[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1366070512' post='2048113']
Ooh, you're comparing apples and cats, there. The Xotic 4 has the option of passive/active modes and is a modern bass which offers both vintage and modern tones. But it won't have the mid-70s P-bass mojo, no way! It depends what you're after.
I had a 76P for 38 years, and it was bloody great. Latterly I've played various Dingwall P-type basses, and they're great, too. I haven't played a Xotic but I imagine it will be closer to a modern Dingwall than a 70s P.
A 70s P would be perfect if you want a 70s P sound and want to buy into the current 'cool' retro vibe. I'm guessing the Xotic will be able to do a reasonable imitation of a 70s P in passive mode, but will accommodate you in many other ways too, be more reliable, better built, with better electrics and be much more versatile. You pays your money and you takes your choice!
Fixed it pretty much this.