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Everything posted by cocco

  1. The Steve Harris strings nearly put me off flats for life. I love roto rounds but they just don't make nice flats.
  2. My old band used 3 different tunings in a set. I'd use the same bass all gig though, for me it mostly entailed down tuning the E to D or C, the rest stayed as they were
  3. Does it have the lindy fralin or the Lakland pickup? Either way these are great basses!
  4. I have an identical bass. Best bass I've ever played. Don't miss out!
  5. Hmm, if springs aren't the answer, what is the best material to put behind the pickups? My fretless build is nearly finished! Literally all that's missing is a good pickup height.
  6. Where's the best place to get them from?
  7. Even the US pickups are Japanese mind, they just call them US, the only real difference is that the US ones have magnetic poles, whereas the non US ones have ferrous poles in a magnetic plate. Both are equally drab sounding, but replace them and Jap fenders rock!
  8. cocco


    I am just starting out with fretless, it's not a whole bass though. Just a mighty mite neck that I'm going to put on a bitsa P.
  9. You could probably use the bridge astray as a frying pan, or an ashtray?
  10. I have a cordial one that's 8 years old. And a planet waves one that's older.
  11. cocco


    Just seen a post on talk bass about ebanol fretboards not sounding as good as wooden ones. Is this true? I can't see it having a huge effect. Obviously it's cheaper, but to a fretless newb surely it will be fine.
  12. That's lovely Jack!
  13. If not I would be, If the price is right.
  14. cocco


    Jealous. I want a fretless!
  15. Interested in the olp, is it active? I don't know much about them.
  16. With a hot pickup in it. I think it could.
  17. [quote name='Mr.T' timestamp='1367144210' post='2061588'] I have a fretless one of these.... I bought mine as being an 'Energy'. [/quote] This used to be mine, it's a great bass. To shine some light on the matrix thing, I'm not sure of the obscurities, but with this era of Energy basses the Energy was the headless one and the energy matrix was the headed one
  18. Some are some aren't, the Steve Harris P is awesome, the flea bass is a bass that fleas company builds I think, as opposed to a sig model. My Lakland Bob Glaub is a particularly good one in my opinion.
  19. Depending on the age of the strings I'd replace them all, if they're well played then the tone of the new one will be different.
  20. What's it's origin? How old etc?
  21. Hofner club bass, gibson grabber.
  22. I'm salivating at the thought of that bass with that pickup, if my Lakland wasn't packing a lindy fralin I'd snap that up.
  23. So what's the difference between this and a normal 4003? Dot inlays, no binding and no stereo?
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