Thats the one, having played it it is indeed US according to the neck plate which reads San Dimas California (although I thought these were fender built?). It's a nice bass and were it not for the price tag I'd tear their arms off. The tone and build quality/feel is to die for!
I'd like to get my hands on a passive fury should one ever come up, there's another one I fancy the look of too, patriot maybe?. I have two T-40s that I'm completely besotted with and would like to know if them building it was more luck than judgement or not.
Sorry bro, my T-40s aren't going anywhere fast, I'm literally planning on being buried with them at this point in time If it could grow a moustache, it would have handle bars.
Having recently bought an 80s Ibanez I can vouch for the quality and playability. Oh and the spades of TONE! I'm not much of an active player but the passives are great!