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Everything posted by cocco

  1. I've upgraded or quickly sold every fender I've ever owned.
  2. Lovely bit of 'ray there!
  3. That's everything that's cool about the 80s in bass form.
  4. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1366741164' post='2056724'] Ah c'mon - it's got a great jib, nicely cut! [/quote] It certainly is!
  5. [quote name='Donnyboy' timestamp='1366736299' post='2056647'] That's a quick turnaround is it not? It's really growing on me too - quick call a doctor!!!!! [/quote] It is rather. I think I feel either a black or a natural one coming on. Just need to play one first, I'd love to a/b it against a les Paul bass and my Bob Glaub though. I've had gibson GAS ever since I sold my dear old grabber. That had a great sound but it was just a little too un reliable tuning wise.
  6. Anyone know anywhere with a good stock of Gibsons? Close to Cardiff?
  7. The more I look at it the more I like it!
  8. Sounds like its right up my street, just not sure i like the cut of its jib :/
  9. Just watched the YouTube videos and I fail to see the point to be honest. What's it for?
  10. Certainly looks like one, could be a model one though?
  11. You might be over thinking. Grin and bare it for a month and see how you feel. If you're still not happy try a jazz neck, or get the neck modded so its more a U shape than a C.
  12. You're definitely comparing opposite ends of the P-bass spectrum, have a look at some of the passive fender clones out there too (Lakland for instance). Might be a good compromise, if you just want a precision to be a precision, if you want more versatility I don't think you'll get much better than the xotic.
  13. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1366070512' post='2048113'] Ooh, you're comparing apples and cats, there. The Xotic 4 has the option of passive/active modes and is a modern bass which offers both vintage and modern tones. But it won't have the mid-70s P-bass mojo, no way! It depends what you're after. I had a 76P for 38 years, and it was bloody great. Latterly I've played various Dingwall P-type basses, and they're great, too. I haven't played a Xotic but I imagine it will be closer to a modern Dingwall than a 70s P. A 70s P would be perfect if you want a 70s P sound and want to buy into the current 'cool' retro vibe. I'm guessing the Xotic will be able to do a reasonable imitation of a 70s P in passive mode, but will accommodate you in many other ways too, be more reliable, better built, with better electrics and be much more versatile. You pays your money and you takes your choice! [/quote] Fixed it pretty much this.
  14. [quote name='Bloodaxe' timestamp='1366022329' post='2047299'] That's a big fist Sounds like it's developed a touch of back-bow, so a tad of loosening ought to do the trick to give the neck a touch of relief. About 1/8 of a turn anti-clockwise, repeat if needed after a day or so. Probably weather-related. P. [/quote] Happy now? Thanks for the advice. She's back to normal now
  15. It's only buzzing on the first 6 frets.
  16. My Bob Glaub has all of a sudden got some fret buzz going on, which way do a tweak it to solve the problem? Or should I raise the action?
  17. Id vote for a fender clone, Yamaha BB, Lakland Duck Dunn or Bob Glaub (depending on your neck preference) G&L SB-2. There's a good list of em, most can be had cheaply enough too!
  18. Yup, I want it. I definitely want it. I'd be all over trading the pickup out for a TV Jones Thundertron though.
  19. Having watched the video I think I'm in love, does it seem a little thin to anyone else though?
  20. What I meant was BB2024 inspired yamaha GAS
  21. I like it too, wouldn't buy it blind though.
  22. Good god that's a 4 pinter.
  23. If I can find somewhere to play one I'm gonna seriously consider a 500, based on how good it is passive, I doubt I'll use the preamp but it will be handy to have. Maybe that will cure my in achievable BB2024 GAS.
  24. Do we know anything about prices? This is an exciting bass. Yamaha really do have all areas covered!
  25. cocco


    Gorgeous. I still have BB GAS.
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