17 year old version of me traded a 78 precision for my first one. It is a fantastic bass though. I don't regret the trade
  6. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1398077456' post='2430100'] Well... to be quite honest I really don't like the look of them... sorry! I know that makes no difference to sound and playability, but there it is! [/quote] That's cool they aren't for everyone
  7. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1398070363' post='2429985'] [/size][size=4][/size] [size=4]Thanks guys, I looked at both the SR300 (tempting price!) AND the Blacktop P (not enough colour options!). It is true that I don't favour Jazz-style necks, but since changing my technique recently (from pick to fingerstyle - after three+ decades) I was thinking maybe I'd give them a go once more, just for the hell of it - and to see how I get on - again.[/size] Good news for Basschatters - look out for a nearly-new bass with a Jazz-style neck in the Basses for sale section at a knock-down price in the next few weeks. Yes. Yes, I am. Talking of tempting prices, What is the word on the Cort Artisan C4H? [/quote] Honestly mate, T-40. You won't get a better passive double humbucker bass for that money!
  8. cocco


    What are the pickups bud?
  9. cocco

    NBD - Shuker!

    Not my bag at all, but that is a fantastic looking bass!
  10. [quote name='Sean' timestamp='1397980420' post='2429082'] Interesting that the man himself has chosen not to be photographed with it for the signed publicity shot on the Lakland website. [/quote] That photo is from a while ago, with an earlier geezer bass, that one has a crucifix on the head stock and the Angel at the 12th. It's a far nicer looking bass. According to a YouTube video the reason for the stripey scratch plate is because he loved the stripey Jaydee so much.
  11. [quote name='Von Death' timestamp='1396094310' post='2409860'] I will just add my 10P worth, as I have been a Geezer Fan for many years! I am sure Geezer said he used his precisions up to Master and this record (in his opinion) has his favourite tone of Sabbath's 70s albums. The Dan Armstrong was used on Vol 4 and Geezer reckons that this album has his worst sound. He did however stick with shorter scale basses thereafter, 1st the White JB, (Sabbath Bloody Sabbath era) and then a succesion of JB SG ish styles sun burst maple neck also an 8 string (Sabotage era) then all black for (Technical era Gypsy & Its alright Vid)) and finally Black & white Stripe (Never say Die & Hard Road VID) this is a different one to the JD Humbug further up the thread. I think he got the humbug one later on during the Never Say Die US tour. Never uses that one on all pics I have seen for UK tour (Always the JB). Geezer reckons that he got the cross inlays before Tony (his idea). As for the Never Say Die Ric. I have quite a few pictures from the recording sessions and only the Ric is in any of the photos. As for the BC Rich Eagle, when he says it was custom made for him, He probably means he ordered it, as they were all pretty much handmade. Also it did not have EMGs, I am certain that they were loaded with stock Dimarzios. All photos from programme etc support this... I was very lucky to see Sabbath up close at Newcastle on the "Die Young" tour 1980 and Mob Rules 1981 tour. Interestingly (to me perhaps not anyone else) about 5 years ago I did see an all black BC Rich Eagle with ebony fretboard cross inlays, a cross on the Headstock and EMGs. So perhaps he did custom order an Eagle with EMGs? but I dont think he ever used it in studio or on tour.I got a Born Again programme and he seems to be using an Aria and the standard Eagle at this time. [/quote] According to a YouTube vid I've just watched, the reason EMG are making geezers pickups at the moment (the passive P/Js that are in his Laklands) is because he had an EMG loaded BC rich that he loved.
  12. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1397933486' post='2428829'] So it's good for dub? [/quote] It's good for most things
  13. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1397904204' post='2428415'] Soo cheesy! Why is anything associated with heavy rock/metal so cheesy?!?! [/quote] Exactly that! An all black p bass with a crucifix or the angel at the 12th fret and a black pick guard would have been super cool! This looks looks like a 14 year olds doodle in a maths book.
  14. Peavey T-40 without a doubt. Indredible bass, I have two
  15. Being a huge fan of Lakland basses, Black Sabbath and Geezer Butler I am more than slightly excited by this bass, and tempted by Geezers new signature EMG pickup. I wouldn't own it though, really dislike the inlays and the pick guard. What do you all think? http://www.lakland.com/geezer.htm
  16. [quote name='Sean' timestamp='1397835297' post='2427802'] The BBOT wasn't broken but until someone came along and made it better... [/quote] But the Lakland bridge is already an improved version of the BBOT.
  17. Looks like it has a few stories to tell. What a beautiful bass! Good luck with the sale.
  18. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1397680740' post='2426509'] What is the distance between centres of the Lakland screws? The BA3 screws are at 20mm centres [/quote] The Lakland bridge only has 3 mounts compared to the 5 on the Badass. I don't have a BA to measure atm but I don't think it would be a simple job.
  19. Also you'd loose the string though/over option.
  20. I don't see what the point would be. The Lakland bridge is bomb proof and more attractive. Plus mass wise I doubt there's a lot in it.
  21. Oh my god. That grain!
  22. [quote name='cocco' timestamp='1361466748' post='1986172'] Just got this beasty [IMG]http://i1106.photobucket.com/albums/h373/ashrome/395FF21E-38BA-4577-9F5B-E0C738FA39D9-3779-0000044D9167EF67.jpg[/IMG] [/quote] I've hatched an evil plan for this beauty. Haha!
  23. As long as a it's routed for a p pickup I don't see why not
  24. I modded my much missed Japanese jazz with a set of custom pickups and a bad ass 2. It was definately money well spent.
  25. Is there anyone in our midst who would be able to route my p bass for another set of pickups and build and install the necessary loom?
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