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Everything posted by cocco

  1. Also if you have fodera money and are considering a P bass try a Pino Palladino
  2. Depends what you like, if you're a classic looks sort of guy in a pub band you,re gonna be scared to gig the fodera. However if you're a session player a fodra might be the way to go, thing is a fodera has very little in common with anything in option 2.
  3. Another vote for flats. Spend some money on TI jazz flats, mine are getting better every day
  4. Don't bother, Lakland skyline Bob Glaub, or Duck Dunn depending on your neck preferance, mine is the best P I've ever had.
  5. I know that contrary to common sense it's a single coil and that bill Lawrence designed them. Other than that not a lot to be honest. It's my favorite pickup ever too
  6. I'd be interested if the bass makes it to South Wales
  7. Oooooh! What's it like having that pickup in the sweet spot?
  8. That's a lovely colour combination and a lovely bass. Do it!
  9. Active basses are slowly growing on me. They aren't gonna take me away from my Lakland though.
  10. That's awesome! Is the neck off a Bob Glaub?
  11. The video below to explains exactly what a T-40 is capable of tonally, and even goes some way into explaining how it does it. I honestly believe that if it said anything other than Peavey on the headstock these basses would fetch a fortune. Good luck with the sale http://youtu.be/OOLvGYHemPo
  12. So this is my Lakland Bob Glaub. I love it to death, just never quite been sold on the mint/parchment scratch plate. [IMG]http://i1106.photobucket.com/albums/h373/ashrome/395FF21E-38BA-4577-9F5B-E0C738FA39D9-3779-0000044D9167EF67.jpg[/IMG] So what should I go for? Tort or black? Either way I'm gonna hit up The Bass Doc.
  13. cocco

    Yamaha BBs

    I really want a BB1200, or any passive 70s/80s BB to be honest. Anyone know of any for sale?
  14. That's amazing. Buy it. Buy it now! Best finish ever
  15. Jealous! This is beautiful. Well done
  16. What's the tone like? Hot or mellow?
  17. This is probably my perfect bass! It's way out of my price range though
  18. Be warned the rod is quite a way in.
  19. I'd also recommend Greene Kings Vintage Tony Butler.
  20. Also where did you get the tort plate from?
  21. I bought my mint standard Bob Glaub with the Fralin pickup for £550 6 months ago.
  22. You want a Lakland
  23. cocco


    Tht video is making me loose the will to live.
  24. Sweet! I did a similar thing to one of these, then found it impossible to play with the covers on. It was so good
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