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Everything posted by cocco

  1. Does anyone make one or would there have to be fettling?
  2. The jazz version looks pretty tasty too!
  3. That's under £500?!
  4. Yeah they aren't light. Not at all and neither is the amp. The sound makes it all worth while though. I've toyed with the idea of getting rid of the amp and getting a Bass Terror and smart power cab, but it just looks so cool!
  5. The black n gold is the same as the elite and the r-80 just in different colours.
  6. Lovely looking bass! That's either daphne or lpb though, sonic isn't metallic I had a mexi Jazz with strat knobs too.
  7. [quote name='umcoo' timestamp='1375643539' post='2163846'] [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/goat_punisher/media/DSC_0018_zpse2ca9118.jpg.html][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v292/goat_punisher/DSC_0018_zpse2ca9118.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [/quote] Love the weezer bass!
  8. Here's a shot of my two flanking my rig. The left is a 1978 'toaster' and the right is a 1982 'blade'. Both have their advantages. The toaster is a little more mellow in sound, but the blade is a more sculpted shape and has more clarity to it. [IMG]http://i1106.photobucket.com/albums/h373/ashrome/2017960b.jpg[/IMG]
  9. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1376348086' post='2172759'] I've owned several of Jimmy's basses, maybe 5 or 6 over the years and every single one has been absolutely superbly finished and I'm more than happy to vouch for his build quality. I've met him a couple of times and he has a, near obsessive, desire to build the highest quality instruments that deliver not only amazing tonal qualities but also, near perfect, aesthetic original design ethics. I genuinely don't think there's another builder out there that comes remotely close to Jimmy when he's on his game. He really cares about his customers as well. I recently bought the 2nd bass he ever made and the owner had removed the original pickups and replaced them with, rather nasty, Seymour Duncans. As soon as I told Jimmy he offered to replace them with his own hand wound originals completely free of charge - this is not the type of guy who screws with his customers and doesn't care about after sales service! I find the fact that he hasn't replied to this thread somewhat revealing and wonder if there's something kicking around in the background that we don't know about and that he doesn't feel a public web forum is the right place to respond. . . [/quote] I wouldn't respond if I'd built that and sold it to an unsuspecting player for 5 months wages.
  10. Well that's one brand I'll never be buying.
  11. Loves me some vintage Peavey. My two T-40s are incredible basses. I don't know why anyone plays anything else. Never played a modern one though, with the exception of a milestone III. I also hear great things about the Fury basses.
  12. I know a guy who has one, and another guy who has a tele by them. Both are pretty sweet!
  13. The laklands have a slightly different circuit than the fenders. I think the main difference is a different rating on the tone pot.
  14. cocco


    Looks lovely mate. I had a red bass fetish at one point too. Had a lovely CAR jazz with a matching headstock and bound neck. All went tits up when I discovered p necks though.
  15. I love my Lakland Bob Glaub, I've had several P's over the years and this is the first one that's kept my attention tonally. It also plays like butter and the build quality is tip top. It's literally a tort pick guard away from perfection.
  16. [IMG]http://i1106.photobucket.com/albums/h373/ashrome/null-7.png[/IMG] Damn this is fun!
  17. [IMG]http://i1106.photobucket.com/albums/h373/ashrome/null-6.png[/IMG] Aww yeah
  18. I'd go tokai and upgrade the pickups.
  19. Sorely tempted by one of these. I'm not big on active basses though.
  20. Just do it. If you're worried about devaluing keep the original fittings. They can always be put back on! I agree that modding is a right of passage. Just do whatever is going to make you happier to play the thing. I learned a lot modding basses about what I wanted as a player. I've ended up with standard basses as a result but the process was a lot of fun!
  21. Charvel basses are awesome if that's your thing. They're well built rock machines.
  22. cocco

    New bass day

    [quote name='mart' timestamp='1375564673' post='2163048'] If it's good enough for Lee Sklar, it's good enough for me. (Although I'll make do with the Korean version for about a tenth of the price Lee would have had to pay for the German version ) (Ok, it actually arrived a week ago, but I've been too busy to put it up here.) [/quote] You think Lee Sklar pays for basses?!
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