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Everything posted by cocco

  1. I don't know a lot about them, but they have a plastic composite body, not sure about the neck. Active pickups, they play great and are light. Can't remember what the tone is like. Modern. It's a cool bass,
  2. Done, not really my thing but I'll have a go if I win
  3. Black or natural, not matched.
  4. I love the P, apart from the gold hardware.
  5. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1379540384' post='2214081'] Passive = simplicity??? the first bass in your thread is a Peavey T40!!! I've had one of them - my current bass has a dual filter preamp with 8 knobs... but it's simpler than the passive T40 to get your head round!!! [/quote] I hear you, but I got my first one 10 years ago, at 16 so I've kinda grown up with it, granted I didn't really 'understand' it until joining this forum but I've always been able to get a good sound from it. Also please don't think I'm ignorant of actives, I've owned a few, and really liked one or two, but like I said they've all got sold in the end. Edit - also the T-40 is by no means perfect, it feels too long, weighs a tonne and is as you say over complicated but it just works for me.
  6. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1379535732' post='2213985'] The Jag? [/quote] Yeah, beautiful isn't it?
  7. Passive for me, I like the simplicity of use on stage, the natural sound of the bass and the lack of a battery. I've tried actives and owned many, Warwick streamer s1 5er, musicman bongo and stingray, trace T-bass, Shuker single cut headless 4 and possibly more. I found them mostly lacking personality, with the exception of the ray. They were too clean and clinical sounding. I like things a little rough 'round the edges. People talk about the output of active basses, and yes it's higher than most passives, but there are plenty of people who'll make you a high output passive pickup. That said I am currently inexplicably also drawn to the troy sanders bass.
  8. Orange AD 200 and orange OBC 8x10. Sounds killer but class D is calling me.
  9. Pics would help hugely
  10. [quote name='Funky Dunky' timestamp='1379439987' post='2212782'] The Squier is really good, so I'd imagine the Fender will be the absolute cherries! [/quote] I'm hoping so, it sounds pretty mean in the videos, just hope the pre amp is voiced nicely.
  11. I'm dying to try the fender.
  12. Still fugly.
  13. I had a JB66, CAR with matching headstock and dot and bound neck. It was beautiful, should never have sold it, the stock pickups were a bit weak though.
  14. That's gorgeous!
  15. ESP make good stuff in this price bracket, they're stereotypically a "metal" brand though, quite genre specific, so maybe best avoided if you're a country player. The 4 you've posted are probably largely the same build wise, and look like they have the same (roughly) electronics, EMG hz soap bars and either a 2 or 3 band eq. They'll sound similar too I imagine. Play them and see which shape you prefer and if you like the tone. They'll be quite clinical sounding, very modern.
  16. There are corvette $$s on here for less than that
  17. This must be the bargain of the century!
  18. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1379236259' post='2210024'] I thought the AD200 had separate inputs for Active & Passive basses? [/quote] It does, my point is that active sound distinctly average through it to my ears. Could it be that I was over complicating my signal by having an active preamp in the bass running into another preamp (sansamp) running then into to AD?
  19. Just noticed the Washburn is an 8 stringer. Don't see many of those around.
  20. They're all Japanese built, 80s, high quality instruments! The Washburn especially I think, seems to have di marzio pickups in it. A fine armoury to inherit sir! They won't fetch a huge amount if you sell them, but they will serve you well if you keep them.
  21. I'd suggest a Steinberger type, you still have the 34" scale so no muscle memory problems. I'd also recommend an iRig if you have an iphone/ipad/ipod.
  22. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1377528433' post='2188488'] They look lovely! This is what I found online: [url="http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/ABZ4_Nat.html"]http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/ABZ4_Nat.html[/url]. Even though that's new it's over £1000 out of my budget and most likely at least £500 out of my budget used I can't comment on the fanned frets until I've tried them, could go either way! So, still to try:[list] [*]Squier VM Jaguar [*]Fender Modern Player Jaguar [*]G&L SB2 [*]Several Yamahas, Ibanez's and Peaveys (T-40 if poss) [*]Warwick Streamer Stage 1 (even if it's out of my price range I just really wanna play one) [/list] [/quote] If you want to take a short hop over the bridge you're more than welcome to play my T-40s (I have both incarnations) and anything else I have that you take a fancy to.
  23. I got my AD200 a few years ago, before it I had an Ampeg SVT-4 pro and although I owned a fair few basses my favourite was my Stingray. Upon receiving the AD it became quickly apparent that the ray didn't sound that good through it, my Jazz and T-40 however sounded amazing. The same was true of other active basses I had at the time, Trace T-bass, Bongo, a deluxe P I was borrowing. So much so that I flogged all the actives. Just wondering if anyone else has found this or indeed the opposite. I'm currently GASing after a certain active bass and am worried that it will be a waste of time.
  24. Thanx
  25. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1379089303' post='2208597'] In here Troy says he believes it's going to be made in Mexico: [url="http://www.musicradar.com/news/guitars/mastodons-troy-sanders-talks-signature-fender-571655"]http://www.musicradar.com/news/guitars/mastodons-troy-sanders-talks-signature-fender-571655[/url] but the official page on Fender's website doesn't say at all. I like it, especially the dirt-cheap-yet-probably-great Squier but the Squier's active only and I'm looking for a passive bass with single/split coil pups in it. [/quote] Does the fender have a passive tone control though? I love it! Just not having a passive tone control would seriously hamper the likelyhood of me getting one. Not that I have any beef with active basses.
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