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Everything posted by cocco

  1. cocco

    Jaguar GAS

    I do like the black one, with a black pickguard it would look evil with all that chrome. I like the 3 colour burst and tortie one too though.
  2. cocco

    Jaguar GAS

    Thanks Roon, does the series parallel switch fatten things out? It's probably only ever going to be used for playing classic rock covers, maybe I should have a look into the p equipped Troy Sanders version too. I suppose a set of humbucking J pickups could be installed though.
  3. cocco

    Jaguar GAS

    Do we have any jaguar faithful on here? I'm finding myself drawn to them recently. What are people's opinions? Are they over complicated? I'd be replacing my Lakland Bob Glaub if it did happen. Can the jag get close to a P sound with the series/parallel switch? Is there a big output difference between active and passive modes?
  4. cocco

    Jaguar GAS

    Do we have any jaguar faithful on here? I'm finding myself drawn to them recently. What are people's opinions? Are they over complicated? I'd be replacing my Lakland Bob Glaub if it did happen. Can the jag get close to a P sound with the series/parallel switch? Is there a big output difference between active and passive modes?
  5. Gorgeous
  6. 7.5 inch finger board radius?!?!?! This is beautiful though.
  7. I love this. It's the same colour scheme as my Bob glaub too. Sadly no funds, I bet it's amazing
  8. I have a skyline Bob Glaub, best p I've ever owned, I've had japs, mexis, Americans, and a 78. Glaub beats all hands down
  9. What do you think if it? I'm a P bass guy with a sore right wrist who's looking for something that wont cause my wrist as much grief.
  10. Ooooh lucky bigger! Pawn shop?
  11. Some sort of Jazz, I have a gorgeous P and my T-40s so a jazz is whats missing
  12. That's the coolest thing I've ever seen.
  13. Precision for me. Had 2 rays and there's just something missing for me, my Lakland Bob Glaub is the best P I've ever had.
  14. I don't like them at all. Ugly pickup, ugly shape. Over complicated and over priced.
  15. Im tempted by this. I Have a lakland bob glaub to potentially trade. What's the sound like? Is it super hi-fi?
  16. Want!
  17. I've had 3 jap fenders and found the same, get a nice pickup in it and you'll be in tone heaven.
  18. Mine haven't seen the light of day in a while either, equally because I'm not involved in a project at the moment and because my wife says my Lakland looks better in our living room.
  19. Also if you have fodera money and are considering a P bass try a Pino Palladino
  20. Depends what you like, if you're a classic looks sort of guy in a pub band you,re gonna be scared to gig the fodera. However if you're a session player a fodra might be the way to go, thing is a fodera has very little in common with anything in option 2.
  21. Another vote for flats. Spend some money on TI jazz flats, mine are getting better every day
  22. Don't bother, Lakland skyline Bob Glaub, or Duck Dunn depending on your neck preferance, mine is the best P I've ever had.
  23. I know that contrary to common sense it's a single coil and that bill Lawrence designed them. Other than that not a lot to be honest. It's my favorite pickup ever too
  24. I'd be interested if the bass makes it to South Wales
  25. Oooooh! What's it like having that pickup in the sweet spot?
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