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Everything posted by cocco

  1. Looks a bit like an ibanez blazer or roadstar.
  2. I want that P!
  3. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Blocks have no place on a precision, or a tele, or a strat or anything apart from a jazz bass, jazz master or jaguar. Apart from gibsons.
  4. I'd love to see pics
  5. Well done that man! I'd love an 80s BB
  6. [quote name='CBbass' timestamp='1337194571' post='1657046'] [url="http://www.offsetguitars.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=47291"]http://www.offsetguitars.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=47291[/url] [/quote] Well after reading that I'd never buy a new one.
  7. I think I'm in love.
  8. cocco


    I had a CAR one of these, it was amazing!
  9. Why do I never have any cash?!
  10. [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1336662763' post='1649139'] Yup. It's a special edition, apparently, though I don't know what's so special about it. The switch is in a different place, it has the Floyd trem and the headstock is the Shrimp fork shape. Plays nice though. I'm hoping to change the pick-ups at some point, preferably for some chrome ones to match the rest of the hardware, I had to change the knobs to chrome from the original gold speed knobs, which just didn't look right. The original pick-ups are really dull sounding, so I wouldn't be doing it just for aesthetics. [/quote] Sweet! I know it's not a bass but it's still cool. I'd love a hard tail black beauty looking one but with tidy pickups.
  11. Dean cadillac?!
  12. I have a 50s P, it's amazing to be honest. Love the neck!
  13. If I was going to buy a warwick it would be a thumb 4 BO
  14. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1336600603' post='1648396'] Nothing other than I find them boring looking. It seems to me that the musicians who use them revel in the description "workmanlike". I prefer my pop/rock stars to be rather more fabulous. [/quote] Fair enough. I like the mockingbird esque lower horn on this one though. And I love joe strummer so for me teles are pretty cool!
  15. What's wrong with a Tele?
  16. I toured with a band whos bass player had one of these. It was awesome! I borrowed it to record on and the tone was killer (pun intended) http://www.zeal-guitars.de/EN/?page_id=580 check it out. BRX might be into it too.
  17. I'd love a mockingbird
  18. T-40? You could get 10 for that money too!
  19. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1336551497' post='1647215'] Then unless it turns out to be wrong for you I'd suggest [url=http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/T4_Red.html]this T-Bass[/url]. [/quote] That's gorgeous
  20. Swapped my 51 for sams 50s p. Top dude couldnt have been easier.
  21. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1336516186' post='1647001'] got there first [/quote] Great minds
  22. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1336514933' post='1646953'] There's a decent selection of 4-string Warwicks in your price range. They do a nice line in understated natural finishes rather than coffee-table tops. [/quote] While this is true I'd never buy a new Warwick given the re sale value.
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